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Posts posted by talula_fairie

  1. Could it be? A rose scent that I love?!?! Before this, the only thing I ever liked was Gypsy Queen and that's impossible to snag these days.


    It appears that Rose + Resins/Incense is my friend. I am really loving this. It's a sweet, incense-y, resin-y, dark floral. Another one for my bottle list. :wub2:

  2. I don't get lemon or aquatic from this. It smells like peach to me. It almost reminds me of something you'd put in a shower gel or bubble bath. It's not bad, though. Very sweet and light. I wouldn't buy a bottle of this but I will enjoy my decant. I think I'll like it a bit more in spring than autumn, though.

  3. This smells like O with herbs and a light floral note. It's a hard one to describe. Very strong on the honey, which I love. Must have a bottle!!!


    ETA: I am fairly certain there is not rose in it as a previous reviewer suspected. I can smell rose a mile away, and my skin amps it to high heaven. If it was in this blend, I would know, and likely be whining about it. But, anything's possible...

  4. I couldn't figure out how this scent related to Greed until I read the reviews. I smell the patchouli, which always makes me think "hippie" (in a GOOD way, I love the smell and I'm a hippie chick myself). It DOES smell a little bit like actual dollar bills. I never would have made that connection otherwise.


    I wasn't sure when I sniffed the imp if this would work for me, but because all the notes are usually surefire winners on my skin, I tried it out. I'm so glad I did. It's a dark, resin-y blend with an edge of golden sweetness, just like it was described. Something about it is very comforting to me. I love it.

  5. There were a few scents I bought unsniffed when the Halloween update went live, and this was the one that I was the most sure would work. I was totally right. I'm happy to report it's even better than I thought it would be.


    It smells exactly as described, like creamy, sugary candy with a slight hint of linen. Like if Sticky Pillowcase didn't have the fruit note.


    My husband's verdit: "It smells like vanilla frosting." Totally. In an amazing, wearable way. Love this one! :wub2:

  6. I normally can't stand aquatics, but I took a risk with this one because I am so in love with BPAL's leaves note.


    This smells exactly as I hoped it would, like a wetter, greener, leafier version of The Death of Autumn. Definite love. I agree with the above review that it would smell fantastic on a man or woman.


    I've spent Halloween in San Francisco before, and this scent is perfect.

  7. My nose is still sniffly from a cold, so I may have to edit this later.


    In the bottle, I smelled chocolate, honey, and a bit of spices.


    Wet on my skin, the chocolate disappeared pretty fast and the champaca flower became stronger. The scent develops a sweet, incense-y quality to it.


    Then it dried and smelled amazing. The honey, bergamot and spices came out to play with the rest of the notes rounding it out perfectly. It's a warm and lovely scent. Very complex.


    The more I wear this one, the more I love it.

  8. This should work on me (ALL my favorite notes) and I'm VERY perplexed as to why it doesn't. It smells like toilet bowl cleaner. It's like Blood Kiss...total mystery as to what went wrong. Huh.

  9. Well I love patchouli, and this is a nice version of it. The apricot (that I can barely smell) just adds in a little touch of sweetness and cuts the dry, earth smell of the patchouli. Great scent to wear for when I'm in my hippie dippie moods.

  10. #33


    I can't really identify frankincense at all here. This smells like a really creamy, complex floral. There is *almost* a hairspray note to it, but that seems to be calming down as it dries and is really only apparent when I huff my wrists directly. Overall it's actually quite nice, it almost reminds me of Gypsy Queen.

  11. I agree with the first review: flowerly pine sol. In fact my first reaction was "toilet bowl cleaner."


    Not sure if it's the apricot or the jasmine or what. Hated this one. Clearly it's my skin chemistry since it smells fine in the imp and many like it a lot.

  12. This smells exactly like a New Age store, and I mean that in a GOOD way. It's definitely aromatherapy, and I absolutely love it.


    I actually find it calming as well as energizing, if that makes any sense. This is the first BPAL orange I've ever liked that didn't scream "toilet bowl cleaner" to me.


    It's going on my bottle list, for sure.

  13. I'm reasonably sure I'm posting this in the right section, as this was a frimp from an ebay auction and is only labeled "Blue Phoenix Prototype."


    At first, it's sweet blueberries and cream. Like a creamy blueberry tart. Foodie, but not in an unwearable way. As it dries, the blueberry backs off a bit and the sweet, creamy vanilla scent gets stronger. Luckily for me, my skin loves BPAL foodie and vanilla scents, they never ever turn plastic on me.


    It's really very lovely and I'm sad I only have a testable sniffie. Will be saving this for special occasions.


    ETA: This reminds me a lot of the LUSH bubble bar called "The Comforter."

  14. In the imp, I smelled the dirt and rose geranium. I actually rather like geranium, and although I'm not a fan of rose I've had it work once or twice in a blend. Based on the reviews, I really had hope for this one.


    But skin chemistry be dammed. As virtually every floral blend with rose does, it went straight to rose soap. I didn't smell any other note. I will say that I hated it less than I did other rose blends such as 2,5&7 or Whip, but this doesn't work for me at all.

  15. In the bottle, I smelled something sweet but yet slightly mysterious, and was intrigued.


    Upon putting it on my skin, I was hit with a strong coconut scent -not suntan lotion, as others have said, but that gorgeous, dark BPAL coconut- with a sweet floral undertone. It almost gave me a headache at first, it was a little intense. But as soon as it dried, I was left with a luxurious, dynamic scent. Black Pearl is right.


    I agree with the other reviews, the perfect scent for summer. I can see wearing this with a gorgeous sundress, long earrings and high heels.

  16. I was hopeful about this blend, because it has some of my favorite notes (sandalwood, amber, musk, velvitier). But honestly, all I smell is soapy florals in the imp and on my skin. As it dries, it reminds me of toilet bowl cleaner. I think it's the violet, which is a death note for me. *sigh* Of to the swaps pile with this one.

  17. OH MY GOD :thud:


    I had no idea I was going to like this scent, and certainly not nearly this much. It's patchouli and leather and spices and a autumn leaves with spiced apple cider. I couldn't imagine a scent that more perfectly captures autumn, and it's really, really yummy. :wub2:


    2008 version.


    ETA: My only complaint is that once dry on skin, it smells a little tiny bit potpurri-ish. I'm not sure how I feel about it as a perfume so I may have to retest, but I really do love that leather and patchouli notes...and it is a perfect capture of autumn in a scent...

  18. At first, this smelled exactly like Now or Laters to me. Berry berry berry and more sugary berry. As it dried a bit, I detected something else beneath, something that made it more adult and sophisticated. This is not a regular sort of scent for me, but definitely something I'd wear for fun. Very nice.


    ETA: Very strong throw.

  19. Dark amber, dead leaves, khus, saffron, bitter clove, chrysanthemum, camellia, galangal, and a drop of oud.

    Starts off as dead leaves mixed with a dark floral. As it dries, the amber comes out and it becomes a soft, smoky scent. Yum. :wub2:

    ETA: Just have to say, the more I wear this, the more I love it. It is so evocative of autumn leaves that I am plauged with memories of playing in ivy as a little girl, and chasing my own kids through it as an adult.

    And then, the drydown is sexy and smoky and dark, which is everything I look for in a perfume. It's wearable...it's just ME. Another instant favorite. 5/5