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Posts posted by LiberAmoris

  1. Wander Darkling in the Eternal Space is so interesting. Wet, it smells like peanut butter, jelly, powder, and vetiver. :blink: Then it starts to shift and the vanilla, myrrh, and patch take a front seat, with the ambrette and rose petals pouring in between the cracks. It remains a vintage-reminiscent scent on me, with the vetiver retaining an edge that's nearly animalic. I like it, it's almost like a surprise gourmand. It's already smoothed out with some aging, and I anticipate that it will get even better with more time.

  2. The Bindle is jasmine incense on me, with smoke and spice complicating but not overwhelming. Agree that this is jasmine-forward, especially in the wet and early drydown stages. Definitely for jasmine lovers, of which I am one. Reminds me more of Peitho than anything else, and Peitho is wonderful so that's a true compliment.

  3. Narr is sweet almond buttercream with honey and milk, skewing very sweet and foody on my skin. The fig note helps cut it a bit, but it's dessert from the wet stage to drydown. Delicious stuff, but something I'd need to be in the right mood for, as it makes me hungry!

  4. Definitely reminiscent of Rose Jam! Pink Fuzzy Handcuffs is one fun scent: sweet pink rose and vanilla, with a decided candy finish. Even with the slight cotton candy edge, I find it very wearable, not too sweet. So glad I picked this up.

  5. Woman Dragging Her Aroused Lover Across a Bridge is rosewood-heavy on me, with oak, ambrette, and hinoki trailing. The amber and smoky vanilla husk sort of flow in around everything else, making this well-blended and without visible seams. It's a very light and sultry wood blend, and it's genuinely surprising how soft and suggestive this is given the notes. On the drydown, it goes a bit caramel, like whipped caramel woods with a hint of something herbal. Really nice.

  6. When your nerves are shot, you're furious, and you cannot find a way to control and channel your anger, focus it all on the Wrath Bag. Once the bag has absorbed all of your negativity, throw it away. Aids in releasing resentment, banishing rage, and helps you to forgive those who have crossed you.


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  7. Aids in the interpretation and understanding of tarot archetypes, and assists you in banishing personal biases in order to enable you to give clear, concise readings.


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  8. Use as a focus point prior to participating in a sports activity to raise energy levels, increase confidence, and hone your strength. Can be placed in your locker or gear bag.


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  9. A boost to workings that protect marginalized, vulnerable people: angelica essential oil and angelica root from the TAL garden, frankincense essential oil and tears, galbanum essential oil, geranium bourbon essential oil, flax seed, and grains of paradise.


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  10. A blend of Jupiterian oils for expansiveness, wise counsel, and command, a few Martial oils for courage and strength, and Mercury oils for clear communication, all enflamed by Solar oils for self-confidence, purpose, and will. This complex blend includes clary sage, hyssop Co2 extract, oakmoss, white cedar, black pepper, tobacco absolute, master of the woods, master root, musk seed, Roman chamomile, lemongrass, terebinth, pine pitch, and bay leaf.


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  11. An oil to sharpen your wit, clear away confusion, inspire eloquence, and sharpen rhetoric.

    Italian bergamot, steam-distilled organic peppermint oil and peppermint from the TAL garden, star anise essential oil, lavender buds from the TAL garden, and steam-distilled styrax essential oil.

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  12. Steam-distilled ginger root essential oil, dragons blood oleoresin, frankincense (Carterii) essential oil , juniper berry essential oil and berries, Ceylon cinnamon C02 extract, blood orange essential oil, dried orange peel, and dried ginger root from the TAL garden.


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  13. This is my go-to when I need to step back and get some perspective and get my shit together. The components include French clary sage, angelica essential oil, angelica root CO2 extract, and CO2 extract of elder flower.


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