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Everything posted by LiberAmoris

  1. LiberAmoris

    Visions of Autumn IV

    Wow, verbena! Visions of Autumn IV is really strong on the verbena and orange blossom, with the myrrh giving resiny depth. The champaca flower I catch from time to time—like flowery incense. It's a pretty fall floral, but it might be a little too much verbena for me. If you're a verbena fan, try this!
  2. LiberAmoris

    Visions of Autumn III

    Patchouli honey! Visions of Autumn III is a honey-forward, light patchouli blend on me. I get very little vanilla and almost no cinnamon here—they're really subtle. On the drydown, it becomes a honeyed skin scent with just a hint of patch. I like it on its own, but it's also pretty spectacular layered with Snake Oil.
  3. LiberAmoris

    Visions of Autumn II

    Rose geranium is definitely prominent in Visions of Autumn II, but I really enjoy it—it smells like dry rose and a light touch of something green and nearly bitter, like latex sap, to my nose. The other notes are supporting players, but they add a lot in subtle ways. The leather and balsam give it a woodsy base, and the patchouli is so light that I can barely smell it at all but seems to fill in any gaps for a smoother drydown. The violet leaf comes and goes like a shard of something sweet and green and almost camphorous. Overall, this wears like one of those days in autumn where flowers are still blooming, but not for long.
  4. LiberAmoris

    Visions of Autumn I

    I bought Visions of Autumn I for my husband, but wanted to test on myself before I turned it over. The cedar and bay are strong on me, with the pepper, amber, and oudh close behind. On the drydown, this is like a complex bay leaf—a little sweet, a little peppery, and a lot woodsy. I would definitely recommend this to those who love bay leaf and cedar. The amber is really fascinating here...it comes through sporadically like sunlight on a fall day, giving the other notes a slightly faded gilded quality.
  5. LiberAmoris

    Autumn - Overlooked My Knitting

    I cannot resist an em dash (or Em Dickinson) so Autumn — Overlooked my Knitting was an automatic add to my Halloweenie order. I wasn't sure it would be a keeper, as I don't normally love the leafy notes. But I do love ambergris accord, so I held out hope. In the bottle and freshly applied, that leafy note is almost too much for me—it's a little sharp. But after just a few minutes, this goes from a bit bitter to pretty pretty. The ambergris and soft wool feel very grey and soft, with bright reds coming through in the currant and fall leaves. Once fully dry, this is like an autumnal, terra firma take on Lyonesse. Definitely keeping my bottle, and can't wait to pair this with a cozy wool sweater.
  6. LiberAmoris

    Pumpkin Spice Everything Hair Gloss

    If loving Pumpkin Spice hair gloss makes me a basic bitch, I'm ok with that. This is just like the perfume oil; freshly-ground pumpkin pie spice with just a hint of pumpkin. It blends well with a lot of the Halloweenie scents I've been wearing, and lasts so long that I can smell it the next morning. I recently wore the hair gloss and perfume together to work and felt like I was walking around in an autumnal cloud all day. At times it smells almost like pumpkin pie chai! Definitely a keeper, and one that I feel certain I'll pull out in September/October next year, when I'm pining for fall scents.
  7. LiberAmoris

    Pumpkin Spice Everything

    I do get pumpkin in Pumpkin Spice Everything, but just the tiniest bit. It's possible that I'm imagining it due to the scent association with the spices. Definitely pumpkin pie spice, but more wearable than that would suggest—on me, it smells more like chai after an hour or so than anything else. As Atrous says above, it's great for layering. Any blend that needs a fall kick could benefit from a bit o' Pumpkin Spice Everything. Pumpkin Spice all the things!
  8. LiberAmoris

    Pumpkin IV (2014)

    Resiny, honeyed pumpkin! Like the other pumpkins from this year, the pumpkin is very well balanced here. The honey is the most prominent note on me, followed by the champaca, and then pumpkin. Oudh and frankincense add depth, warmth, and more sweetness. After it settles down, it smells like honey made from pumpkin-loving bees, with a waft of incense. Very pretty, and another blend that will be fun to wear until it's time to start wearing Yules.
  9. LiberAmoris

    Pumpkin I (2014)

    Pumpkin chai! Pumpkin I is another foody delight from this year's Halloweenies. I love the pumpkin here, restrained and subtle, taking a backseat to the spice. Definitely feels like the same pumpkin 'family' as PSE, but creamier and ginger-ier. The cream and ginger combo make this super comforting, like Sudha Segara drinking tea in the pumpkin patch.
  10. LiberAmoris

    Chrysanthemum Tea Atmosphere Spray

    Chrysanthemum Tea atmo is so pretty! I love BPAL's black tea note, and I love chrysanthemum, so this hopped right into my cart. I don't get anything leafy here, just honey-sweetened black tea with mums and something pleasantly bitter tempering the sweetness—maybe that's the bark note? There's something somber and bittersweet about this that makes it perfect for this time of year. It's also on the lighter side of the atmos I've tried...it's delicate, and would be perfect for those days (or places) where I don't want a strong scent.
  11. LiberAmoris

    Pumpkin III (2014)

    Pumpkin III does smell a little like pumpkiny Fig Newtons! It also reminds me of The Demon in My View scent Alone, just ever so slightly, if it took a roll in a pumpkin patch. Fig and benzoin are front and center on me, with vanilla, copal, and cedar trailing. The pumpkin is nicely balanced. There's spice in here too, somehow, making it even more delicious. After about ten minutes, this is a sweet spiced fig and pumpkin blend on me—surprisingly foody and totally delicious.
  12. LiberAmoris

    Pumpkin S'mores Atmosphere Spray

    I pulled out my bottle of Pumpkin S'mores atmo spray again once we hit October, and have been dusting my apartment a few times a week with it. I can only use this spray if I'm not hungry, because otherwise I get a serious craving for dessert—that's how realistic the smell is! It's a heavy hit of graham cracker and caramelized sugars, followed by melty chocolate and a hint of smoke and pumpkin. Definitely not pumpkin-forward to my nose, which is actually perfect. It makes my apartment smell like I've been baking something delicious. If the bath oil released this year is similar, I think there will be a lot of happy campers (and let's face it, happy campers are sort of s'mores' target demo!).
  13. LiberAmoris

    The Shining Dimple of Love Bath Oil

    I'm finishing up my (second) bottle of The Shining Dimple of Love...this is maybe my favorite bath oil the Post has released (right up there with Bloodbath and Selbstverliebt). I use bath oils as after-shower rmoisturizers, which makes them really linger and last on my skin. Even though Shining Dimple is on the subtle side, when I apply this in the morning I can still smell the tea and vanilla at the end of the day. It's almost a straight split of vanilla and black tea on me, with the orchid adding something light and seductive. It layers beautifully with Furo, but sometimes I avoid all other scents so I don't drown out its soft, fuzzy, almost feathery goodness.
  14. LiberAmoris

    Pumpkin Princess

    I love Pumpkin Princess at this time of year. On me, it's like an end-of-summer fall blend, perfect for when it's definitely fall but still in the 70s and not jacket weather. I get vanilla and amber and pumpkin, with honey/meringue sweetness and something tropical...maybe that's the tiare and guava? Whatever it is, it's like a pumpkin on vacation. Definitely the least somber pumpkin scent I have in my collection, and every year I pull it out and am so grateful to have an airy, lighthearted, sweet pumpkin perfume. IT'S SO FLUFFY!
  15. LiberAmoris

    The Rose

    Sometimes I get so caught up with BPAL LEs that I forget about the GC beauties that I have. The Rose is one of those beauties. This is a red, red rose—just one, perfect, unspotted red rose. It smells sun-warmed and at the peak of its flowering. It's very similar to the rose in Rose Red, but The Rose is a summer rose while Rose Red is a winter rose. Beauty & The Beast is one of my favorite fairytales—my parents used to read me a children's version of the tale by Marissa Mayer and Mercer Mayer that had the most exquisite illustrations, and I was hooked. Many of the pages were studded with ne'er dimming red roses: entwined in the margins, spilling over in a vase, woven through a hedge. The Rose does justice to those storied roses, and that's saying a lot.
  16. LiberAmoris

    Winter Maiden Bath Oil

    I'm still using up my bottle of Winter Maiden from last year's Yule update, and happily so. Yesterday was really warm (in the 90s) and the apartment is still a bit stuffy, so I wanted something cooling today as an after-bath moisturizer. Winter Maiden was the perfect choice...those snow-laden woods are subtle, but they're really effective at conveying still, quiet snow and it feels like the temperature of my skin drops in response. The blackberry and bergamot are ice-rimmed and lovely, as is the chilly white rose. The amber at the bottom gives a bit of warmth that provides some nice tension and real staying power on my skin. This is definitely an Ice Queen scent.
  17. LiberAmoris

    Die Sundë, Vom Tod Verfolgt

    I'm breaking out some of the deeper scents because it's finally September! Die Sundë, Vom Tod Verfolgt is definitely reminiscent of Snake Charmer on me, like an orchid-y, musky SC. There's something about the scent that's unsettling and strange, and perfect for the inspiration. The tobacco honey, frankincense, and white amber all take a backseat to the blood musk, orchid, and fig leaf on me—and the result is a heady, 'perfumey' skin scent that skews floral and musk, but has complex underpinnings. I've worn this a few times, and it does dry down to 'sexy dryer sheets' on me as well, like something clean run through something dirty. I don't mind.
  18. LiberAmoris

    Scrappy Damsel

    Scrappy Damsel was another standout for me from the Naughty or Nice Fairy tale Inquisition. The orange blossom is so restrained in this blend it's almost tough to pick out, and on my skin it's more like a white musk/honey/cedar skin scent with just light touches of warm saffron and amber, shimmering orange blossom, and that gorgeous yellow sandalwood. It's subtly blended, and I find this is one I feel very comfortable wearing to work—and do often, with Hair Loosened and Soiled in Mid Orgies hair gloss. I have about half a bottle left, and will be sad when it's gone—it's innocent, plucky, and very pretty.
  19. LiberAmoris

    Vain Sorceress

    Mad with power, madly in love, or just mad: a dark, spellbinding, seductively narcissistic mix of tuberose, blackened vanilla musk, caraway, white gardenia, red amber, black velvet accord, and jasmine sambac. I meant to review Vain Sorceress last year, but didn't get around to it. But I should have—it's gorgeous. Definitely one of my favorites from 2013. The blackened vanilla musk and black velvet accord alone...! Tuberose, gardenia, and jasmine sambac can go either way on me, but here they're so pretty. The red amber warms everything up and the caraway adds a very slight anise note that's more herbaceous than licorice-y to my nose. It's definitely powerful (and I don't mean the throw), so there can be no sitting in the corner when you're wearing this one. This is a big personality in a bottle.
  20. LiberAmoris

    Wicked Matriarch

    Wicked Matriarch is all reds, oranges, and purples on me. The magnolia and purple musk are the strongest notes, with roses and mimosa just behind. The mimosa here reminds me a bit of a natural toothpaste I used to use, and it's throwing off my experience because it reminds me of brushing my teeth! But it's a very regal and mature scent, and the red rose note is beautiful here. After about an hour, it's mostly purpley musk with patch and florals in the background. It does seem like something the Red Queen or Evil Queen would wear, and wear well.
  21. LiberAmoris

    Bloodbath Bath Oil

    I recently finished up my bottle of Bloodbath and was so sad—I wished I'd bought a backup! I love both Blood Rose and Smut, and Bloodbath seemed in the same family—warm, red, resiny, musky goodness. I applied some after a shower one day and went into work, and one of my colleagues was roving the halls trying to find the source of the scent she said was 'intoxicating'. Indeed, it was. I hope this gets brought back at some point, because I'll be sure to buy a little extra. Count me in as another person who would love this as perfume! ETA: I got a second bottle from Etsy and am so delighted...I will absolutely be rationing this to make sure it lasts. I hope it comes back as a perfume someday!
  22. LiberAmoris


    Last year I got both Sylvia and Callidora in a wenchy splurge. Callidora is dark and dangerous, a true nighttime perfume. Sylvia is fuzzy and sweet, perfect for wearing during the day with snuggly sweaters. I don't get as much pine as others have mentioned—it's there, but is definitely in the background, especially after the first few minutes. On me, Sylvia is mostly brown musk and carnation with clove and vanilla. I have two dogs who bring me a lot of comfort and happiness, and the smell reminds me a bit of their fur after a morning spent playing outside in the fall. It's like the ultimate comfort scent for me.
  23. LiberAmoris


    Callidora is one of those blends that I save for nights out. It's nocturnal and dangerous and unabashed. Out of the bottle, it's really dark with cacao, like Boomslang, and similarly strong. The tobacco, myrrh, and patchouli are most prominent on me, with blood musk adding a pulse of something lighter and tangy (which is all but subsumed by the darker notes). It's almost like Smut and Boomslang had a chain-smoking baby! Or like a strobe light at a club cutting through cigarette smoke, humidity, and the haze made by a fog machine. Dry, it's an almost dusty tobacco with just a shot of cacao/patch. When paired with Silkybat hair gloss, they're a going-out dream team.
  24. Use this spray in conjunction with money draw, prosperity, and attraction workings to bring a steady blossoming of prosperity, growth, and financial solvency to your business. Spray in your place of business before and after work hours, and prior to business prosperity rituals. This post is merely a placeholder for future reviews. Whoever is first to review, please report this post using the report button below, so a mod can merge it with yours. Thanks!
  25. Use 13 Horizons in conjunction with 13 Crossroads oil to open up opportunities, break through blockages, and overcome obstacles, and, in the process, replenish hope. This post is merely a placeholder for future reviews. Whoever is first to review, please report this post using the report button below, so a mod can merge it with yours. Thanks!