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Everything posted by LiberAmoris

  1. LiberAmoris

    Chanukkiyah Nail Polish

    Ma’oz tzur yeshu’asi Lecha na’eh leshabe’ach Tikone bais tefilasi Ve’sham todah nezabe’ach Le’es Tachin Mabe’ach Mitzar ham’nabe’ach Az egmor beshir mizmor Chanukas hamizbe’ach. Deep blue microshimmer. This post is merely a placeholder for future reviews. Whoever is first to review, please report this post using the report button below, so a mod can merge it with yours. Thanks!
  2. LiberAmoris

    Pumpkin Cheesecake Bath Oil (2015)

    Because the goblins have been fighting over the perfume. Delicious! This is a cake-lovers delight. I can smell pumpkin cheesecake, and I can also smell carrot cake or pumpkin spice cake with cream cheese frosting. No matter how you slice this cake, it's so good. The cream note is more pronounced on me in the Pumpkin Cheesecake Cupcake perfume oil than it is here in the Pumpkin Cheesecake bath oil—here I get more cakey notes. So much fun and would layer beautifully with Pumpkin Spice Everything hair gloss and The Witches perfume oil or Pumpkin Cheesecake Cupcake perfume oil.
  3. LiberAmoris

    Chocolate Pumpkin Bath Oil

    Belgian chocolate filled with pumpkin butter. Chocolate. Pumpkin. The chocolate here smells fine and almost dusty (in a good way), like powdered cocoa. The pumpkin is subtler than I thought it might be, adding some richness and texture and depth. The result smells something like a super complex and fancy hot cocoa. When I was testing this the other day, my husband told me I smelled like Mayan chocolate, and I can see how it comes across that way. This is a lovely chocolatey bath oil and might just distract me slightly from my lifelong dream of the Post releasing a Bliss hair gloss.
  4. LiberAmoris


    The honey and cubeb in Liebeszauber really do invite comparisons to Crib Girls. It's like if Crib Girls were dipped in roses and carnations and red clover, with a drop of blood and sweet cream. It's as if a teaser from the Lupercalia update fell into the Halloweenie update, and I love it. The drop of blood does give this one subtle fangs...there's an edge here that's warm and metallic and very subtle. The cubeb berry note is a bit tart, piney, and camphorous, but it's a great foil for the honey. Definitely keeping this one, and I expect it to age nicely as well.
  5. LiberAmoris

    Yucca Giant-Skipper

    Yucca Giant-Skipper is probably my favorite butterfly. It's a bit surprising, because it's so woods-forward and that's not normally my #1 jam, but the white patchouli, champaca, and vanilla absolute are total magic with the oudh, balsam, and pepperwood. It's like a split of wood in heaven. I agree that this has the same vibe as Ask the Nearest Hippie or Revenant Rhythm, although it's its own tender beast. It's also ridiculously relaxing...I tend to pull this out when I need my blood pressure to go down a few clicks. I think it would make an amazing meditation or sleep blend.
  6. LiberAmoris

    Dead Leaves, White Musk & Vanilla Hair Gloss

    I gave Dead Leaves, White Musk & Vanilla hair gloss a shot, even though the dead leaves note has historically amped on me and been a bit overwhelming. I get a strong blast of dead leaves on first application, but it falls back pretty quickly, and is softened by the white musk and vanilla which together remind me a bit of the linen note. It's very clean without being ozone-y, and the balance is just right on me for a very wearable dead leaves scent. I can see myself reaching for this one on a crisp autumn day (like today).
  7. LiberAmoris

    Muddy Puddles

    Yum! Muddy Puddles does smell like hot cocoa with marshmallows! It's dead on, and so much fun to wear. Definitely a comforting scent, and one that will be perfect for snuggly winter Sundays. I'm so glad I impulse-added this to my last order!
  8. LiberAmoris

    The Golden Hour Atmosphere Spray

    Ooof, The Golden Hour is gorgeous. I'm getting vanilla, amber, maybe a verrrry light linen note, and a drop of something darker/resiny. It's very emblematic of golden light and has a purity about it that's really appealing. For those who loved The British Blondes (one of my favorite atmos ever!), this feels related—similar ambered, golden light, and a sense of wealth and largesse.
  9. LiberAmoris

    Lucille's Room Atmosphere Spray

    Lucille's Room is a darkish floral, full of blues and purples, but it's not heavy. The oakmoss, lilac, and amber lead, with the violet leaf and lily of the valley right behind them...like a perfumed skirt trail going up a slightly dusty staircase. I gave the curtains in my office a gentle spritz, and now the whole room smells like soft florals, dark amber, and that bottom note of oakmoss, which gives it an old-world, slightly ominous feel. A great capture of faded decadence—aristocracy held onto by tooth and nail, and something fragile pinned.
  10. LiberAmoris

    Samhain Atmosphere Spray

    I love Samhain, but I've been savoring my 10ml bottle of perfume since 2004...I find that I want to wear it just a few times each year, and then I cellar it again for the following autumn. The atmo is genius because this is everything I love about Samhain, but I can spritz a room and smell it everywhere without wearing it directly. This smells like fall to me—damp woods. fir, dark patch, and then all the spices of the season, plus pumpkin and apple. It's like a roundup of everything good at this time of year. I'm so glad I have a bottle, and will be using it regularly until first frost.
  11. LiberAmoris

    Candiru Cove Frisbee Tournament Atmosphere Spray

    Mmmm, Candiru Cove Frisbee Tournament is really nice. This smells fuzzy, musky, and tropical to me. It has the subtle coconut and clove of Shiny Furball hair gloss and the lovely clove, carnation, and musk of Sylvia, but it takes things in a completely different direction with the lemon peel, vanilla orchid, and verbena. This is a brighter, sunnier Sylvia, like a beam of yoke-yellow light on fur. Like the other Sylvia fragrances, this reminds me of the smell of my dogs in the best way possible. Their fur is sweet and musky and has the tang of something outdoorsy and fresh. This is like an idealized version of that happy, happy smell. But I think if I sprayed this and invited people over, they'd pick up on the verbena and coconut and musk...and just think it smells like a great capture of dusky tropics.
  12. LiberAmoris

    Blood Moon Full Lunar Eclipse

    Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse is lovely and red. The juiciness of the pomegranate works in an interesting way against the dry woods, and this reminds me a bit of of Blood Moon 2005. Here, the red musk and pom create a halo of decadence that's tempered by the black pepper, frank, and myrrh. It's both reverential and sumptuous...a study in contradictions for red musk lovers!
  13. LiberAmoris

    Sandalwood Scents

    Sinus Amoris! It might be tough to find a bottle because it seems to be very popular, but it's fantastic. The only Halloweenie I've tried with sandalwood so far is The Sorceress. It's also great, but the sandalwood isn't too forward on me.
  14. LiberAmoris

    Traveling with BPAL

    I travel with hair gloss decants often. I bought a bunch of 2 oz. amber glass mist sprayers, and use those. They've never leaked, in my carry-on or in a checked bag.
  15. LiberAmoris

    Mystical Aphorisms of the Fortune Cookie

    Wow, fortune cookies and incense... Mystical Aphorisms captures my favorite part of fortune cookies—the smell (because they never taste as good as they smell). The strong almond note burns off really quickly, and I'm left with an almond cookie incense that lasts for hours. So fun!
  16. LiberAmoris

    Mummeries and Straining-to-be-Memorable Passages

    I love Mummeries—my favorite of the Scalias. I swear that this is so well blended that it's tough to actually find the edges of a single note in this. When I look at the list of notes, I can pry them apart in my mind and yes, they're all there. But they are so much more than the sum of their parts. The lavender and bergamot supercollide to cancel out any edges: the lavender goes pert and neon and the bergamot lowers its eyes. The blackberry and rosemary make this smell juicy and timeless and pitches it at the height of summer. The white musk makes that moment last. This is like blackberry musk with a highlight and a lowlight. Relaxing, pretty, and really unique.
  17. LiberAmoris

    The Gourd of Deprivation Hair Gloss

    Hoo boy, everything I loved about my Gourd of Deprivation atmo (which I used up faster than any atmo ever) is now available in a hair gloss. I agree with hammy, it's pretty great to be able to spritz with abandon ON MY HEAD. To me this smells like sweet grasses, dry and almost smoky, and broad sunlight at dusk. There really is something doughnutty in here, and at times this smells like an apple cider doughnut with spices and grasses in the background. It sort of defies description, but it smells wonderful. I will enjoy every drop of this.
  18. LiberAmoris

    Peach IX

    Oh man, Peach IX is the softest peach ever. It's like peach on a pillow! The rose musk and vanilla cream are the strongest notes on me...smelling like rosy whipped cream or a milky rose candy. The peach blossom is a downy running stitch through it all, so demure and pretty. Agree that this would be a good 'gateway BPAL' for those who love commercial scent. I'll enjoy it on days when I need something light and lovely, or add a drop of Snake Oil to dirty it up a bit in the best way possible.
  19. LiberAmoris

    Apple IV

    Apple IV is definitely red apple on my skin—I'm not getting the green apple as others above. The red apple note is tempered with the blackcurrant (counters the sweetness of the apple), and the clove and vanilla bourbon give it a spicy kick. This smells like a creative, upscale mulled apple cider on my skin...the clove really comes through on the drydown and the tartness of the blackcurrant also comes forward. I really like this!
  20. LiberAmoris

    Apple I

    Apple I smells like baked red apple and a bit of sweet oatmeal on me, with a touch of something fresh and outdoorsy (maybe the hay?). The red apple note is so yummy and true, and I love how the other notes soften it. They make it creamy and slightly blurry—taking some of the 'bite' out of the apple. Very pretty.
  21. LiberAmoris

    Single Note: Candied Apple

    Candied Apple is sweet red apple on me, just like its namesake, or like a sweet cup of apple cider. It's really amazing how well this captures a red apple with a red candied coating. Fun and wearable on it's own, or would blend well with something spicy (like Pumpkin Spice Everything) or chocolatey (like Bliss).
  22. LiberAmoris

    On Halloween Atmosphere Spray

    Apple, honey, cake, patchouli and herbs...On Halloween smells like an autumn cornucopia of delicious treats, but the herbs and patchouli keep it from feeling too foody. Instead this smells like scents carried on crisp night air. I've been spritzing my front hallway with this and every time I enter my apartment it smells like apples and mead and fall air.
  23. LiberAmoris

    Licorice Whip Atmosphere Spray

    Licorice Whip is fascinating...I would never have thought that I'd want a room to smell like licorice and leather, but it's oddly compelling. The black licorice note isn't too sweet, and the black leather note is clean and bright. Together, they make a scent that smells dark and gleaming, part edible and part formidable. If this smells like candy, it's candy for the fallen world, for sure. I'll keep spritzing this and enjoying the contradictions!
  24. LiberAmoris

    Zombie Moon Atmosphere Spray

    Zombie Moon atmo is really fun—I get cherry and vanilla and maybe a bit of the blood note and musk. In the air this mostly smells like cherry-vanilla-white musk, which works for me. I find this scent very cheerful and the cherry note is delicious...I think I'll try spraying the inside of my pink winter coat with this, and then wear Bordello.
  25. LiberAmoris

    A Witch Riding on a Dragon

    I love the blackened and scorched notes in A Witch Riding on a Dragon. They're most prominent on me when wet, but are never overwhelming...they just make this blend more atmospheric and it's a great counter to the tonka and dragon's blood. The tonka and dragon's blood are stronger than the patchouli on my skin, and I don't always love the oak note, but here it works really well to ground everything. There is sweetness and soft char and resins in abundance here. I got this for my husband, but am glad I got to try it first.