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Everything posted by LiberAmoris

  1. LiberAmoris

    Cascading Blossoms

    Cascading Blossoms really is like a tropical vacation. The gardenia, frangipani, and plumeria stack up to something that smells like heady, warm, night air and white blossoms. The rose peony and vanilla orchid round out the high notes of those flowers with lower chords that can hold their voice a bit longer. This is absolutely coming with me on my next beach getaway, and I also think it would be fantastic at the height of summer in NYC, paired with a comfy linen dress and cool glass of Sancerre.
  2. LiberAmoris


    Another delicious foody Yule Lad scent! Askasleikir really smells like a slightly powdery, slightly spiced hot cocoa. The cinnamon is really gentle here. There's an undernote that's a bit 'perfumey', almost like amber, that I don't mind at all. On the drydown, this smells like a mix of Gelt and Muddy Puddles.
  3. LiberAmoris


    Giljagaur is really yummy. This is a wintry coconut fragrance, like coconut plus a warm milk and cinnamon beverage that you'd drink to thaw out after being out in the cold. The goat's milk note smells to me like the regular milk note but is more buttery, so this ends up smelling very rich and foody on my skin. Absolutely a comfort scent...delicious and relaxing.
  4. LiberAmoris

    Phallus Parade

    Phallus Parade has that amazing black tea note that I love! Wet, this smells like black tea and cola and leather, with a hint of the black truffle and incensy underpinnings. As it dries, the incense becomes stronger and it starts to smell a bit like an upscale nag champa incense that has a touch of leather, black tea, and truffle. It sounds odd, and it's a bit of an oddball perfume, but in the best way possible—it's a really unique combination of notes, and it somehow works. This is going in my husband's BPAL box (it smells oh so good on him), but I might borrow it every once in a while when I'm in the right mood.
  5. LiberAmoris


    Invitation is such an interesting scent...that juniper, cypress, and yew combo makes the first few minutes of this scent like walking through a grove of evergreens. The white rose and lavender chime in next, but they're hidden a bit under boughs of evergreens. The oudh and vanilla sandalwood pipe up later on the drydown. The lavender and vanilla and woods make this a very relaxing scent, and I'd absolutely wear this as a sleep oil.
  6. LiberAmoris

    Little Fairy Tales of History Bath Oil

    Nectar and honey and maybe a bit of honeysuckle? Little Fairy Tales of History would make a great pairing with Nectar hair gloss or any honey-flower BPAL. This is a light, delicate scent that smells like dewy petals. Smells like spring!
  7. LiberAmoris


    Another ambergris lover here. One of my favorites is Lyonesse...and it's GC!
  8. LiberAmoris

    Sleepytime BPAL

    There's that topic and there's also this existing topic, which I've merged this new thread into. The classic bedtime scent for me (and many other people) is TKO.
  9. LiberAmoris

    Impressions of the Floating World

    Mmmmn, the smoked honey here is really awesome. Impressions of the Floating World is patchouli leaf and benzoin dipped in that smoked honey and the vanilla silk...very smooth and definitely in the patchouli-vanilla category that many of us here love. The vanilla silk almost smells like a vanilla-linen-rice note, which is lovely and adds complexity. I also get a subtle nutty under-note (as called out above) to either the patch or benzoin that adds something I like to the blend. The smokiness is just at the right pitch, adding sophistication.
  10. LiberAmoris

    Joyful Dalliances in the Underworld

    Joyful Dalliances in the Underworld is kind of an amazing progression. Wet, the vetiver, leather, and pepper are really strong. They're honestly too much for me at that stage. But once those start falling back as the fragrance dries, the cherry cognac, brown sugar, and apricot come forward. This stage smells like sweet, brandied cherries and apricots! The foil between dalliance and underworld is pretty great. This is going to be great on my husband like Yule Buddies is...this is going into his BPAL box.
  11. LiberAmoris

    The Head

    I bought the The Head for the tuberose but am loving it for the gardenia and jasmine—this is one tall stack of white florals! If you're ambivalent about gardenia or jasmine (particularly gardenia), this might not be for you. But the execution here is lovely. In order of prominence on my skin when dry, I get: gardenia, tuberose, jasmine, red carnation, oudh, and benzoin. They sort of all bleed together, though, into a bouquet that smells very classic, very heady.
  12. LiberAmoris

    The Bride

    The first word that came to mind when wearing The Bride was pretty. This is just so pretty. It's sheer and delicate on the skin, almost like a floral skin scent. The magnolia is the most prominent note, but there's a dusting of vanilla chiffon and a drizzle of honey that seem to permeate and merge with the magnolia itself. A gorgeous blend for spring!
  13. LiberAmoris

    The Imperfect Enjoyment

    Filthy, indeed. The Imperfect Enjoyment is thirsty as hell and totally unapologetic. The notes collide in shadows, with the pitch, black musk, guiacwood, myrrh, and adolescent patchouli setting the backdrop for the scorched clove. There are so many base notes that the bottom practically falls out! This is dark and deep and sexy, and although some people will find this too much, others will really be into its raw, patchouli-infused beauty. It smells like a post-coital clove cigarette. I just finished up my bottle of Schwarzer Mond, and this will fill the same black hole in my heart.
  14. LiberAmoris

    Fleurette’s Purple Snails

    Fleurette’s Purple Snails is layered violet to the Nth. Wet, I get a moment of the maple syrup as described above, but it's fleeting (and I think it might be the orris). Dry, this is like a symphony of notes, all violet, plus white sandalwood. It manages to be both dry and candied, which is so amazing. Definitely for the violet lovers, it's practically a paean. Not as sweet as Faith on my skin, but it's close.
  15. LiberAmoris

    Adante con Fantasia

    Adante con Fantasia is very light and pretty. On my skin, it's as if the lilac fougere was dipped in honey. The fougere is gorgeous (and the lilac touch is just perfect here). I get no real lime to speak of, just a brightness that I attribute to the citrus note. This would be great layered with The White Bees Swarming, Honey, or Dorian hair glosses.
  16. LiberAmoris

    A Sublime Beauty

    White rose always smells a little pickle-y and wood-y to me at first, but I try to be patient for a minute or two, because the drydown payoff is worth it. A Sublime Beauty goes that route on me, and I don't have to wait too long before this smells balanced and warm—the white rose, the orris, tonka, vanilla, and bergamot...all really balanced. The patchouli is nearly undetectable on my skin. I don't think I'd know it was here if it wasn't in the notes. Totally dry, this is a spiritual sister to Parlement of Foules. Whereas Parlement was a fairly straightforward balance of white rose and resins, A Sublime Beauty is multilayered chord of a scent. White rose lovers should definitely try this!
  17. LiberAmoris

    Departing Like Smoke Hair Gloss

    Departing Like Smoke hair gloss is very pretty. It smells like the spiritual sister to Pearl hair gloss, one of my favorites which also contains tiare and amber, and also smells light as a feather. The tiare and sandalwood are gorgeous together, and the result is a pale white floral-sandalwood scent with amber and oudh to anchor it. It's light enough that it's uber work-friendly, but I can still smell it in my hair—faintly—hours after applying it. The longer I wear it, the more amber I can smell. I'm not getting a lot of sillage from this one, it stays very close. I'm going to love wearing this one to work on days when I have a lot of in-person meetings and don't want to knock anyone out with scent.
  18. LiberAmoris

    Volcano in Springtime

    Volcano in Springtime is so delicious and rich—this is the Stekk from my Lupercalia order, if you know what I mean. I smell mostly vanilla cream and just a bit of sandalwood. I don't pick up the lotus at all, although maybe that's what's adding a bit of candy sweetness? On and dry, this is pure and simple lovely vanilla cream with a hint of sandalwood. Worthy of the YUM emoticon:
  19. LiberAmoris

    The Poem Cloud Hair Gloss

    The Poem Cloud is a delightfully simple and satisfying red musk hair gloss. If you've enjoyed a red musk-centric gloss in the past and you like honey and cardamom (balanced nicely here, at least to my nose), there's a good chance you'll find this delightful. I'm relieved that the honey note stays in check due to red musk's strong hand, and the cardamom is an accent rather than a prime player. This might also be a great gloss for those who want to love Smut, but find it a bit too much. The Poem Cloud is also sweet musk (singular, rather than layered musks) and has no dark boozy notes. Really glad I picked this up, and I think it will layer well with some of my favorite red musk perfumes.
  20. LiberAmoris

    Oranges, Satsumas, Tangerines & Mandarins

    I think that one is a hair gloss, but yes, agreed! It's lovely.
  21. LiberAmoris

    Sandalwood Scents

    Ah yes, Brown Jenkin, Sinus Amoris, and Volcano in Springtime are all wonderful. I'm still so grateful that I don't pick up any lotus in Volcano in Springtime!
  22. LiberAmoris

    Sandalwood Scents

    I'm loving Grooming Scene in a Brothel: Vanilla saffron, carnation absolute, bois de rose, myrrh, and sandalwood incense. My other recent favorite is Crimson: The red of an open artery, the red of congealing blood, the red of a scarlet tomb: burgundy musk, bitter clove, crushed saffron, red sandalwood, and red oudh. Any other reccs with sandalwood?
  23. LiberAmoris

    Grooming Scene in a Brothel

    I tried Grooming Scene in a Brothel a couple of times, and it seemed nice but wasn't knocking my socks off. I let the bottle rest and returned to it last night and it totally knocked my socks off. The sandalwood incense is no joke, and it's fantastic. The vanilla saffron and carnation absolute and bois de rose come in after the sandalwood mellows out a bit, and I can smell the myrrh and it's all very smooth, wrapped up in the sandalwood. The closest comp I can think of is Morocco, but this is more incensey, and the sandalwood note is far stronger. It smells a bit like a Mysore sandalwood soap from India that I buy by the case. This would make a wonderful meditation perfume, and I might use it that way, or I might just apply to feel my blood pressure drop after I get home from work. A real stunner from my Lupercalia order, and a testament to letting a perfume rest a bit before making a final decision.
  24. LiberAmoris

    Renoir's Still Life with Peaches Hair Gloss

    My Renoir's Still Life with Peaches hair gloss has settled down quite a bit from when I first received it. It's a really complex scent, one that I'd classify more as spicy-fruity-floral than peachy. The orange blossom and red pepper do a lot to make this interesting...the red pepper is a bit strong at first on me, but it sits back after a few minutes and the lingering heat is actually very nice with the other notes. I can see the comparison to Fae that whoahorsey makes above, for sure. This is the peach hair gloss I reach for when I want something less foody and more layered. An hour after applying, it smells like I've shampooed with the fanciest shampoo ever.
  25. LiberAmoris

    Key Lime Pie Hair Gloss

    I love my Key Lime Pie hair gloss! I don't smell a lot of crust, it's mostly lime custard...and it smells amazing. I brought this with me recently on a trip, and even thought I tried to keep up my regular hair gloss variety routine, I struggled a bit because I wanted to wear this every day. Definitely one of the scents that makes my mouth water, it smells so delicious.