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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by stellans

  1. New Pope Revealed As Marketing Scam to Build Demand for Pope Classic.../snerk

  2. I just signed on to support @alfranken’s fight for location privacy. Click here to learn more and join the movement: http://t.co/E6ubkMl

  3. cat poetry: I could pee on this... - http://t.co/KPVR0cc

  4. Fairytale of New York: the story behind the Pogues' classic Christmas anthem http://t.co/PGcgWCX via @guardian

  5. I really like these: and renewable resource! - Bamboo iPhone 5 case by Twig Case Co. http://t.co/aTOTCte via @pinterest

  6. MT @bethshepsut: Please let them know how you feel on their Facebook page.

  7. Worse than a sore loser? A DELUDED sore loser! Allen West finally gives up - http://t.co/KnCOpDP - http://t.co/ke3woFu via @Shareaholic

  8. RT @AdviceToWriters: Every time I hear writers talk about “the muse,” I just want to bitch-slap them. It’s a job. Do your job. NORA ROBERTS

  9. The Guardian is my favorite online source of news. 11/7's Guardian: "'The best is yet to come'" #tomorrowspaperstoday http://t.co/9yocXmg

  10. Thank you, Maine & Maryland: may this be the example for the nation.

  11. Stupid Paul Ryan ® RT @richjohnston Paul Ryan And His Anti-Comic Book Gaffe http://t.co/mH48Ulm

  12. Zombies! Joss Whedon backs Mitt Romney: http://t.co/1LWLgM0 Amusing. "The 1% will no longer be the very rich, they'll be the very fast."

  13. Medieval dwarf drinking helmet for the win! http://t.co/LY6NaNy http://t.co/BmllPay

  14. Department of Justice: Investigate Ohio Voting Machines owned by Tagg Romney http://t.co/JUgQFKE @signon

  15. Voter fraud is a fraud - Boing Boing http://t.co/ybAtWxx via @BoingBoing

  16. China Glaze stole [abigaillarson]'s artwork, and they’re selling... - http://t.co/KcZlCUN Spread the word far & wide until they pay for it.

  17. Name your price and help charity and get eight fantastic books in the first ever Humble eBook Bundle! http://t.co/uJwAu2b via @humble

  18. Re-dedicate Columbus Day as Exploration Day. http://t.co/YKjI0tQ

  19. so cool to share a birthday with Mr. Tyson! MT @neiltyson Yes, today is indeed my birthday.

  20. MT @neiltyson HarvestMoon 2night. Named when farming was cultural event. 2day might as well call it HoneyBooBooMoon UNLESS UR BPALista @bpal


    http://t.co/2idcrg4 Startling- Only 9 letter word in the English language where you can remove 1 letter at a time & still create a word.
