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Everything posted by stellans

  1. stellans

    Lotus Moon 2006

    I don't know why I expected a more powerful scent, but I did. It was a bit disconcerting that this was such a very light oil, barely even lotus and certainly no pine made its way to my nose. In the imp: delicately floral, with lotus really the only note I smell. Wet on skin: still very light, very delicate. Dry: very, very faintly floral. I wish there was more to this, as it's quite pleasant. Verdict: Since I have a bottle, I'll keep this but I doubt I'll buy more. I was hoping for a stronger bottom to this blend, and while the scent is very pleasant, it's way light. There was barely a trace of sweetness on my wrist this morning, and that was after several succeeding applications.
  2. stellans


    OK, after reading all the reviews (old and new), I was really looking forward to this blend last night. It had all kinds of notes that I love, and well, I just really looked forward to smelling it all night. What happened??? Where were the glorious notes of patchouli? Of honey (ok, beeswax)? Of juniper? I feel almost like I was sold a pig-in-a-poke! In the imp: Vaguely pleasant, somewhat oil-scented. I know that sounds funny-peculiar, but it smells like oil, no other scent really apparent. Wet on skin: Kind of floral, but still very vague. No throw at all, I have to really put my nose right on my skin. Not the kind of scent I was expecting, by a long shot.. Dry: This didn't ever really dry, but the scent (such as it was) was gone before I fell asleep. Verdict: I'm going to try to find an imp from someone, because I just cannot believe what I tried last night is the same oil all of you wrote about, even the pans! I didn't smell much of anything, much less "men's aftershave," for instance. It's a mystery... ETA: The above is reviewing the '07 blend. OK, I've fallen in total love with the '06 version of this blend! It has the lovely dark patchouli that I love, and with wonderful green, herbal notes plus the muskiness...well. Let's just say this is really, really me, and I've so far managed to buy 3 bottles of it. That's how much I love it. I'm going to write a review for the '08 blend which I also love, but I'm going to make a separate entry for it.
  3. stellans

    Snake Oil

    Oh. My. Goddess. I have been SO wrong about this blend! I don't like vanilla, and so far even my experiences with BPAL vanilla has not been great. So when my 'random shake' brought this imp to my hand, I figured I'd sniff it, dab it, and wash it, and quickly pick another imp du jour. Whoa Nelly! This oil is absolutely freaking luscious, and Mr. Stellans...ahem. Well, let's just leave it at he definitely agrees. Yes. In the imp: I think this must be what's known as 'aged' because it's very viscous in the imp, and the label itself has seen much better days. I think this came as a frimp in a swap, but since I didn't keep up with my earliest transactions (as I do now), I don't know who was kind enough to proselytize me to this oil. This is such slinky sex in the bottle I almost couldn't believe it. I know I've read reviews of this oil or that blend being exactly that description, but never really experienced it myself until now. Until Snake Oil. Wet on skin: I don't know what's in snake oil beyond the description, so vanilla was my bugaboo. Well, it's not readily noticeable in the blend, but you can tell it's there. Like when you make a cake or cookies and vanilla is always an ingredient (which you miss if it's not added, trust me when I tell you this) but not always in the taste. Dry: This dries down on me much the same as it was both in the imp and wet: it's a indescribable blend of sweet sultry sex without being either too sweet or too hot. I can't believe I'm fumbling around with words like this, because wearing this oil today literally rocked my BPAL world. All the blends I've rather avoided? I want to try them now! Just in case. Oh, and the throw? Perfect! I didn't advertise my presence, but it was there. And it lasted!!! Verdict: I'm going to order a bottle in my next order, and even if it's not as wonderful as this imp is, I don't care. I'll put it away in my box, with a little dated sticker, and try to be patient. OK, maybe I'll buy TWO bottles. Maybe I'll just scour the forum, eBay, etc., for an aged bottle for sale. Mwah-hah-hah-hah-hah-hah.... it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine! /evil, maniacal laughter
  4. stellans

    Storm Moon

    This was supposed to be my lunar oil for the night, but I couldn't wear it. I put it on, and 5 minutes later was washing it off. It was just too strong a deodorant smell, that dryer sheet smell, that aftershave smell... it burned my eyes, even. In the imp: rather stringent, but not bad. I don't smell any florals, however, only that 'ozone' note that some call 'clean.' It's not my favorite note, but I'm wanting to try all the lunar oils so here I go. Wet on skin: Very strong right away, so strong my eyes water and a headache starts. I have to wash it off! Dry: Couldn't last for drydown. Verdict: I'm putting this away for another try, but for now this is not good. I'm thinking that ozone notes just aren't going to work for me, because I've tried another couple of blends with that note that didn't work as well (not yet reviewed). Bummer.
  5. stellans


    Icon by Olympia301 My first imp didn't work out, so I 'drew' another one from my imp box. Yay! It's Rapture -- I've just been waiting for this to come up so I could use this totally great icon. Oh, and the perfume is just wonderful too! In the imp: I was a bit leery on this, because sometimes jasmine doesn't always play well with others on my skin. I do smell jasmine, but rose is there too (thank goodness) and some citrus-y notes I assume are the mandarin and neroli. I don't smell any myrhh or musk, and I'm not sure what bergamot smells like. Wet on skin: still a nice blending of notes, although the jasmine seems a bit stronger out of the imp. Dry: drying down, I get a sense of something underneath the floral notes -- maybe that's the myrhh/musk/bergamot? I don't know, but this is nice. Verdict: I have 2 imps of this and I'll definitely keep them and use them, but this isn't special enough for me to buy a bottle. There's too many other blends that really make me sit up and take notice to spend $$ on a 'nice' scent. p.s. I giggle every time I see Olympia's icon for this, don't you?
  6. stellans


    In the imp: Floral, not too sweet. Jasmine...uh-oh. Wet on skin: uh-oh. The floral notes are still there, but there's vanilla coming through and that doesn't do well on me, amping up unbearably sweet. The jasmine is also not playing nicely, being sour but not offsetting the vanilla's sweetness, alas, merely adding to the unpleasantness of the total scent. Dry: Vanilla! Lots of vanilla with jasmine. Verdict: oh well. Another for the trade pile. At least this wasn't a purchase, but a frimp from someone. On to the next imp du jour...
  7. stellans


    Oborot was a good happenstance for last night, as I wanted something cool-smelling and evocative of cool nights. It's lighter than I expected, but still quite pleasant, and I fell asleep with my wrist close to my nose. In the imp: This was much lighter, but the lightness was welcome given the heat of the evening. Anything heavier would have only added to my discomfort, rather than relieve it. The evergreen scent seems distant, as though I was standing beneath a very tall fir tree, and there is a sweetness that is not easily identified. I get no sense of 'dirt' or 'darkness' at all. Wet on skin: The fir note is a bit stronger on skin, but still a very light oil blend. The sweetness is intriguingly anonymous. What is it? It's a soothing scent, rather than a scary one, which makes it perfect for my Lunacies nightly rotation. Dry: I fell asleep before total drydown, and this morning there was no whiff left at all. Since I use these as 'take me into Dreamland' oils, there doesn't have to be a lot of throw or longevity -- just enough for sleep. Verdict: I'm keeping it, and I'm glad I got a bottle. I'm also thinking this oil may be one of those which deepens with age. I will love it whether it does or not, but it would be interesting to revisit this review down the road a bit, just to see. 05/22/08 UPDATE: I wore this blend yesterday as a Scent du jour, and was totally blown away by its birchy, dirty, damp goodness! I couldn't stop sniffing my wrist all day, it worked well in my scent locket, and Mr. Stellans said, 'mmmmmm, you smell good!' when he came home. What could be a better recommendation?!?!
  8. stellans


    Vixen had me at first sniff. I mean, what's not to love, right? There's patchouli, there's ginger, there's orange blossom. My only fear is that a new bottle won't smell as luscious as the imp, at least not right away. This is definitely one of BPAL's 'even better with age' blends. In the imp: I'm in heaven! Patchouli is there, but tempered into behaving by the sweet note of orange blossom and the riotous note of ginger. Wet on skin: Remained the same from imp to skin, and I'm practically swooning in appreciation of the notes in this blend. Dry: If Mr. Stellans had been home, he would have been a very lucky man, if you know what I mean and I think you do. Verdict: I am known to be a lover of most things containing patchouli, and Vixen is no exception. This imp will last me a while because it doesn't take much of this oil to smell delightful for several hours, but I still want a bottle. Or two.
  9. stellans

    Harvest Moon 2005

    I was a bit apprehensive about this Lunacy because I don't care for foody scents very much, and apple mostly smells far too sweet on me. But this Harvest '05...oh, it's just wonderful! The floral notes blend so gently with the apple, there's not a food sense to this oil at all...just a lovely, lovely scent which carried me off to a deep sleep with pleasant dreams. In the imp: Sweet, fruity, mellow, some floral but not much. Wet on skin: An ecstacy of flowery apple goodness which makes me close my eyes and sigh, it's that nice. Dry: Still good, still mellow, not too sweet. This is a great scent to sleep by, and though I still like Snow Moon the best, this definitely going on my favorite lunacy list. Verdict: I'd like to find another bottle so I won't run out too soon. And, I almost forgot: this is the 2005 formula...
  10. stellans


    oh, how I love BPAL's evergreen scents! They never turn to Pinesol on me, quite the contrary... they put me in mind of mountains, Christmas, and clean snowy nights. In the imp: juniper, with a bottom of citrus. I don't smell lemon, though. I can't really identify the citrus off-hand, just its presence. Wet on skin: Juniper still, but now with more of an aquatic presence. I still get citrus too, and if it's lemon, it's not unpleasant nor amping up on me as lemon usually does. Dry: The juniper has faded, though not entirely, and now there's no citrus at all. The aquatic notes are uppermost, and still very nice to smell. Verdict: There isn't a strong throw to this scent, but it has pretty good stay. I don't mind getting up close to smell this wonderful oil, not at all. I want a bottle of it, as this imp is not going to last me very long. 4/21/09 UPDATE: Almost 2 years to the day since I first reviewed this blend, and I have to say the love is still strong. After writing that 2007 review, I did buy a bottle, and have enjoyed wearing it now and then ever since. In fact, this is one of the few blends I'm actually finishing a bottle of within a couple of years! This is a great warm weather scent, cool and refreshing to the senses, and yet not overpowering. I get no overly strong alchohol, nor citrus nor juniper: just a lovely blend. I will be buying another bottle. Oh yes, I will...
  11. stellans

    The Caterpillar

    This is such a great blend! I am finding more and more that blends of the Mad Tea Party are wonderful, and perfect for me. Well, most of them anyway. In the imp: sweet, but with a sharpness (the carnation?) and the earthiness of patchouli and vetivert. This bodes well for me and this scent working out. Wet on skin: I sniff this, and it makes me think of lush gardens, indolence, and earthly delights. Dry: On me, the patchouli amps up but not outrageously so. The floral notes keep it sweet and a little lighter than patchouli normally is, but the earthy notes are the dominant ones. How satisfying it is to smell this blend! I keep sniffing just for pleasure. In my scent locket, it smells just as wonderful as on my wrist. The throw is there, but not overpoweringly so, and it lasts quite a long time. Verdict: Definitely a keeper. I'm glad a splurged on a bottle of this.
  12. stellans


    This was a nice scent to wear yesterday. I wanted something for a quiet family day, something for thinking. Something for just being. In the imp: sweet and gentle, with a little edge. Wet on skin: Still nice and gentle, soothing and deep. Dry: A sort of woodsy vanilla, but the vanilla is so mild that I can wear it without feeling ill. Yay! Verdict: Like I said, a nice mild scent which is conducive to thought, good for a quiet and meditative day.
  13. stellans


    I wanted to like this scent so much. After the disappointment of Hunger Moon, I wanted any other Lunacies or Companions to mix well with my body chemistry, but this one smells badly on me, just like Hunger Moon. I smell like a bottle of very cheap men's aftershave, all harsh notes. It's not the oil's fault, because it smells nice in the bottle. I don't know what notes are not working for me yet. Maybe the cardamom, maybe the tea. I just don't know. But it doesn't smell good on me at all, and I gave it another chance just in case it was a temporary problem. So, another bottle to my sell/trade basket. *sigh*
  14. stellans

    Holiday Moon

    I've decided to sniff new oils prior to reading the reviews, because I want first impressions to be without prejudice as much as possible. At first sniff, this oil smells very citrus; grapefruit, which surprised me in a scent named 'holiday.' However, I do like it very much, as the freshness of it clears the mind. This is a good smell for waking up after the presents have been opened, or the dinner consumed. But it's also good just to smell. In the imp: fresh, green, and citrus-y. It smells like grapefruit to me, although I see others liken it to orange peel. It may very well be orange, but it smells a little too pungent for orange. Wet on skin: Still citrus-y, but the greenness comes through more. Is that the bamboo or the tea? Whatever it is, it is very bracing. Not exactly a soothing scent to cause one to drift to sleep, which is what I like my Lunacy oils for, but rather a celebratory scent, one for parties and dancing in the cold moonlight (but not skyclad!). Dry: The oude mellows this oil into a woody green scent with still the breath of citrus. It's more soothing now than bracing, and still delightful to smell. It doesn't have a lot of throw, but in a scent locket, it will be very nice. I will add some tomorrow morning as to the longevity of this scent. Since I use a roll-on (approx. 2 imps oil in a 1/8th bottle topped off with Neutrogena Unscented Body Oil, the scent tends to last me quite nicely through the night after the initial application. Verdict: I'm glad I have 1.5 bottles, but I think I want more. Edited for a "Morning After" report: the scent melted away by morning, leaving only a sweetness behind. It was very nice to wake up to, and I look forward to this Lunacy rotating back around.
  15. stellans

    Milk Moon 2005

    … Milk Moon is Flower Moon’s warmer, gentler cousin; it is a scent that emulates the closeness of child and mother. In it, cream and warm honey soften our traditional blend of lunar oils. I only had a little bitty bit left in a frimp to test, so I guess you could say I had a one night stand with Milk Moon. It was with a little bit of nervousness I even sniffed the imp, because I read this whole review thread first. Normally I would sniff first then read, and I don't remember what my impetus was to read first, but I did. The reviews which mentioned mint really made me nervous because mint can make me sick to my stomach. The only reason I even gave this a chance was that Calliope also has a mint note and it is wonderful on me. So...to my 'one night stand.' In the imp: honey, with a creamy base. I smell no mint at all, which is wonderfully reassuring. I also smell no coconut which sometimes amps up far too sweet on me. Again, very reassuring. And I like the way this honey smells...rich, sweet but not cloying. I'm already wishing I had more than a teensy bit of this oil Wet on skin: The creaminess really stands out upon first application, but then the honey comes in, very nicely. Still no mint, nor any coconut for which I am immensely grateful. Dry: Oh, this is so lovely! So warming, so satisfying...this is like spending the night at my grandmother's when I was a little girl. The scent is honey, creamy honey, and I totally love it. Verdict: I must haunt the forums and eBay until I score at least another imp, but preferably a bottle. This is just luscious.
  16. stellans


    I read a review further up this thread that really says exactly what I want to say about this great scent: I wore this today, and felt refreshed every time I sniffed a whiff of it. Next time I wear it, I'll also wear a scent locket (not one of BPAL's yet, unfortunately) so I can smell it better and longer. I love Tweedledum, and now I look forward to scoring an imp of Tweedledee so I can try it too.
  17. stellans

    White Moon

    Tonight's Lunacy is the lovely floral, White Moon. In fact, this is the 'whitest' scent I believe I've tried from BPAL so far. And it is a lovely one, sweet and gentle but not cold; no snowy winter lunar oil, but the scent of an cool night in late summer -maybe early fall- before the the frost kills all blooms. In the imp: oooo, lovely lilac! There's other white flowers too, lily especially, but the lilac jumps up first. Wet on skin: Lily is coming on strong now, but lilac still holds pride-of-place. I do get some green now on my skin, and the wisteria is also coming forward. The sandalwood and other notes aren't quite as obvious to my still-untrained nose, but I'm sure they're there. Dry: Some have mentioned a 'creamy' note; I don't get any sense of cream at all -- this blend is all floral, and is somewhat sharp -- sweet, but sharp. I do love the green note underlying all the florals! Verdict: I'm very happy with this blend, and I'm glad it was so easily obtained since I wasn't aware of BPAL when it was released. I managed to score 2 bottles at reasonable prices - Yay!
  18. stellans


    I had a wonderful day smelling the wafts of Greed; I really love patchouli, especially when blended with a sweet note like the heliotrope, and with the deepening power of the copal and oakmoss. I'm so happy I was able to swap for a bottle of this! Is that greedy of me? In the imp: definitely the earthy patchouli making its presence known with first sniff. There is a mellowness in the imp, like maybe some amber or vanilla slipped in, but neither is listed in the description. Maybe it's the copal? I don't know enough about scent notes other than a few main ones like rose, lavender, patchouli... but I'm learning, thanks to BPAL. Wet on skin: the sweetness is more pronounced on my skin than in the imp, but I don't mind at all because it still plays 2nd fiddle to the patchouli, my love. The oakmoss and copal are there too, Dry: wow, all the notes mix so well on the drydown. I'm not sure how this lovely scent represents Greed as a sin, unless it's because smelling it makes me greedy for more. Verdict: Oh, it's a keeper. Oh yes.
  19. stellans

    Black Moon

    In the imp: cool florals joined by what seems to my nose to be a lovely melon note, which must either be the cucumber or pear, or I guess it could be the way the whole blend reacts to my body chemistry. Wet on skin: settles down to cool floral with a slight fruit note, but mostly floral, and still lovely. It makes me a little pensive, a bit meditative -- I'm remembering old relationships, and shoulda-coulda-woulda's. Dry: a bit powdery on the drydown at first, but surprisingly the fruit/melon note is stronger now than when wet. I am so loving this, it's cool and calming, and will make me sleep, I think. I tried this on while still sitting up this time, rather than as I retire for the night. I wanted to see it through to drydown this time. And it was worth it! Verdict: I love this, and do not regret buying a bottle sight-unsmelled, heh.
  20. stellans

    Anne Bonny

    What a delight this imp was to my nose! Patchouli done right is one of my favorite scents, and Beth certainly did this blend right. In the imp: deep and dark patchouli, with sandalwood! oh, how very interesting this is to the nose, though the frankincense is not much in evidence just yet. Just even smelling it makes me want to holler, "Tawanda!" and go out and do something to flout authority. Wet on skin: Much the same as in the imp; in fact, I may lose this portion of my future reviews because not many scents are different in the imp and wet on the skin, at least to me. Again, the strong patchouli/sandalwood scent totally empowers me in such a wild and thoroughly feminine way. Rawrrrr! Dry: I think the frankincense is not at the forefront of this blend, but it is definitely smoothing out the sometimes rough-and-ready scent of the patchouli. I must admit I am more used to the black version of patchouli than the red, but this is so divine I am obviously missing out on something great. The red sandalwood is also something I am not knowledgeable about as opposed to another kind? I really didn't realize there were more than one kind of sandalwood, which exposes my own ignorance. Be that as it may, this is such a delightful wild, feminine, and earthy blend. Verdict: I want more than this stingy little imp.
  21. stellans


    icon by me This was such a disappointment to me. I'm not sure which of the notes didn't work, and won't know without further testing and research, but it just didn't. Not that it was bad, it just wasn't right, you know? The worst thing is I bought a partial bottle because I just knew it would be great on me! Ack. Bastet was my imp du jour... well, I should say my first, because after this review I'm picking another one. I need something strong today, and something that works. I'll just keep picking (and reviewing!) until I find something that will serve. Hopefully it won't take too long. (Yay! It's Anne Bonney, which seems to do just fine on me!) Anyway, back to Bastet. In the imp: Hmm. I get a small sense of amber, but there seems to be a strong nutty note I really wasn't expecting to be quite so strong, based on the lower position it held in the description. But even more surprising was the fruity note, cherry some here have noted, which I also detected. Wet on skin: More cherry almond, I'm afraid. Is this the cardamom, the saffron? Or Egyptian musk? I don't know, but I don't care for this blend. It smells like Original Scent Jergen's lotion, only on steroids. Dry: I suppose it's lucky for me that this dries down and disappears from my skin. Verdict: To the Sell/Swap/Gift box. Darn it. I've got to try and restrain myself from buying bottles prior to sniffing the scent, because this is getting to be an expensive trial-and-error.
  22. stellans

    Hunger Moon

    Rats. A Lunacy which just isn't kind to my Body Chemistry... and that just guts me, because I want to love all the Lunacies! After reading the reviews for this one, I was happy to snag a bottle unsniffed because I love, love, love Snow Moon and all the people who sniffed a likeness just thrilled me. Argh (and that's not a good pirate sort of exclamation, but the disappointed, saddened sort). Lemon-scented Aftershave! And lots of it (lemon). Woe is me. In the imp: Lemon, but not too bad. I also smell a bit of the clary sage, I think, but certainly no sandalwood, nor much of anything else. Uh oh. Wet on skin: Eek! Lemon, lemon, lemon. Lemony McLemondrops. Dry: I had to wash it off before it dried. I literally couldn't fall asleep until I got this off me and rubbed lavender-scented lotion all over myself. Ugh, lemon anything just amps up unbearably on me unless it is just the slightest whiff of a dribble. And in this Lunacy, there's too much. Verdict: Into the Sell/Swap/Gift pile. And I have to admit, this really makes me nervous for when Hungry Ghost Moon comes up, since so many said this was it's 'more mature brother,' or other words to that effect. I don't another Lunacy to dislike me so!
  23. stellans

    Flower Moon 2005

    ... Flower Moon embodies the unrestrained bliss, energy and color of the season: a bouquet of vivid, sexy blooms… tulip, daffodil, violet, dewdrop, rhododendron, iris, daisy, and a mix of California wildflowers. Oh, this is such a lovely Moon! Pure springtime in a bottle, and I could smell it forever. It makes me sad to realize I only have a partial bottle of this, because this has moved to the top 3 of my favorite Lunacies. In the imp: lovely daffofils, lovely tulips, lovely flowers. I feel refreshed just sniffing this oil Wet on skin: just as lovely and refreshing, but more intense. There is no overwhelming sweetness, which can happen sometimes with blends which are floral notes only. Dry: The floral notes in this blend are absolutely amazing. Usually my favorite florals are those with at least some rose notes, if not rose-based. This spring bouquet is exquisite lovely, and it the perfect sleeping Lunacy for these coming spring months. I will use this as my Vernal Equinox scent! Verdict: Pry this from my cold dead fingers -- if you can.
  24. stellans


    Paris came to my hand this morning from my imp box, so I had a lovely lavender scent for my Monday morning blues. In the imp: lavender, but not the normal tangy, zappy lavender I like -- this was a really soft, sweet lavender, tempered into mellowness by the lotus, I guess. I didn't smell any spices at this point. Wet on skin: Still that mellow lavender with the sweet lotus notes. Lotus are both notes which for me, so I had really looked forward to trying this scent. Still no spices though. Dry: hmmm... just a bit of warmth on my skin indicates a bit of cinnamon (as others mentioned) but there wasn't enough to really even tingle, much less burn, thank goodness. I love the way this scent kept its integrity all the way from imp through drydown on me, and when I read the reviews which mentioned cinnamon, it explained the warmth. Verdict: I slathered to prove to myself that the cinnamon wouldn't hurt, because I love this oil and didn't want to give it up. It didn't burn! Woo-hoo, Paris is a keeper! Now, of course, I need a bottle.
  25. stellans

    Chrysanthemum Moon

    Last night's lunacy was a lovely experience. Chrysanthemum Moon came to me by way of an eBay purchase, and I'm so glad I bought without a prior sniff-test, as it was definitely a good buy. In the imp: florals, with a smoky tinge. Funny, I'm really not smelling the ginger others have referenced, though maybe that's because I'm more used to smelling ginger in cooking rather than wearable art (perfume). Wet on skin: Again, florals with more of an incense/smoke tinge to them. Lovely! Dry: Since I use Lunacies at night, it's not often I'm awake for the drydown, but tonight I was. Still the floral/incense scent, but there's a smooth side to it dry, like a touch of amber was added. It makes the drydown very enjoyable, and it lasted for quite a while as well. Verdict: A definite keeper, in my regular Lunacy nightly rotation. UPDATE Well, I had to trade this away. I guess my body chemistry was off that first night, because for 3 other occasions since that first time I couldn't keep this blend on, had to wash it off each time. It was the ginger, I think. It's happened with other ginger blends (not BPAL), and I'd hoped this was different. Oh well...