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Everything posted by phaedrine

  1. phaedrine


    Theravada loves this one SO much that I just had to try it. Heh. It smells like ABQ sometimes in the middle of the night, when the General Mills factory is making cereal. It reminds me almost exactly of a bowl of cocoa pebbles. I think it's too chocolately for me, but I'll give it a wear to see if I like it. On, the cocoa smell does fade fairly quickly....but turns in to a pretty blah sandalwood. I do like sandalwood, but this one just didn't really do anything for me. I think I'll give it one more chance, just to be sure, but I have a strong feeling this one will be going into the swap pile.
  2. phaedrine

    Three Witches

    Spice, spice and more spice. This is like sticking my head into my spice cupboard. The three blend together so well it's hard to tell at first which I'm sniffing, because it shifts between the pepper, cinnamon and clove. Cinnamon stick, not red-hot type. Ahem. On Theravada's rec, I put it on my skin right away....and watched it quickly turn in to freaking red hots! Argh. Like spicy burn the nose red hots. Sigh. I wanted to like this one so badly! Ten minutes later, it's also making me itch. Argh again!
  3. phaedrine


    The first time I sniffed this one, I didn't like it, but second sniff of the bottle it seems better. I can definitely smell the patchouli and ylang ylang, don't smell any clove at all, but I can smell the myrrh hiding underneath. But on... OMG. Now see, I had really wanted to love Three Witches, but it turned in to a sweaty handful of red hots on me. Sad. This....now THIS is what I wanted out of Three Witches. Lovely and deep and sweet and, above all, SPICY. I am so getting a bottle of this on my next order.
  4. phaedrine


    Ok, ew. Just ew. This is one of the few bpal scents I out and out just plain don't like. It's thick and gross and reminds me of ... old dead rotting hippie. Maybe it's just all that really thick patchouli. The reviews here said don't judge it by what it smells like in the bottle, so I've got it drying on the back of my hand right now...but my hopes aren't too high. So far...no different. Ew. Ok, I'm not waiting, time to wash it off. *tosses in to the swap pile*
  5. phaedrine


    Sloth is a thick, dark, sweet, heavy smell. A little does go a long way. I find myself reaching for this one as a comfort-scent, when I'm feeling blah or like I want to hide. I don't get a lot of the veviter, just lots of myrrh. It lasts FOREVER, on me, too.
  6. phaedrine


    This is lovely! Soooo me. The amber is sweet and the musk is dark and they go together *perfectly*. After hours and hours, it still smelled the same, just a lovely, darkend amber. I definitely need a bottle of this one.
  7. phaedrine

    Blood Kiss

    This one, I couldn't resist. I love vanilla, honey and clove. In the bottle, all I smell is vetiver, poppy and musk. Very dark and thick. I don't really smell vanilla or honey, and no clove or cherry at all. After a few minutes on my skin, I do smell the vanilla and honey coming through to balance out the dark stuff. Drying down the cherry comes through more, but it's nice. After even longer, I get mostly vanilla and clove. Manymany hours later, it ends up being very soft, vanilla and powdery on me. I think we have a winner.