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Everything posted by everanything

  1. Okay, I give. Whatever their rain note is never agrees with me. Bottle: strong cologne, very aquatic. Wet: Aquatic soap. Dry: The soap goes powdery, and a bit dirty. I'm guessing the incense. The rain note just dominates on me. Woe.
  2. everanything

    Chaos Theory IV: Edge of Chaos

    MCXXXIX: 1139. I'm terrible at picking out notes sometimes, and this one was hard for me. So, this will be a general summary. Plus, this is my first Chaos bottle EVER, so that doesn't help. Gotta get my nose on the up and up of detecting things. Bottle: a sort of 'old' floral. Not spoiled, necessarily, but if flowers could age and still smell fresh, this would be it. Oh! Perhaps like potpourri? It does smell dry, thinking about it, and that comes across as old, but like the original scent of whatever composed the potpourri has been laid over to refresh it. Almost a bizarre mix of fake fresh and genuine dried flowers. There's also a hint of something dusty? That may be the dryness really coming out, but it's also almost a smoke. I'm getting an image of potpourri scented incense, burning near a dried boquet of dark florals. Yes, the flowers are definitely dark. Maybe funereal. Wet: OMG YOU GUIZE I SMELL LIKE MILDEW. I wish I were joking! I have never had anything do this to me. Now it smells like how a nice boquet has died and is rotting. Mostly mildew. Like dirty water that got into something and sat there. Blergh urgh ew. Dry: Ech. The mildew is still there, and now it's like someone tried to wash it off and failed. There's a sort of chemical alcohol smell sitting under everything, but it's still so bitter and dirty. Woe. Off to swaps. Feel free to PM me if you're interested.
  3. everanything


    Oh, I was happy to get this. Licorice is not my friend. Coffee is another story. Bottle: Oh. Oh, my. The coffee is thick and heady, with a real oomph to it. It's a rich bit of cappucino. There's a touch of sweetness, but it's more as if a pinch of cocoa fell in, rather than this being a proper mocha. Wet: Hmm. The smell fades rather fast while it's damp. Honestly, I'm barely getting anything beyond a faint suggestion of coffee, with my nose right near my wrist. Perhaps my skin eats it too fast? Let's try a bit more. Re-wet: Ah. There we go. It's perking out a bit more, but still close to the skin, after rather a heavy wipe. On a side note, the q-tip isn't much stronger, and it's still damp. I'm thinking of how a coffee truffle would smell from far away. Whatever the whiskey might smell like to other people, I got nothing. My skin normally picks up booze and wine notes. Here, it just makes the coffee dry. Dry: How sad. This seems to be one of those oils my skin just eats up. I can smell it, like I spilled a mocha across my wrist and the aroma lingers. It's a lovely espresso, but it's so faint. Ah well. I have a friend hoping for it, so she'll be pleased.
  4. everanything

    The Candy Butcher 2006

    In the imp, ZOMG this smells exactly like Amaretto to me. The same sort of hazelnutty cocoa smell, rich, but not overpowering. Wet on my skin, the cream undertone did something funny for a minute or so, going to a sort of chocolate whipped cream scent, which was sort of blech. Once it dried and settled down, it became a soft, very rich dark chocolate scent. About 6 hours later, the smell is BARELY there. I think I'm almost just imagining this dry cocoa smell. Not much staying power, but I'll try it on my hair or an oil burner. Too much yum.
  5. everanything

    Antonino, The Carny Talker

    In the imp: lemon pledge GAH. I blame the verbena. Apparently, anything with verbena overwhelms the rest of the scent. Wet, it smelled like lemon pledge still, with the bitter note I got from the coconut in MB:Underbed. I waited for the fig and the plum to come in with the help of the lavender, which I normally dislike, but anything would've been better than the citrus, even a floral. Sadly, no. Dry: citrus, soap powder and dirt. Ah, white musk and vetiver, how you unite in your hatred of me. Two hours later, the pledge smell is finally gone, but I hate the verbena. Damn it and its citrusy dominance on my skin!
  6. everanything

    Theodosius, The Legerdemain

    In the imp: cologne. Just an unidentifiable, spicyish musk. I'm guessing it's the jasmine and the vanilla I smell the most. Wet-EWWWW what is that scent? Where is the lime note coming from? The vanilla floral that was almost nice is gone. The throw on this is driving me nuts. Just citrus wafting right up to my sinuses. After it dries, all I get now is this leafy citrus that burns my nose. After two hours, it really died down to a weird powdery scent, like powdered tea mix. I have no idea what a fougere is, but I'm blaming it for the weird dry citrus note.
  7. everanything

    Rose Red

    Bottle: rediculously wet, fresh, sweet RED roses. The thickly scented tiny fat ones in the height of bloom. Wet: still a wet rose, but the bottle sweetness has toned down. There's something a touch green here, easily that white plant sap that comes from newly broken stems. Almost pleasant, but still a little cloying. Dry: not the baby powder that all roses tend to go on me, but an intense, rich rose scent with one crazy strong throw. Heavy, heady floral. Too much for my tastes.
  8. everanything

    Et Lux Fuit

    In the bottle: a very 'bright' and 'happy' scent, almost reminds me of original Clinique Happy without the alcohol burn. The brightness is definitely the the flowers and the citrus, with the happy as my nose recognizing the neroli and vanilla. Wet: the lemon peel and neroli create a spicy pleasant citrus, which reminds me of the brief citrus notes that Freak Show and Great Sword of War both share. Dry: the nice citrus vanishes into a dry powder soap note that really makes me gag. Only throws an inch or two, thankfully. Another off to swaps.
  9. everanything

    Thirteen (13): October 2006

    Very weird in the imp. Something almost smells like eraser, but there's a bit of fruity nut and dry cocoa notes on top of that. Wet: what is that note? It's not eraser as much as I thought, maybe more of a wood? I have honestly no clue what note is making that weird scent on my skin. Dry: still the same thing as it smelled in the imp, cocoa powder over dried fruits and crushed flowers. The idea sounds lovely, but it's just weirdness on my skin.
  10. everanything

    Fruit Moon

    In the bottle: this smells like all the best fruit-flavored candies that could ever exist. SweetTarts, jelly beans, you name it. I could even SWEAR I smell a lychee note in there, which makes me happyyy to smell. Wet: mmm fruity smoke. Trying to pick out notes from the scent description, and my skin is definitely picking out the cherry, the currants, the cantaloupe, and the mango, with a little peach, pomegranate and the berries being nice and red-pink underneath. If I slathered this a little more I'd get good throw. A very juicy, reddish-gold fruit, and I'm guessing the lunar oils smell like nice smoke to me, since Beaver Moon hits the same note. YUM.
  11. everanything

    Enraged Groundhog Musk

    Bottle: all sorts of foody sweet love. Very candy-esque, like some good chocolate dipped caramel swizzeled spice topped cherries. Wet: the spice is good, a bit strong over the sweetness. Reminds me of the way gingerbread spices smell, only a little more bitter. The nice fruit is a little sour, and the cocoa is really dry, like baking cocoa. Dry: just hot spices and dry cocoa, all the caramel and cherry have vanished. The vanilla is there underneath the cardamom, but not a typical vanilla. 5 minutes later: almost gone now! Most foody scents last long on me, but this is gone into a vanilla powder. It would've been good to have something sooo foody and easy to find, but there are other cocoas and vanilla out there.
  12. everanything

    Beaver Moon 2005

    Got a full bottle of this at a Meet n' Sniff. Swiped it liberally wif a q-tip. Bottle: fresh cream cheese frosting, with a little bit of dryness, like cake dough. Wet: that creamy sugar is still around, but the doughy is going a little weird. Not plasticky, just very dry milk. More like stale cooky smell. Dry: stale milk-ish, with an undernote smell that makes me think of what sugar-scented plastic would smell like. It's interesting, and it does smell like cheesecake, through and through, all the way to the dry crust and the plastic-sweet smell I tend to associate with cheesecake. Not interesting enough to wear, even for a gourmand lover like me. I like richer scents, like Gluttony or Freak Show. That and it faded pretty fast to that vague plastic smell. To ze swapz with ye, Beaver!
  13. everanything

    The Phantom Calliope

    Bottle: MMMM cherry and cassis, which my nose wants to be like a reddish blackberry. A touch of spice from the patchouli. Wet: Something a bit spicy comes out, I guess that's the cardamom? Good on top of the cassis, makes me think of a spiced berry drink somehow. Dry: SCREAMING LEMON VERBENA DEATH. Truly, that is all I am getting anymore. The cherry wants to be there, but the verbena turns it into cough drops. Two hours later: Powdered lemon drink, like Tang, only grosser. Sigh. It started off so beautifully, too. :puts in on the swap shelf: ADDED May 21: In the imp, this was a happy smoky cinnamon cherry. Reminded me of a hot tea-ish drink I used to love. Wet, the verbena completely destroyed that. I'm not sure exactly what the cardamom smells like, but it went into this lemony cherry medicine smell for quite some time. Even an hour later, when it should've been dry, it stayed that way. Even now, there's a nice lingering cinnamon, but it still has citrus. Sigh. This was my first try with anything verbena, and I think I can rule it out for my skin.
  14. everanything

    Pulcinella & Teresina

    Rose hates me so much. Anything with a drop of rose in it, my skin amps into a rotting, wet, floral scent, like spoiled fresh roses. It's horrid. I do not like woods. I like labdanum, as my skin turns any resin in the world in beautiful, sexy smoke scents. The only reason I had anything to do with the puppts is because Melisande drug them along inside my decant set, the wench. I tried the tiniest bit of P&T on the backs of my hands, because I didn't want the rose to amp too much. It still did. My hands smelled like I'd been cutting wood and had gotten the sap all over my skin, and then tried to wash it off with some waxy rose soap. Hopefully, the puppets can go along to a better home, whilst I keep Melisande all to myself.