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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by RosieP

  1. RosieP

    Golden Priapus

    Insatiable lust, unending vigor! A truly carnal, energetic men’s blend: vanilla and amber with juniper, rosewood and white pine. When I first sniffed this from the vial, my immediate thought was 'Oh no, TCP!' ... (I'm not sure if you have TCP in the 'States, I'm sure everyone in the UK will know EXACTLY what smell I mean!!) I'd given it to Henry (husband) as I didn't particularly want to smell of TCP, but decided to borrow it back today and give it a decent chance. Well, let's say it redeemed itself thoroughly! When wet on the wrist I could still smell the TCP 'bite' (possibly the white pine and juniper?) but this soon softened to a wonderful assertive aroma that I can only describe as 'Snake Oil with balls ....' Two hours later it has morped into a beautful, soft, warm vanilla with a lovely masculine 'edge.' I had a great deal of difficulty in wresting this one away from The Husband long enough to try some on myself to review it (it smells really great on him too) but I think it's one he'll have to share from now on, as I am totally smitten with this one! EDIT: Added Lab's description --Shollin
  2. RosieP

    Shipping Update

    'Beth Panic time! If one of the returns is mine from 7th Feb I'm now throwing another spanner in the works by moving house over the Easter holiday .... don't worry though as I've put a Post Office redirection in place and my son will be staying at our old address until he can find an apartment of his own that he can afford, so any packages currently in transit should still reach me safely ...... PS I've just e-mailed a shipping quotation request to Brian - when he replies and I PayPal the $$$ for it I'll advise my new address. Rosie XXX
  3. RosieP

    Shipping Update..

    Beth If mine from 7th Feb is one you've re-packed and IF ever the original turns up, I'd be MORE than happy to send you the extra cash - I've got so many friends that love BPAL and are always trying to snaffle my Imps Ears that I can easily find takers for the duplicates ... Sorry to have been a pain by whingeing for my parcel so much!! lots of love Rosie XXX PS I might be interested in a custom scent later on this year (after my bonus is paid in May!!) - how long until you'll be ready to do these again?
  4. RosieP

    Shipping scale of fees for international orders

    Good idea - it cuts down on the amount of work for Beth and Brian in having to read and respond to shipping quotation e-mails (and the second/third e-mails saying 'did you get my e-mail? Sorry - I know I'm guilty of this!!!) .... I'm all for it, if it can be organised....... Rosie
  5. RosieP


    This is absolutely gorgeous - thank you so much, Allamanda for sending me some to try. Just looking at what was IN it convinced me I'd love it before I even opened the vial and it hasn't let me down! I've been wearing it for about four hours now (still going strong with no need to re-apply yet!) When wet I could strongly smell the pine, patchouli and almond with the lime floating in the background. The pine 'spike' reminds me of Golden Priapus (one of my favourites) so I was rather pleased that, while this toned down so it was not so 'in-yer-face' when it had dried, it was still there in the background. It has softened now to something slightly smoky, incense-y and decidedly sexy - mmm, I can smell the clove and vanilla now.... this would go well with Skinny Dip, methinks This one is definitely a 'me' scent and one I'll be ordering a big bottle of.
  6. Clephan, I've only ever had one bpal parcel and someone was at home when it was delivered .... I think the box was small enough (videotape size?) that the postman just shoved it through the letterbox - good job we've got a nice thick doormat for it to land on! As it came via the regular Royal Mail van I expect if it had been too large to go through the door it would have been taken back to our nearest Royal Mail sorting office (Snodland - about a twenty minute car ride away.)
  7. Yes, anyone in the household can sign for stuff here in the UK - I've even asked neighbours to house-sit and wait for parcels for me as postmen aren't allowed to leave 'signed-for' parcels at nieghbour's houses. Postmen here in the UK used to be REALLY bad at just leaving parcels outside the door and walking away. A couple of years ago I came home from a fortnight's holiday abroad to find a box of rotting flowers that a friend had sent as a birthday gift ozzing slime on the doorstep. Another time a little card was posted through the door saying 'I have left your parcel...' with a space for the postman to write 'with neighbour' or 'in garage'. On this occasion the helpful postie had written 'in dustbin' (trash can to US readers!) Needless to say it was bin collection day ..... Nowadays they HAVE to take the parcel back to the sorting office and you have to go there to collect it, taking the delivery slip plus proof of identity.
  8. RosieP

    Shipping Update..

    Ooh - Brian! forgot to ask. Has my order from 2/7 to the UK gone out yet???? I've promised to share the Imp's Ears with a friend who is waiting to put her order in and I'll be visiting her next week - it would be nice to take her a pressie!
  9. RosieP

    Ok, feeling human again.

    So pleased to hear that you are feeling better....take care! lots of love Rosie XXX
  10. RosieP


    I couldn't smell anything of the sea in this one - not surprising as BLACKbeard was the pirate, Bluebeard was a serial wife-murderer in a not very pleasant Perrault fairy tale (see link to read the story ...) http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/perrault03.html It is a scent that fits the character of Bluebeard very well - the veneer of aristocratic elegance expressed by the violet and lavender hiding something malevolent and cruel beneath.
  11. RosieP

    Incapacitated for a day.

    I'm so sorry to hear you're not well ... and sorry for pestering about my package! The most importnat thing is your health, so don't worry about responding to e-mails, etc - take some time for yourself. The dilation thing sounds horrible - I've had two kids but neither were induced, so I didn't have the drugs to start dilation. You could try rubbing your tum with a Wiccy Magic Muscles bar from Lush which is quite good for cramps ... (smells a little like Tiger Balm but seems to work.) Have another big hug Take care, Rosie XXX
  12. RosieP


    When I first sniffed this in the vial, I wasn't sure whether I'd like this - smelt a little TOO tangy and yes, I smelt a rotting wood smell too. Nonetheless, I wore it to work today and it has developed into a soft, sweet, unusual scent - warm and slightly earthy in a MiddleEarth soap kind of way. Seemed to fade after a couple of hours, or perhaps my nose was just getting used to it. Interestingly, when I re-applied it I didn't notice the rotting wood smell this time - presumably this only happens with the first application onto my skin. I think this might go on my (growing) list for a bigger bottle. Very unusual, but nice.
  13. RosieP

    More great news.

    Elizabeth, if you need any extra shipping money, just let me know - I'll PayPal it through to you straight away. Sending parcels from the UK to the US is becoming more of a chore too - we now have to itemise EVERYTHING (and I mean everything - even greetings cards and giftwrap, believe it or not) inside the parcel on the customs slip. This rather takes the 'surprise' out of 'surprise' presents ... Rosie
  14. RosieP

    Incapacitated for a day.

    Here's a big hug! your health is more important than anything else - take as long as you need! lots of love, as ever Rosie XXX
  15. RosieP

    Email. Well, I knew I'd f*ck it up, and I did.

    Helo Elizabeth. I'll resend the shipping quotation request to the UK. Thanks Rosie
  16. RosieP

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    I'm the only one who's ever reviewed it, but Golden Priapus is a really nice, unusual vanilla - a little strange in the vial, but bewitchingly nice on the skin - I'd say close to a masculine version of Snake Oil. I originally gave the Imp's Ear to Husband as I didn't like the scent in the vial but decided one day to give it a fair trial ... needless to say, he never got it back!!
  17. RosieP

    International Orders

    Beth - I have a shipping quotation request in the pipeline from your holiday period, but don't panic about it if you're ultra-busy - you can stick it on the back-boiler until things are a little less frantic for you. The quotation is for a shipment for a friend who doesn't have PayPal, but assuming my previous package arrives soon, I can share the contents with her until things are quieter for you. Rosie
  18. RosieP

    Links and a progress update.

    I'm waiting for a delivery, and also sent an e-mail requesting international shipping costs on another order. Although I want to put yet another order in, I won't confuse things any more until I get a shipping cost on the order in the pipeline (which is for a friend who doesn't have PayPal - aargh! it isn't even for ME!!!).) I hope the delivery comes soon - all my Imps Ears are becoming frighteningly empty and I'm facing a BPAL-less time ahead ..... Rosie
  19. RosieP

    Links and a progress update.

    Wonderful news - I'll watch the incoming mail with interest!! Elizabeth, if my original parcel ever shows up I'll of course send extra cash to cover the cost of the contents, as I have more than enough friends to distribute the oils to, and it seems so unfair that you should have to bear all this extra expense. Rosie XXX
  20. RosieP

    Help with samples needed.

    If there is any help I can provide from the UK, just let me know .... if you're really stuck you could perhaps send a crate of 'empties' plus the fibre, labels etc plus a finished one for me to work to, and I'll send 'em back done. I am quite good at craft-work and know I could do this. I'd be more than happy to help for free .....
  21. RosieP

    International Orders

    Wonderful news!!! How long do you want us to wait to place new orders - I don't want to swamp you straight away .... Rosie
  22. Elizabeth, I haven't had an e-mail from you (I payPal'ed my order on 7th Feb) but please don't rush to re-pack as the last package took over a month to get here to the UK, and I'm happy wait a little longer. Shall I let you know if it hasn't turned up by about the 10th? That will give the postal service more time to get it's arse in gear and give you some breathing space too. Rosie
  23. RosieP

    Hullo, update, and a welcome to Brian!

    Hello Brian Can't call my old man an 'Adonis' - more of a cuddly old, much loved, balding teddy-bear (poor old sod ....!!!) Elizabeth, don't make yourself ill again worrying about our parcels - I'm sure they'll all turn up given time. Sending you lots of love Rosie XXX
  24. RosieP

    Home early, because I can't take the strain.

    Poor Elizabeth, I only wish there was something I could do to help - I feel so bloody helpless stuck the other side of the Atlantic ..... I should wait and see what turns up in people's mailboxes before re-shipping, it might just be because the mail is all snarled up at the moment ...... Sending lots of big hugs your way Rosie XXX
  25. I'm in mourning for Plantational too .... it used to REALLY suit my hair and leave it smelling absolutely wonderful. I was heartened when the Plantational solid shampoo appeared but something was sadly lacking.....Reincarnate is quite nice, but still not as good as the original Plantational. I believe it was discontinued because due to the high level of fresh ingredients it had quite a short shelf-life (three months?) and customers found it difficult to finish the bottle before you had to bin it.