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Posts posted by Magycmyste

  1. Frankincense and black pepper tend to go holy war on my skin, and vetiver tends to turn sour, so I'm a little nervous about this one. But let's give it a shot.


    In the imp: So... I'm getting patchouli. I just tried Yucca Giant-skipper, which is very patchouli-heavy on me (and yet, I'm loving it more every minute), but...there's no patchouli in this blend, and that's what I'm getting.


    Wet on skin: Yup. Still getting patchouli, even with my nose less than an inch from the oil. I think I'm getting some blackcurrant in the background. It.....makes me think of plum.


    Dried down: Still fruity-patchouli-ing out. I am getting some vetiver in the background, too.


    Throw: Not getting much throw off of this at all.


    Verdict: *** I'm really not getting much out of this at all. It's nothing special on me, unfortunately. I think it will be heading to the swap pile.

  2. In the imp: I'm pretty much getting patchouli here. I'm really hoping to get more of the vanilla absolute and champaca here


    Wet on skin: Hmmm, I think the vanilla is coming through a little, softening the patch a bit.


    Dried down: Vanilla-softened patchouli. I think I'm getting some of that champaca ethereality.


    Throw: Light and pretty. I am getting some nice vanilla on the throw.


    Verdict: **** I'm liking this more than I thought I would, especially considering how much patchouli I'm getting. I'm not against patchouli, but I do tend to shy away from it a little. I'm still hoping to get more vanilla and champaca out of this as it ages, but I'll definitely look forward to seeing what comes out. This is also making me itch to try out my tester bottle of Banshee Beat (courtesy of an awesome forumite <3)


    ETA: Turning this into a *****. The longer this is on my skin, the more I love it.

  3. In the imp: Ok, getting.... stuff... in the imp. Definitely the cardamom....and other stuff


    Wet on skin: So on my skin, I'm getting cardamom and orange peel.


    Dried down: Orange milk tea. Interesting. That's something I've tried and failed at in real life because the citrus tea tends to curdle the milk.


    Throw: Not much.


    Verdict: *** for now. I am a fan of tea scents. I think I like this, but I'm not sure. I'm definitely intrigued by it. I think I'll be hanging on to it to see how it ages.

  4. In the imp: Lime and yuzu? Honestly, it smells like a kiwi fruit to me.


    Wet on skin: Ok, a little less kiwi, a little more citrus coming through now, along with the wood. Not sure about the hinoki, but I'm pretty sure I'm getting some cedar.


    Dried down: I'm getting lemon-kiwi still, with a little bit of rubber


    Throw: I'm not really getting much throw out of this, but I'm ok with that.


    Verdict: ** Yeah, this one really isn't for me.


    ETA: Revising this to *** because I let it sit a little longer, and its smelling better to me. Still don't think this is really for me, but still.

  5. In the imp: Sweet, kind of like a nutty caramel. Beautiful!


    Wet on skin: Same as before. Sweet and nutty.


    Dried down: The nuts are coming out a little more as it dries down. Giving it a few minutes and....... oh my god, this is awesome! At first, I was thinking this really reminded me of some autumn scents, though I wasn't sure which one. Now it's just nutty, nutty, delight. It still reminds me of the kitchen, but it's not nearly as sweet as before. And as much as I love sweet scents, that makes this one different.


    Throw: Fairly light, but definitely present.


    Verdict: ***** Well, I didn't go for a bottle, but I'll definitely be on the lookout for one. The decant might be enough. I like it a lot, but I don't know how often I'd reach for it over some others.

  6. In the imp: Ugh! Sharp and bitter!


    Wet on skin: Still sharp, bitter, and a bit herbal now. I went VERY light on this, and I think I'm going to want it OFF if it doesn't calm down.


    Dried down: Ok, it's calmed down a little bit. Other than that, it still smells the same.


    Throw: This has some throw, but thankfully, it's fading on me, althoguh a little slowly for my tastes. I may need to help it along with some scrubbing.


    Verdict: * Well, haven't had one of those in awhile. I'm pretty glad I didn't jump for a bottle of this in October. I had wondered, and now I know.

  7. In the imp: Mostly melon, but something stinks to me. I think I'm going to be a little wary about this one.


    Wet on skin: Melon with a hint of strawberry bubblegum... O_o


    Dried down: Light, light melon.


    Throw: Very light - certainly can't fight off Jack, but that's ok, since I seem to like Jack better anyway.


    Verdict: *** I've never really been fond of melons (except watermelon), so it makes sense that this wasn't for me. I'm just glad that stink I got in the beginning didn't amount to anything!

  8. In the imp: Mmmm......... I think I've officially been converted to pumpkin. The pumpkin and peach here are absolutely divine!


    Wet on skin: Seriously, I'm thinking of pumpkin cookies now. The spices are therem, along with the peach sweetening the pumpkin, but they're subtle compared to the other two.


    Dried down: Still pumpkin cookies, but stronger on the pumpkin than the cookies


    Throw: Light and pleasant. I can't smell it too much if it's farther away, but it sort of lingers in the air, and I don't have to put my nose into my elbow to smell it.


    Verdict: ***** This is an unexpected winner for me (Well, any pumpkin winner is unexpected for me, still). I may need to get a bottle of this along with my autumn order.

  9. Honestly, while I love the ideas and associations behind absinthe, I have yet to really think of it as an alcohol of choice for me. Still, that might be because I've never had it properly.


    In the imp: Mint and anise, more than anything.


    Wet on skin: Ah yes, there's the cardamom jumping into the mix


    Dried down: Mint and anise.


    Throw: Not much at all - I have to sniff my wrist to smell anything, though it's pretty strong up close.


    Verdict: *** Not bad, but not for me.

  10. In the imp: Sharp lemon smell - not quite lemon pledge, but close. I do get the faintest hint of the jasmine.


    Wet on skin: Same as before, though higher on the jasmine. IT gives it a slight sugar/lemon drop effect.


    Dried down: Lemon and green tea on my skin, and a hint of jasmine in the air


    Throw: Very, very light jasmine.


    Verdict: *** This is really pretty, actually, but it's just not me, and it's not a scent I think I would ever reach for. Especially over Shanghai, if I want a green tea sort of scent. Into the swap pile!

  11. In the imp: Sweet and musky.


    Wet on skin: Still sweet and musky, with a bit of sharpness.


    Dried down: As it dries down, the sandalwood comes out a bit more. It's very pretty. Drying further, the sharpness goes away,and this scent is starting to make me happy to sniff it, but there's still an edge to it that doesn't quite endear it to me. I think it might be the bergamot or neroli.


    Throw: Not a whole lot. I'm ok with that, honestly.


    Verdict: *** 1/* This is nice,really, but it's not quite doing it for me. I think this one is going to go into the swap pile, but I'm glad I tried it.

  12. In the bottle: sweet, sweet, slightly smoky beeswax and aquatic dragon's blood. The smoke and water gives this a little etherealness (ethereality?) out of the bottle


    Wet on skin: Almost the same, but just a bit darker - more smoke, maybe, or the ink. Or a very dark, well-used leather. It doesn't go quite as sour as vetiver usually does on my skin, but it's leaning that way a little.


    Dried down:I think this is primarily beeswax, smoke, and dragon's blood on me. The other notes might be there, darkening it a bit, but they're hiding behind the smoke.


    Throw: This has a pretty strong throw on me! Not quite enough to give me a headache, thankfully, but I've only got this on one wrist, and I can easily smell it as I type.


    Verdict: **** I don't think I need more than one bottle of this - I don't think I'll be using this too frequently. But when I do.... mmmmmm................ I think I love the lab's beeswax note, and this perfume is so complex! This is definitely a contemplative perfume for me, I think.

  13. Reposting my review from the TAL small batch items thread here:


    Oh. My. God. I've only used it once, last Saturday. I inscribed a black candle to banish the negativity in my life that holds me back: in particular, fear, guilt, doubt, and anger. Ever since, and even more so for the first few days, I've felt like a new person, with more confidence in myself and my actions than I can remember having before. As though I just know what I'm doing is right, and what I'm supposed to be doing.

  14. In the bottle: Sharp rose with the barest hint of something sweet. Like an orange-sweet, not sugar sweet.


    Wet on skin: Rose and sandalwood. This is rather deep and dark. Fitting for the last rose of summer, I guess.


    Dried down: Drying down, I'm still getting a rose-infused sandalwood. Very pretty. There is a hint of something sweet, like honey, but only a hint.


    Throw: I'm not really getting any throw on me. I have to sniff my wrists to smell it.


    Verdict: **** This is nice, and really pretty. But I'm not sure how often I'm going to wear it, as I have a tendency toward lighter scents.

  15. In the bottle: In the bottle, this smells dark, vetiver and patchouli.


    Wet on skin: Tried this on just one hand, as I'm a little wary of vetiver. This is a pretty, dark red oil. It almost calls blood to mind,, as the bit of oil tried to run down my wrist. I think I'm getting a bit more of the vanilla-infused sandalwood and a hint of the snake oil. There's still the patchouli, and I can't really smell the vetiver anymore.


    Dried down: As the perfume dries down, it becomes more of a lovely mix of patchouli and Snake Oil, with a gorgeous spicy blast of sandalwood if I sniff my wrists


    Throw: Patchouli and Snake Oil, not too heavy but definitely present.


    Verdict: **** I'm going to enjoy this bottle.

  16. In the imp: Pretty. Dark, herbal, almost floral. I think musks often tend to strike me as floral.


    Wet on skin: More sharp and herbal on my skin. Still on the darker side, but it's not going too dark for me yet.


    Dried down: Soft, very faint, pleasant muskiness


    Throw: Just about none.


    Verdict: *** 1/* This is nice on me, but nothing special, I'm afraid. Into the swap pile!

  17. So, I managed to get a nice full decant of this.


    In the imp: Sugar, and sandalwood, I think, that keeps it from getting too sweet.


    Wet on skin: This makes me think of a slightly spicy sugar cookie! Like a cinnamon sugar cookie. The sandalwood just adds this gorgeous spice to it.


    Dried down: Same as wet.


    Throw: I'm not getting much on me, but I'm not being patient enough today, as I need to go out.


    Verdict: **** 1/* I get why people love this so much. It's complex and beautiful. But - maybe it's because I know I'll probably never get a bottle for a decent price - I don't think I'm going to drive myself insane looking for one. I will, however, HOARD my decant.

  18. In the bottle: Prominently dark chocolate, coating a soft warmth. The softness reminds me a little of hay, but I don't know which note that might be. I do get a hint of the spices, though.


    Wet on skin: Soft chocolate and sweet, dried grass Actually, that could be the cacao combined with the green rice. That would do it.


    Dried down: Same as wet, but with more of the spices showing through. It's a sweet spiciness, reminiscent of pumpkin pie spice, but stronger, and NOT of potpourri (yay cumin! I have to look for it, and I feel its presence more than smell it, but it's there).


    Throw: Chocolate and spice. Beautiful.


    Verdict: ***** Another 13 win for me.

  19. In the imp: Snake oil, chocolate, and rice paper.


    Wet on skin: Snake oil, chocolate.... and dirt?


    Dried down: The teak is stronger now, but it's giving this a sourness I wasn't expecting. And it's not meshing well with the snake oil and chocolate on my skin.


    Throw: A little, not much.


    Verdict: *** Wow. Well, that wasn't what I expected. I guess there's at least one really popular LE I can cross off my list.

  20. In the imp: Snake Oil - with a little bit of lightness on the very edge - I think the labdanum. It reminds me of some of the Phoenix Steamworks metal notes.


    Wet on skin: Snake Oil, pretty much. I can smell the frankincense, but it's like it's not coming from my wrist, it's coming from somewhere else in the room.


    Dried down: As it dries down, the Snake Oil is fading, but it's still there. The incense is a bit stronger now. I'm not sure I can pick up the champaca. But this does have that ethereal quality I tend to get from it. Dried down, it's this gorgeous, perfectly blended Snake Oil and incense. Sometimes when I sniff I get the Snake Oil, and sometimes, I get the dusty incense. And it's so soft!


    Throw: Thi has a little bit of throw on me, but not a whole lot. The throw is mostly snake oil, with a touch of incense.


    Verdict: ***** Yes, yes, and yes. I love this. Maybe not quite as much as Snake Oil, but I do like it for something a little bit different.

  21. In the bottle: Dark leather and/or tobacco, and sweet coffee.


    Wet on skin: Leather and/or tobacco and coffee, softened by the carnation. The leather and the tobacco are blending together beautifully here, so it's like I'm smelling one note that could be either of them.


    Dried down: The leather is much more prominent now, dusted with tobacco. The coffee is still there, but it's a faint note in the background, like a whiff of coffee that has been finished, instead of right in front of you. I'm not really getting the carnation at the moment. This is someone wearing a leather jacket, who works in a tobacco shop, and has just finished their morning coffee.


    Throw: Not a whole lot, but I think I'm ok with that, as tobacco can be a little overwhelming for me if it gets too strong.


    Verdict: **** I'm very glad I have a bottle of this. I think I like Arabian Dance and Und Wir Dachten der Toten better for coffee scents, as in this one, the coffee fades rather quickly, but I like the leather/tobacco combination in this one. I'm starting to develop an appreciation for certain types of tobacco scents, the more sweet and fragrant ones - it adds a sophisticated edge. (Cigarette smoke and tobacco, though. Nuh-uh. Not for me.)

  22. In the imp: Minty woods! The mint reminds me of wintergreen chewing gum.


    Wet on skin: The woods are a little stronger on my skin, and the mint a little sharper (we're going into peppermint territory here), but otherwise the same. I definitely smell some pine in the woods here.


    Dried down: This is pretty much a mint party on me with a little bit of woodsiness.


    Throw: This has some decent throw, mostly mints dancing through the air with a floral or musky, almost grapey edge.


    Verdict: *** This is really nice, but I don't know that I'm all that into it. IT's a surprising, chaotic scent on me, filled with life, but I'm not sure how often I would reach for it. I thik I'll definitely hang on to the imp, but I don't think I need a bottle.

  23. In the bottle: Deep, dark chocolate, and a whiff of tomato that goes almost cherry.


    Wet on skin: Sweet herbs with a touch of syrup. The tomato is still there, but in the background, faint.


    Dried down: So, I think I'm mostly getting the comfrey now - mostly because I think I can identify the others. It's a little like straw, or a bit of hay, and kind of weird. I am getting whiffs of the pink pepper if I try hard enough. If I sniff REALLY hard, I get a few flakes of dried coconut.


    Throw: This does have some delicious, chocolatey throw on me. There's a bit of comfrey in there, too, but not too much.


    Verdict: *** 1/* You know, I'm not sure. I like it for the chocolate which keeps going in the throw, and because I think it's an interesting blend. But I'm not sure I'd reach for it very often. I'm pretty sure I don't need more than my half-bottle here.


    ETS: Ok, I really need to learn to be more patient. That dried coconut has blossomed on my skin - I think it's the combination of chocolate and comfrey, and it is freaking gorgeous! So....... **** 1/* now. Still loses half a star for the comfrey weirdness in the drydown stage.

  24. In the bottle: Very tart floral. If this is jasmine, it's jasmine sambac - but it actually seems too heavy for that for me.


    Wet on skin: Ok, getting "jasmine" mooe now. Definitely Maid-of-Orleans/jasmine sambac, not one of the sweeter varieties. This is pretty! It's still a very green scent, but a lush, bright green, not a dark, herbal one.


    Dried down: It's gotten softer and more ethereal now, but still a beautiful jasmine sambac.


    Throw: Soft and mild, I'm not getting a whole lot.


    Verdict: **** This isn't my absolute favorite jasmine scent, but it's very enjoyable. I'll keep it around for awhile, at least.
