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Posts posted by Magycmyste

  1. 2014 version:


    In the imp: Cakes. :) With a hint of incense.


    Wet on skin: More incensey than cakey here.


    Dried down: Mostly incense at this point. There's still a tiny bit of cake in the background, but you have to search for it.


    Throw: A bit of throw, mostly incense. Most throws aren't coming through to me as easily at the moment, since I'm kind of stuffed up.


    Verdict: **** Nice, but I'm not really going crazy over it. I'll pass on a bottle this year.

  2. 2014 version:


    In the imp: Rose sweetened by incense. Very nice.


    Wet on skin: Same.


    Dried down: Same. Almost a little sweeter floral, like the gardenia's coming out a little.


    Throw: Not a whole lot, but my nose is still a little stuffed.


    Verdict: **** 1/* I really, really, like this scent, but it does fall a little short of being truly special on me. But... I think I still want a bottle of this this year. Maybe two, because I think my mom would like it a lot.

  3. Ok, so this is the Vintage 2007 version - black and grey label that looks like it's a picture of a section of lace as it's laid on a table (you can tell it's lace, but I wouldn't be able to describe the design of the lace.


    In the bottle: Clean linen? There's definitely something dark about this scent (I'm guessing the tobacco and cognac, but also lightened by the vanilla. It's almost like vanilla and soap.)


    Wet on skin: I went for two dots from the cap, on each wrist. On my skin, it smells a bit like soap, but a very pleasant smelling soap. The scent lightens a bit as my skin warms it up.


    Dried down: The tobacco and cognac are there in the forefront, making this all dark and smoky, but there's still a bit of cottony soap in the background lightening it up. The vanilla is barely there, but I can kind of sense it hiding behind the cotton if I try to sniff my wrists. However, as I move my nose away from my wrists, the vanilla is definitely there.


    Throw: The throw is rather light, but very vanilla. It makes me happy. :)


    Verdict: ***** Oh man, this is complex! I liked the soap scent, but wasn't entirely sure about it, but as it keeps shifting between the vanilla and the tobacco/cognac... I just want to keep sniffing and discover which note is going to grab my nose this time. I think I'm going to have to find another bottle of this, and put a bit in one of my rollers.

  4. In the imp: Extra sugary, buttery cake, with frosting and crystal sugar piled on top.


    Wet on skin: My upper arm smells like it's been dipped in sugar, with a bit of coconut mixed in, but I also have eight other scents on my arms, so the coconut might be coming from that. Not sure. This is the large crystal sugar that get sprinkled on top of desserts for extra texture, but without the dessert underneath.


    Dried down: As it dries down, I'm getting a bit more of the strawberry beneath the sugar, the bubblegum people are talking about. There is a slight sharpness to it - someone above mentioned acetone? And I think that's what I'm thinking of - just the slightest touch of nail polish remover. I know there was another scent that did that to me, but I can't remember which one.


    Throw: Pink, pink, sugar. (And I just got the refrain from Spin, Spin, Sugar stuck in my head. wow, that's been awhile.) With a touch of strawberry.


    Verdict: **** I really, really like this, but it might be just a touch too sweet for me. And that acetone touch hasn't disappeared yet. This might be another one that needs to age to reach perfection, though, so I'll definitely try out my decant again.

  5. In the imp: Yeah, lime almond cookies.


    Wet on skin: Mmmmmmmmm............ still lime,almonds, and sugar. It's not quite cookie-ish here. The sugar's definitely there, but it's softened by...... the lilies? Something floral.


    Dried down: Getting more floral now. There's the tiniest hint of the absinthe, and I can find the spice and leather if I look for it.


    Throw: Nice almondy floral. Very strong on the florals and light on the almonds now.


    Verdict: **** This started out a 5 but faded to a 4. I actually really like this scent, but the lime almond cookie scent that it started off as was more special than the almond-whiffed lilies I ended up with. It's nice, but it doesn't make me say "wow!" I might try to find a bottle of this later, though.

  6. In the imp: Salty, with orange and a hint of sweetness


    Wet on skin: Orangey salt


    Dried down: As it dries down, there's a hint of sweetness underlying the salt. This scent makes me happy!


    Throw: There's a bit of salty sweetness in the air, and it keeps making me want to breathe it in.


    Verdict: ***** Yeah, ok, this is a bottle buy for me. I'm not sure how often I'll wear it, but I want to make sure it's on hand when I want it.

  7. In the imp: Sweet florals. Very rosy, with the sweetness of the gardenia rounding it out.


    Wet on skin: Light roses. This is really faint on my skin.


    Dried down: Same as above. This actually really reminds me of The Expiration, but fainter.


    Throw: Not much.


    Verdict: **** I really like this a lot. I just wish this was stronger. I think I'm going to go find my bottle of the Expiration and compare it tomorrow. This might be another one I may search out bottles of in the future.

  8. In the imp: Dirt. Lots of dirt. And something lemony. That bit does remind me of sunshine.


    Wet on skin: Yeah, this is the dirty corn cob dirt note I get from most of the dirt blends.


    Dried down: Still dirt.


    Throw: Not getting any throw at this point, but I'm ok with that.


    Verdict: ** I kinda figured from the dirt note, but this one is not for me.

  9. In the imp: Light and sweet. I can get the hint of stone and iron here, but it's just the lightest edge mineralizing the flowers.


    Wet on skin: Floral with an edge of mineral.


    Dried down: Ok, this is nice. Very floral, not really sweet, with just a touch of stone.


    Throw: Light and floral.


    Verdict: *** 1/* I do really like this, but... again, it's just not leaping out at me with specialness. I might want a bottle of this, but I thinkI can wait and see if I can pick one up secondhand.

  10. In the imp: Fruit and herbs. I smell the blueberry, but I don't think I would have gotten that if I hadn't know there was blueberry in it. I think I'm getting more of the honeysuckle and lemon verbena. F said it smelled like candy, and when I mentioned blueberry, he did he smelled more citrus.


    Wet on skin: Well, I'm definitely getting the unpulled weeds here.I'm still getting the fruit, but it's definitely much more herbal here.


    Dried down: As it dries down, the honeysuckle and lemon verbena are getting much stronger. I like it.


    Throw: The honeysuckle and lemon verbena. This one has a nice strong throw.


    Verdict: **** I do like this a lot, especially now that it's mostly the honeysuckle and lemon verbena. But I don't think I'd reach for it over others.

  11. In the imp: Extremely orange. Like a really fresh, juicy orange. But with a lightness I think comes from the coconut and pear.


    Wet on skin: Ok,on me, this just went to sharp and bitter orange.


    Dried down: Well, it's lost the bitter edge. Very fruity.


    Throw: This has a bit of throw. Again, very fruity and sweet.


    Verdict: *** 1/* I really, really want to like this. I feel like I should. But this combination of fruit just isn't really doing anything for me.I think it's the pear mixed with the orange. It's nice, but I don't think I'd reach for it.

  12. In the imp: Sweetness, sage and cedar. The sage has a sharpness that's surprisingly pleasant.


    Wet on skin: Hmmm...... rubbery and sharp.


    Dried down: Still a little rubbery, though there's some minty sweetness there.


    Throw: No throw on me, though at the moment, I'm ok with that.


    Verdict: *** It's not bad, but this one just isn't doing anything for me. I may try it again later and wish I'd gotten a bottle, but I'm ok skipping this one for now.

  13. So, this was a blind bottle buy for me. Cause... champaca, mostly. And sweet honey. :D I got this yesterday, and sniffed, and it smelled like this heavenly sweetness, but not too sweet. So, now for the official test (and since it's rested a day):


    In the bottle: Pumpkin cake. Or rather sweet pumpkin bread. Almost like gingerbread, except pumpkin.


    Wet on skin: About the same? Honestly, the throw from the bottle sniff just stayed in the air, so I can't quite tell if the two dabs I put on my wrists smell any different. It's a lot lighter, definitely. Which I guess makes sense since there's a lot less oil on my skin than in the bottle. After a reapplication, because the first try disappeared into my skin before I could properly smell it wet, it smells similar, but a lot lighter, and a little bit nutty, like someone threw a whole lot of pecans into the bread.


    Dried down: The same. I'm also getting a hint of Indian hot pickle from this in the throw, but I suspect that might be my skin. Or me getting hungry.


    Throw: The throw is very light and pleasant. I'm pretty much getting pecans and a bit of the pumpkin and spice. I get a little sweetness from the honey, but only if I sniff my wrists.


    Verdict: *** 1/* I think this one might take a second try for me. I'm really surprised I'm not getting the honey much - I think that might take this oil to a whole different level, as long as it doesn't overtake the other notes entirely.

  14. Got this with my Metamorphosis decant circle. Squee!!!

    In the imp: Pumpkin and spice! I might need to take Jack out to sniff and compare again, but the first thing that jumps out at me is "PUMPKIN!" BPAL has officially converted me into a pumpkin lover. There is a sort of creaminess in the background, but I'm looking for it.

    Wet on skin: Still singing pumpkin and spice, especially cinnamon.

    Dried down: Drying down.....THERE'S the ice cream! Soft, creamy vanilla and pumpkin! And spice! :D The creaminess fades quickly on me, but the pumpkin spice is still there, and it makes me feel happy. As I wear it longer, the creaminess comes back into the air a little, back and forth.

    Throw: I'm not getting much throw here, and I have to sniff my wrists to really get the scent.

    Verdict: **** I love this when I can smell it, and I wish the creaminess lasted longer, and was a little stronger, but this is really pretty. I'm not ready to try to slather the little bit I have, but if I had a bottle.... or two... I think I could spend the holiday season smelling like melty pumpkin ice cream!

    ETA: Whoo!! First post! I feel all special. :wub:

  15. In the imp: Light apple.


    Wet on skin: Well, the bergamot's definitely showing up on my skin. I don't hate it, but I don't like it as much as the apple, and it seems to clash a bit.


    Dried down: Hmmmm, this is turning more bergamot on me than apple, and I was hoping for some vanilla. Which I'm getting on the throw, a bit, but not from my wrists.


    Throw: This has a nice light vanilla throw on me, which I'm enjoying.


    Verdict: *** Not bad, but I think I'd prefer something a little stronger on the vanilla up close, as well as from afar. I think I'll pass on this one.

  16. Thanks to my DC fairy for getting me my half-bottle of this!


    In the bottle: Creamy vanilla and peach, touched with jasmine. This makes me want dessert.


    Wet on skin: The jasmine pops out more on my skin.


    Dried down: Creamy jasmine tinted with peach. I'm still not really picking out the frankincense, but I don't really care


    Throw: Very light, like whipped cream.


    Verdict: ***** Oh my GOD, I love this! I think I've figure out that I'm not that much of a peach person. While I love the flavor of peaches, I don't do well with its scent after a bit. But this... the peach is definitely there, but it's playing peekaboo from behind the jasmine cream and vanilla, and it's glorious on me! This bottle is definitely a keeper, and I think I'm going to be on the hunt for a backup. Or two.

  17. In the bottle: First and foremost, peachy. And the kind of dark?


    Wet on skin: Pretty much peach and musk on my skin.


    Dried down: Pretty much, a not too sweet peach. It's soft and pleasant. I'm not really getting the spices at all, and I wish I were.


    Throw: There is a bit of peach in the air.


    Verdict: *** 1/* This is nice, and I like it. I really want to love it, though, and it's just not hitting that level for me. I think I'm going to need to give this one a second chance, at least, before I decide what to do with it.

  18. In the imp: Fruity and REALLY sharp. I think that's the sloe gin talking.


    Wet on skin: Still sharp, alcohol soaked apple and peach.


    Dried down: This is actually a rather nice fruity scent at the moment, but for some reason, it's not appealing to me.


    Throw: Bit of a fruity throw, although it's fading fairly quickly.


    Verdict: *** 1/* Nice, I guess. I think one might require a second try. I don't dislike it, but I feel like I ought to like it a lot more than I do. Especially now that the booze has calmed down...

  19. In the bottle: Dark and sweet, a little syrupy.


    Wet on skin: I think I'm getting the cognac and woodmoss more than anything. This is faint, but dark on me....


    Dried down: As it dries down, the vanilla and coconut start coming out to play. While before I wasn't too sure about this, now I kind of want to bathe in this scent. The cognac is still there, but it seems more to temper the vanilla and coconut more than to add a scent of its own. I'm not noticing the frankincense much - it's usually a sharp incense on me, but right now it's blending with the vanilla and coconut.


    Throw: I kind of have to sniff my wrists to get the vanilla and coconut. There is a little bit of throw on me, but it's very light, and oh so pretty! It reminds me a little of Go To Sleep, Darlings (I haven't worn that in awhile), I think, in the sweetness, but with a coconut undertone.


    Verdict: ***** Ok, I'm sold. I'm glad I got a couple of backup bottles before this one sold out (I think it's sold out.) This is going into the BPAL treasure chest.

  20. In the imp: Bright, bright orange, with a spot of darkness in the middle - I'm guessing that's the tobacco absolute. Not bad yet, but I'm still wary of tobacco. I've smelled some that are alright and I can breathe normally around them, and others just make me run the other direction (And don't get me started on cigarette smoke - it's the reason I refuse to try Deathrock.Goth).


    Wet on skin: Same as above. I think I'm getting the hay in thee, too, but it's hard to tell.


    Dried down: The tobacco is definitely coming out more in this stage, but I can still smell the orange. This seems to be a sweeter tobacco, of the "Yeah, I can probably take this, and maybe even learn to enjoy it" type. However... I'm also starting to get a headache. This may not be the fault of the perfume, but it;s not really helping any.


    Throw: Light, sweet tobacco, and orange.


    Verdict: *** I don't know yet? I kind of really want to like this, and I don't want to run away from it, but... I'm not loving it either. At least, not yet. I might hang on to my decant for another test (I really ought to find my decant of French Tobacco SN to test, but to be honest, I've been scared to test that one, too). I think maybe a second test when I'm not tired might help me get a better idea of what I think of this. And, you know, maybe aging will change it up a bit.

  21. In the imp: Flowers, followed by a hit of licorice.


    Wet on skin: This is a lovely, dark floral.


    Dried down: Still a sexy, dark floral. I was afraid the licorice bark was going to take over, but it dances in the background and pushes the florals forward beautifully.


    Throw: This has a little bit of throw. I like it, but it also reminds me of department store perfume at the same time.


    Verdict: **** I really, really like this, but there's something putting me off from loving it. I'm not sure what. I don't think I'm ready to go after a bottle yet. We'll see how the decant ages, and if I need to get a bottle later, though.

  22. Well, I'm very curious about nagarmotha. Let's see how it plays on my skin.


    In the imp: Well, I smell the sweet musk. Or more patchouli. I seem to be smelling patchouli in a lot of these today.


    Wet on skin: Same as before. Sweet with a bit of incense.


    Dried down: Same as before, but a little softer. And I am getting a bit of vetiverness (I think that's what the nagarmotha smells like)


    Throw: Mostly the sweet musk.


    Verdict: *** This isn't bad, but its not as special as I was hoping. I think I'll hang onto this one awhile, though, see if it ages well.

  23. In the imp: Bitter, bitter orange. I'm not sure I'm going to like this.


    Wet on skin: Slightly... less bitter orange.


    Dried down: Ok, this is better. Wearable.


    Throw: There is a little bit of an orangey throw here.


    Verdict: *** It morphed into something better, but I wasn't fond of the beginning, and the ending wasn't quite special enough for me. This one goes to the swap pile.

  24. In the imp: Jasmine and citrus.


    Wet on skin: Lemony jasmine. I'm liking this a lot more than I expected. The jasmine stands out a lot, but I love it.


    Dried down: Hmmm, same as before, but this is fading on me awfully fast.


    Throw: Not much, all jasmine.


    Verdict: **** This is really nice, but I think I'll be happy with my decant. For now, at least. I may hunt down a bottle of this later.

  25. In the imp: Orange with a hint of vanilla.


    Wet on skin: Orange, orange, orange. With a little vanilla.


    Dried down: The cinnamon's coming out a bit on the drydown. The cinnamon blends beautifully with the orange, and I think the vanilla softens it a bit.


    Throw: Mmmm.......... dark, sultry vanilla.........


    Verdict: ***** Love it. I am so glad this got restocked and I ordered a bottle.
