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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by eanewsom

  1. Hooray for SSDB and her kindness! :dance:


    This is a really wet cinnamon smell- definitely more like sucking on a red hot rather than sniffing a jar of powdered cinnamon. It's lightly sweet, but just enough to mellow it out some, not enough to make it foody. I getting the eye socket attack pretty quickly but that's probably because I keep spritzing it and then sticking my face in the little cloud and sniffing really hard. Also because of this, I can't smell anything for a while after that initial whiff so I don't have any useful comments on how the scent mellows out. I keep meaning to not do this but apparently I have the willpower of a gnat.

  2. I'm not familiar with Ruby Guava, but Machu Picchu has tropical fruits in the list of notes, and it's one of my favorite fruity scents.

    Sweet tropical fruits burst through deep, wet rainforest boughs, enormous steamy blossoms, over thin mountaintop breezes, mingled with the soft, rich golden scent of Peruvian amber.


    Despite the 'steamy blossoms' I don't notice much in the way of florals in it, just fruits and amber.

  3. From your bottle list, I would probably go with Bastet, as she is caring and nurturing to those she likes but woe to those she doesn't.

    Alternatively, is there one that you have a really good association with somehow? When I'm in tough situations I like to wear scents that remind me of a friend, like a scent-reminder that someone does have my back even if they aren't there right that second.

  4. well, the way i see it, its worth buying some cheap imps to help figure out which scents wont work on me. because in the long run, figuring out what works and what doesnt will save money. i guess im just finding out that my skin chemistry is on the uncooperative side. i have already succumbed to spreadsheet madness but i haven't listed the specific notes in each blend on it. i think i'll do that so i can be more obsessive and look for patterns :)


    Definitely look for ick-notes, but don't rely *too* much on them. For me, the problem with coming up with a list of notes to avoid is that for every one of my evil-doom-stench notes, there's a bpal containing it that I love, so it really does depend on how things are blended, like kakiphony's red musk examples. It could be that musk is fine for you, and tobacco is fine for you, but musk and tobacco together isn't.

  5. I love this smell too! There's scientific evidence as to why old books smell so amazing.


    “Lignin, the stuff that prevents all trees from adopting the weeping habit, is a polymer made up of units that are closely related to vanillin. When made into paper and stored for years, it breaks down and smells good. Which is how divine providence has arranged for secondhand bookstores to smell like good quality vanilla absolute, subliminally stoking a hunger for knowledge in all of us.”


    That covers books back to the Victorian era but not much older - wood pulping for paper was developed in the 1840's and didn't become the book-making standard until several decades later. Older papers are lignan-free.

  6. Hi everyone,


    I am going to a gothic-themed party of a friend. I have just dyed my hair blue-black. I think I will wear red lipstick,

    dark eyeshadow and pale foundation.




    My dress: My link


    My socks: http://www.penti.com/Urun/908/188/Nostalji-Kulotlu-corap.aspx


    My shoes look quite alike these shoes: http://www.wonderlandconsignmentshop.com/products/detail/140


    I couldn't decide what to wear as a perfume. I am usually fond of cold flowers like violet. I want something sophisticated and dark also.


    Waiting for your recommondations :wub2:


    Les Fleurs du Mal would be perfect.

  7. A fellow forumite had a bottle of Chaos that was very popcorn scented. I purchased it. Hope its got all the BPAL popcorn I want. ;)


    There was one series of CTs that had popcorn in a lot of them, so if this one doesn't work out for you, it's worth posting an ISO.

  8. Hi,


    I have bought some clothes for a special night with my beloved boy. But I'm not sure what bpal perfume to wear. :umm:


    Here are the clothes that I have got..... this burgundry satin corset



    and this black velvet skirt



    and this choker



    Waiting for recommendations :wub2:


    That outfit looks like Blood Countess to me!

  9. Oh man, I wish I got the ginger mentioned in the other reviews. It's there, but not that strong, and is more milk chocolate. Not good milk chocolate, but the gross kind that tastes cloying and has paraffin instead of cocoa butter and says 'chocolate-flavored confection' because they can't legally call it chocolate. Finally this fades down and leaves the butterscotch. Or rather, imitation butterscotch flavor pudding, which I quit liking when I was about 3. Yech.

  10. I almost didn't get this, because I was suspicious of the tamarind. Was I ever wrong. When I first applied it, the tamarind stood out and made it tart and fresh, while the chocolate and fig were just strong enough to keep it sort of a dark scent overall. As it faded, the tamarind calmed down and it turned into a rich, lucious chocolate-figgy heaven. Like ladyjc said, it does fade quickly. So I'll just have to get multiple bottles.

  11. 2010 version- almost entirely dried rose, with just enough resin to ground it a little bit. I'm really picky about roses, but I love this scent. I think it's the same rose note as in my beloved Les Fleurs du Mal. As much as I love it, though, I was hoping for a little more incense, and lo and behold, layering it with Midnight Mass makes it the exact scent I was hoping for! They're so gorgeous together that I'm going to stock up on All Saints in the hope that MM comes back for Yule.

  12. I don't care for wood or green scents at all, and that makes it hard for me to analyze them, I just go "Yuck!" and run away. I just gave my decant of Toad Hall to a friend who I'm working on enabling, and she loves it. I was hoping people who are into those types of scents could make suggestions of other things she might like. Odin is mentioned in the LE comparison thread but any other ideas would be appreciated as well! GC or less-rare LE are both fine. :D
