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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by lunakitten

  1. Yay! I found you. :D

  2. All sqeaky and nervous. Saturday is coming WAY too fast.

  3. Fancy seeing you here! Hope you enjoy the community. :D

  4. I'm tracking migraine days and what I do about them. I hope it gives me a clearer picture of what's wrong.

  5. Student loan repayment plan is happening! I'll be out of default in Oct. *dances*

  6. Oral surgery went well, except for and extra $500 on the bill for a bone graft !

  7. Oral surgery tomorrow. I'm a little scared.

    1. backthatelfup


      Yikes! Hope it goes well! I'm scared of tooth pokers :(

  8. Were tehre more topics up this morning or am I hallucinating?

  9. Just stopping in to give you love!

  10. You are so sweet! Thank you.
