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Posts posted by sea_of_flame

  1. I...Unfortunately that leaves us with no UK retailer once again.


    Agh, that sucks.


    Wonder if the big Wholefoods branch in London would be an option....?


    No idea about Wholefoods, but I would have thought at least one of the more esoteric shops in the Covent Garden/Seven Dials area might be a good fit (Mysteries & Treadwells come to mind)

  2. Initially:

    Green. Bizarrely saliva-inducing (not drool-worthy, more that my mouth is trying to clear itself of the 'taste'!), unrelenting, chewing-on-grass-clippings *green*. Thoroughly reminds me of the "Stranger in Camp" scent from Dogs Playing Poker - so possibly my skin has a weird reaction to pipe tobacco - I think that was in both...


    Next up:

    Leather. Possibly only because I'm looking for it though - it's struggling to come through, because of the *green*. Over the next few minutes, it increasingly starts to win the battle, and I can recognise this as a cousin of De Sade & Loviatar.


    As the green calms, there's a sweeter, creamier, muskier note coming through. Musk/tonka/ambergris? Musk & ambergris are certainly listed notes.


    I'm liking what this is becoming, although musk+leather+smoke overlaps with several of the other scents I have & like - and that initial green note is really rather off-putting to me...

  3. Wah! A werewolfy scent that really isn't good on me! *sobs*


    It was interestingly aquatic when it first went on, but it's rapidly gone all to talcy, soapy, floral! Like Nanny's bathroom - cleaned to within an inch of its life, with some Crabtree & Evelyn talc nevertheless sneaking in the white-on-white corners, and the window open just a crack blowing a breeze across whatever flowering potplant is sat there on the sill, primly perched on its little lace doily.


    Possibly worth trying a second time, but I fear it's on to the swap pile for this one...

  4. Dry - Whiffs of 'parmaviolets' (ye olde UK sweetie) - very nostalgic & this is the reason orris is now one of my favourite notes. The patchouli is gorgeous and not overwhelming.


    I KNEW there had to be someone else on here familiar with these - on me, Dance of Death is a dead ringer for Parma Violets.


    Even when still wet, it's exactly that crumbly sort of powdery, pastel-purple soapyness. Bleh! :P


    I'm going to re-try it having read the reviews, since some people have listed an initial violet scent that matured into something else, so maybe I was too quick to judge - but the initial scent certainly isn't good on me...

  5. **RAGE**


    OK, Labbies, I can tell you where all the rage has gone - it's right here at my desk! :P


    I've tried my imp of this before, and it's been fine - a touch on the sweet side with my skin chemistry, perhaps, but dragon's blood, amber and my skin are happy companions - plus the oil is a gorgeous, carnelian red that makes me smile with its vibrancy.


    Except today.


    Just going back to work after the lurgy, hormones also playing the merry fandango, shove on some Rage - and YUCK!


    The overly-sickly-godawful-teenybopper-bodyspray BERRY has taken over! *RAGES*


    Washed what I could off to tone it down, and after a couple of hours at work it's less offensive to my nose, but I am NOT amused. *grumbles*


    Anyway, the point of this rant is that Rage does seem to be one that's sensitive to hormonal shifts (or possibly to immune system skullduggery) - so if it didn't work for you first time, it may be worth a second try another time...


    (I'll edit and review it properly once it's not being SMUG BERRY on me!)

  6. In the bottle: Ooh, pretty ozoney florals! I immediately get images of deep blue water!


    Wet: For a moment it smells a bit like an ozony toilet deodoriser, very citrusy over florals.


    Drydown: Oh yes, flowers, full woods of sweet-smelling flowers and the very green and undescribable scent of rhododendrons. It still veers into toilet deodoriser land every now and then, until the sharpest part of the ozone is gone. It's lovely and moist, too.


    Hrm - maybe I shall have to have another try at this one!


    "Yeeeuch, that smells like toilet block!" was the boy's response on having the imp wafted under his bottle - and yes, to me, when I put it on, it was similarly pungent rather than pleasantly perfumed...but maybe I just need to have more patience with it, rather than washing it off a few minutes in.


    Other than the overpowering _blue_ toilet cleaner/ozoney-disinfectant smell, about all I could catch was a whiff of lemony-citrus, and, oddly, a weirdly metallic smell - not the 'red' scent that iron and copper taste of, more like a silver or steel grey-blue sort of smell. (No, I wasn't licking my wrist, it's just one of those really odd smell sensations that make more sense in colour & taste)


    Certainly a synaesthesia-tastic scent, but I'm not sure it's 'me'!
