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Posts posted by saban

  1. It smells like those gold and red incense my mom would light up to offer to our buddha statue. When I first applied it I got soft sandalwood with a powdery honey finish that had an earthy note from the oakmoss I suppose.


    But after an hour I'm left with sandalwood with a powdery hint to it. No black pepper but I have had a few sneezing fits today, maybe coincidence? After 8 hours the sandalwood has calmed down a bit but I do get a bit dizzy when I sniff too closely. I can see why some would think it's masculine, but it's really gender neutral to my nose.


    Great staying power and not too strong of a throw. I'll have to see how this one ages.

  2. 8:30am

    Just applied this from an imp. It's very sweet and fruity and what I guess is suppose to be the floral note smells more like spice. It's surprisingly strong and has a good throw on me. Smells warm and cozy, I don't get the sour milk smell I usually get with cream. The plum note reminds me of Creed's Acqua Fiorentina? But the plum note in that one is sharper and can be offensive to my nose when I first spray it on.



    It's drydown is nice, hasn't morphed too much. The plum has settled and and so has the spice/floral. I plum isn't as sweet but still very fruity. The cream note isn't distinguishable to me but it anchors the scent and gives the mellowness I'm sniffing.



    This is still lingering on my skin. Hasn't changed much since the drydown. I really like this scent. It's fresh, sweet, warm and cozy all at once for me. I think I might need a bottle of this.

  3. In the imp it was all honeydew (or musk melon...)


    Applied at 8:15am

    On the skin, it's honeydew with a hint of green tea nothing else really shows up.


    Two hours later

    It's still melon, in a very yummy oh so awesome way. The green tea is coming out and giving it a nice well roundedness. I don't really smell any mint or lemon rind.


    Lunchtime 12pm

    The melon is slowly fading away and I'm left with a green tea scent, it smells floral, green.... almost powdery but not baby powder. Also getting a hint of other fruits but mostly sweet powdery floral.



    I'm still getting wafts of green tea when I go in for a sniff. This is a very pretty scent that starts out on me fresh and sweet and becomes something refreshingly cozy ( like the cool side of the pillow in the middle of the night)


    This is a definite keeper!
