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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. Just started Uwe Boll's Postal. This is either going to be hilarious or downright horrible.

  2. I am so glad my cat's actually hunting instead of running away like a chicken shit.

  3. Satuturday night Frightmare is uploaded, organized, captioned and credited... if I missed something, let me know! :)

  4. Can you imagine the hell our livers would go through if TFW happened more often than just once a year?

  5. At least my Friday will be interesting.

  6. Just posted and captioned pictures from Frightmare Saturday! Didn't get to Saturday night's pictures... Bleh.

  7. Of course, the fact that I want another tattoo only six months after I got my Mark of Samael/Seal of Metatron does not bode well for me.

  8. Thank you, Robert Barnes, for introducing me to Alestorm... Waking up late for work and zigzagging through traffic felt like an epic quest for booty, wenches and booze.

  9. Best conversation of the day: "Your hat is ugly, Ms. Fox." "Why do you think so?" "It makes god sad. Your hat is making god cry right this minute."

  10. So apparently I'm socially inept without caffeine, and therefore shit at my job. Please hurry up with Starbucks, coworker!!

  11. Just found a very freaked out Lilith in the guest bathroom.::sigh:: Fucking great.

  12. So I WAS gonna upload Saturday's pics, but decided to watch Phantasm 3 instead. It's best to draw out the whole TFW experience, right? I mean, you don't want ALL the pictures at once. That's like five seconds of sex, and no one's satisfied with that.

  13. .... why did I have to fall in love with a tattoo artist all the way over in New Orleans??

  14. Tomorrow's Crazy Hat Day at work! Good thing I bought my Poe hat from one of my favorite vendors!

  15. I see myself hibernating this weekend... I must be psychic!

  16. I'm being ridiculously slow with these pictures.... Give me some time. :D Friday night is up... I'll probably do half of Saturday tomorrow. I miss you guys.

  17. Just picked up a Conans Meaters, now I'm on my way to pick up the Phantasm films... I need me a Grampa Scrimm fix!! :D

  18. Another reason I shouldn't have kids: a little boy ran up to me, sobbing over a broken beaded necklace his mom gave him. I almost said, "Honey, women don't flash their tits just once. Mommy's got more, trust me." I barely stopped myself in the nick of time...

  19. You'll probably notice that, while I believe there's a time and place for pretty smiles, goofy ass faces make the best fucking pictures. Period. I have more on the way!

  20. I distinctly remember Taco Cabana breakfast tacos being more than just two bites...

  21. Gonna at least upload Thursday night's photos before going to bed, damnit...

  22. Thank the great Flying Spaghetti Monster, it's raining in Austin!

  23. Fuuuuuck. Sleeeeeepy. Only three more hours 'til I can go home!

  24. Questions you ask yourself after TFW that you probably don't want the answer to: "Why the fuck am I so sore?"

  25. Next year, I'm taking Monday off. These Monday after TFW are always so darned brutal.
