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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. Just a couple of days until I'm reunited with my freak show family. I can't wait! We leave for Dallas Thursday night!

  2. Just dawned on me that I have no clue how to pick out kabocha. Or even how to cut into the damned thing. Wish me luck. x.x;;

  3. Just finished preparing my lunchbox with leftover dakdoritang, rice, strawberries and blackberries. I LOVE it when strawberries are on sale!

  4. Just finished watching Suspiria for the first time in years. Still love it.

  5. Just found a recipe for peanut butter & bacon & chocolate chip cookies. I think I'm a little wet right now, and in a need of a change of knickers.

  6. Just found a very freaked out Lilith in the guest bathroom.::sigh:: Fucking great.

  7. Just found out that Dragon Age 2 DOES NOT like it when you throw Fenris under the bus! Eeeek!

  8. Just had my first hair cut at a salon since I went to a more natural hair care regimen. Was informed that a) henna is BAD, B) was asked how I dry my hair if I don't use a hairdryer, c) was asked how I live without a flat iron, and d) she put a leave-in in my hair after I let her know that the ONLY thing I use product-wise is olive oil. There's some sort of nasty residue on my hair now!!!

  9. Just in case anybody's as obsessed as I am, BPAL is taking down their Carnivale Diabolique line down and they don't know when it will return. You've got 'til July 1st to stock up!!

  10. Just made chicken fried steak for the first time. Oh yeah.

  11. Just picked up a Conans Meaters, now I'm on my way to pick up the Phantasm films... I need me a Grampa Scrimm fix!! :D

  12. Just posted and captioned pictures from Frightmare Saturday! Didn't get to Saturday night's pictures... Bleh.

  13. Just purchased our apocalyptic beer tomorrow, even though we have no one to party with!

  14. Just spent 20 minutes "D'aaawwwwwwwww"ing over baby boas and pythons. I'm gonna be the crazy snake lady when I'm old.

  15. Just started Uwe Boll's Postal. This is either going to be hilarious or downright horrible.

  16. Just watched Judge Dredd for the first time. EH EHM THE LEEEERHHHWWWW!

  17. Kizutsuke au kono sekai Fuki tobasu HEART AND SOUL! (Oh my GOD, FIYAH BOMBA, get the hell out of my head... Seriously... this is torture...)

  18. Logic spent a lot of money at Dragon's Lair all because of my full bladder. And apparently because the couple that plays Magic together is the couple that doesn't wind up a murder-suicide breaking news story.

  19. Looking for new lunch box options...

  20. Made it to Round Rock in an hour. Suck it, Google maps!

  21. Making Japanese curry with Kokumaro and Java roux blocks that I had in the pantry... Yay for more curry lunches. :D

  22. Making Kare raisu again! My co-workers are gonna hate me...

  23. Making the best of grackle woes: Observe their interactions and imagine they're from Bellmead. Two female grackles is even better: you can pretend their in the towel section of Walmart...

  24. Methinks Logic needs to be introduced to the joy that is The Sopranos.

  25. Mm. Hungry for Korean food.
