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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. This fantasy is far from final, the worst is yet to come!

  2. Thanks to my wonderful lunch at Clay Pit with Dad, Stephanie and Brian, I am currently experiencing the dreaded need to fall into a curry coma. Indian restaurant buffets are DANGEROUS.

  3. I don't understand people too terrified to try little hole in the wall restaurants in strip malls. Those are usually the best! Hell, I've got a Mexican and a pho joint near work on my to-try list.

  4. Logic spent a lot of money at Dragon's Lair all because of my full bladder. And apparently because the couple that plays Magic together is the couple that doesn't wind up a murder-suicide breaking news story.

  5. Royally fucked up the roast. Oh well. Hello, chinese delivery!

  6. Does anyone have a tried and true recipe for fried rice? I have a steamed rice preference, but Logic hates steamed rice... I'd like to be able to make rice that he will eat too. ;)

  7. My hands smell of peanut butter no matter how many times I wash them....

  8. Happy Friday the 13th, everybody!! Support your local haunted house if they're open! I still can't believe people get so freaked out about today.

  9. DFW Metal Heads! Hard Time Radio on KNON 89.3 FM is damn near in death throes and Dallas/Fort Worth can't be without metal.... we'll all have a fucking riot. Hard Time Radio will be on the air from 8 pm-midnight tonight, so please call in & help save Metal Radio in DFW! Metro 9726471893

  10. I've got pork tenderloins marinating in pineapple chunks, juices and peanut butter... amongst other things. This is either gonna be epic, or massive fail x10.

  11. What the...? It took only 30 minutes to get home. Austin, where are your citizens?

  12. Drats. Power's back. Now I actually have to work...

  13. Just watched Judge Dredd for the first time. EH EHM THE LEEEERHHHWWWW!

  14. Making Kare raisu again! My co-workers are gonna hate me...

  15. I doubt anyone else is as concerned as I am about the fonts used on these certificates. Not even remotely close. I need to stop being such a spaz. ._.;;

  16. An apple and applesauce. Redundant breakfast is redundant.

  17. So happy to be packing my lunch again! Mmm, fruit!

  18. Chili was delicious. Mmmmmmmmmmm....

  19. Best comment of the day: "It's so brave of you to wear something so controversial(referencing the Poe hat)." ::headdesk::

  20. I've got to remember that just because 4 feet of snake is small to me, it's terrifyingly huge to everyone else.

  21. Round trip Austin - New Orleans flight: About $400. Sadly, that's how much it would cost me to drive, too.

  22. 4 hours asleep, almost killed myself in traffic AND I have back to back meetings all day. Why, hello Monday!

  23. Nnnnanrgh. Feelin' like a zombie this morning.

  24. If anyone knows a tattoo artist who does beautiful chains/gore/horror stuff in the Austin/San Antonio/Houston area, let me know. I'd love to check out some portfolios.

  25. Methinks Logic needs to be introduced to the joy that is The Sopranos.
