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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. Just finished preparing my lunchbox with leftover dakdoritang, rice, strawberries and blackberries. I LOVE it when strawberries are on sale!

  2. Just found out that Dragon Age 2 DOES NOT like it when you throw Fenris under the bus! Eeeek!

  3. Does anyone have any experience with gochujang? Tonight was my first time cooking with it... I dunno, I expecting something a bit hotter than what I got. After using three heaping tablespoons, there was a hint of heat(for me), but not much. Is there such a thing as mild gochujang? None of the labels had any sort of English on them, other than ingredients. :/

  4. Id is not wanting to partake in Rapture dinner. >< GAH.

  5. I thought I really needed to poo, but it turned out to be just gas. Has the Rapture already started??

  6. No matter where you work, there's at least ONE person you would love to see die in the most grotesque of ways... and you usually spend about 2 hours a day dreaming up scenarios. These people are also usually the ones with holier-than-thou attitudes who try to shove god down your throat. Correlation?

  7. Just purchased our apocalyptic beer tomorrow, even though we have no one to party with!

  8. One of these days, I'm gonna try that questionable looking restaurant inside New Oriental Market...

  9. So.... should I greet the Rapture with homemade blueberry muffins or the ever so addictive cinnamon rolls from can?

  10. Holy shit, thick syrupy black coffee with condensed milk hits you quick.

  11. I've got a belly full of pho, and I'm ready for a nap.

  12. I really want to have a few drinks to make this play I'm attending tonight tolerable, but I'm afraid I might end up drunkenly screaming at kids to stay in their goddamn spots.

  13. The only advantages to being a girl are boobies and multiple orgasms. >:o

  14. Sometimes, there's nothing more orgasmic than pineapple liberally sprinkled with chile powder. OH MY GOD.

  15. Sometimes the absurdity of HEB's combo loco deals kills me. You'll have a few things that at least make a little sense together, like a colander with free blackberries. Then BAM, buy batteries, get free ice cream!

  16. Boo. I don't wanna grocery shop today.

  17. Gonna be stuck in North Austin 'til 8 or 8:30 tomorrow... what to do for dinner? Do I go for pho? Check out a little hole in the wall Mexican joint? Or go for nostalgia with Bill Miller's?

  18. Sometimes, my own retardation even cracks ME up. Wow. But, if you can't laugh at yourself, then who can you really laugh at? ;)

  19. I'm just gonna cook some spicy chicken and rice for Rapture Day. That sounds like a good plan.

  20. Jumping on the Virtual-Tour-of-the-Hyatt-Regency bandwagon... Wow, Frightmare family! That's a swanky hotel! We're gonna feel all ritzy!

  21. Ugh. About to fall asleep at my desk..

  22. Who's all ready for Saturday Night Rapture?? ;D

  23. A liiiiiittle intimidated by our new bed...

  24. Thankfully, religious nutjobs are easy to spot due to the fact that they all seem to shop at the same damn store.

  25. Gonna probably get new glasses in a couple of weeks. This sucks. How am I gonna find another set of frames as awesome as mine? No, seriously. I'm blind as a bat without 'em. I won't be able to see myself when trying new ones on.
