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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. I need an awesome place to eat greens. Like, good old fashioned collard greens.

  2. I need someone to rub my bare back. I still can't get rid of these knots.

  3. I really really REALLY hope next week is better than last week. The good news is that the gamble I took on BPAL's Werewolf I'd Like to Fuck REALLY paid off... damn me for only getting one bottle!

  4. I really want some ice cream....

  5. I really want to have a few drinks to make this play I'm attending tonight tolerable, but I'm afraid I might end up drunkenly screaming at kids to stay in their goddamn spots.

  6. I see looking like absolute ass might be a TFW Sunday Morning tradition for me! Oh well!

  7. I see myself hibernating this weekend... I must be psychic!

  8. I slept 14 hours. I'm still blaming the Chinese food.

  9. I think I need to learn how to make cacio e pepe.

  10. I think the cat's upset over her new litterbox. I just don't get it. I'd do somersaults if someone got ME a brand new, fancy-shmancy toilet.

  11. I think those bastards at work finally infected me. Worst going away present EVER.

  12. I thought I lived in Austin, not Silent Hill.

  13. I thought I really needed to poo, but it turned out to be just gas. Has the Rapture already started??

  14. I want a Dahlia Gillespie dress.

  15. I want some chocolate.::sniffle::

  16. I was absolutely horrified by the lack of sample etiquette at Costco this morning. People would clog the lanes with their carts... take one sample and stand in the way while they shoveled it down their gullet. After they were pleased with said sample, they grabbed six off the sample tray and acted like a real life Hungry Hungry Hippo game. I should have mowed them all down while loudly exclaiming, "You're in Costco, not a soup kitchen!"

  17. I would say that Rick Perry can suck my fucking clit, but I doubt he'd even know what the hell to do with it, let alone how to find it. >.<;;

  18. I would sell my left ovary to the black market with full knowledge of any shady dealings involved, if it would get me just one cigarette right now.

  19. I'll escape now from that world... from the world of Jean Valjean! There is nowhere I can turn, there is no way to go oooooooooon!

  20. I'm a dumbass when it comes to my passion for food. It's pretty fucking hot outside, and I'm sweating over a hot stove for hours because I'm craving spaghetti....

  21. I'm about to be that asshole who calls for pizza delivery.

  22. I'm being ridiculously slow with these pictures.... Give me some time. :D Friday night is up... I'll probably do half of Saturday tomorrow. I miss you guys.

  23. I'm exhausted. And still without a place to live. There's always Monday...
