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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. Reason why my death will probably be fat related #638: I don't care what you say... the only way to eat a breakfast like that is to sandwich the eggs and the meat between both pancakes and drizzle syrup over the top.

  2. Gonna start calling my black and blue deck "cardboard syphilis".

  3. Wow. That's the nicest Bill Millers I've ever seen.

  4. Half day of work, then apartment hunting. Joy.:P

  5. Damn. It only takes a second for you to realize that you aren't quite as over something as you thought you were.

  6. Great coffee, oatmeal and Toy Story 3. Fuck yeah.

  7. I'm a dumbass when it comes to my passion for food. It's pretty fucking hot outside, and I'm sweating over a hot stove for hours because I'm craving spaghetti....

  8. Watchin' Firefly on the Science channel. LUFF THIS SHOW. :D

  9. Time for Rockband and beer!!

  10. ::sniffles:: Really want an Abita strawberry.

  11. Anyone in Austin or familiar with the Austin area know where I can pick up rabbits(for eating) that aren't $12 a pound??

  12. Hoping what I'm hearing about dear friends isn't true. :/ My heart breaks for you guys if it is....

  13. Thinkin' about having a few beers for Vincent Price's birthday! Or, you know, a few margs....

  14. Reason why work will be the death of me: I packed wholesome, healthy oatmeal for breakfast this morning. I unlock the office and, lo and behold, there were these perfect muffins that tasted like they were made with criminal amounts of salted butter. Seriously. That amount of butter has a special place reserved in the worst circle of hell. It wouldn't be so damn good otherwise... Fuck the oatmeal, I ate three muffins.

  15. Husband still not home. Boo! There's dead piggy flesh callin' my name.

  16. Watching a man try to play real life Frogger. Guess some people just can't wait for the flashing hand at an intersection.

  17. Two more hours of work!

  18. BOO. I forgot to carry my towel with me yesterday! Most definitely not a hoopy frood.

  19. Ash trays on the munchie aisle. Best store organization ever.

  20. Starting to obsess over foods I loved as a kid that have been discontinued: Pudding pops, Ecto-cooler, Dairy Queen star shaped popsicles, Chocolate Soldier... At least there are recipes out there for pudding pops.

  21. I would say that Rick Perry can suck my fucking clit, but I doubt he'd even know what the hell to do with it, let alone how to find it. >.<;;

  22. Alestorm, Korkiplaani and Turisas provided the soundtrack for my epic quest to 7- Eleven to claim what is rightfully mine: Caffeine! To BATTLE, I say!!

  23. Now, here's the kicker... are you jealous that Logic gets to eat everything I photograph, or grateful that your ass isn't expanding at the rates is? ;)

  24. ::pants like a lizard on a hot rock:: I hate using the oven in the summer!!

  25. Someone needs to get me a Xerox WorkCentre 5775(or similar) that I can lay waste to. I just want ONE of those fucking machines to meet complete and utter annihilation. I've got about 2 and a half years of pent up Xerox frustration here!
