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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. I am so fucking worn out with all this place hunting. Sheesh.

  2. I am so glad my cat's actually hunting instead of running away like a chicken shit.

  3. I am so ready for Frightmare 2012. Can't you fuckers get a time machine going or something?

  4. I apologize for not keeping up with everybody. I've been so fucking swamped with everything... I still love you all. ;)

  5. I can tell just by looking in the mirror that today's going to be an interesting day at work....

  6. I can't seem to figure out where I've hid half of my bento box from myself. Old age is hitting hard at 27.... >

  7. I deserve a large BPAL order and a fattening meal after all this.

  8. I distinctly remember Taco Cabana breakfast tacos being more than just two bites...

  9. I do need to curl up with a good book.. one where good ultimately triumphs over evil and everything's alright in the end, no matter how perilous the journey. Why the hell is my Lord of the Rings trilogy in the damned storage unit??

  10. I don't understand all this football craziness!

  11. I don't understand people too terrified to try little hole in the wall restaurants in strip malls. Those are usually the best! Hell, I've got a Mexican and a pho joint near work on my to-try list.

  12. I doubt anyone else is as concerned as I am about the fonts used on these certificates. Not even remotely close. I need to stop being such a spaz. ._.;;

  13. I feel a nap coming on.

  14. I feel those that run half-cocked with only what little information they've been given deserving of the most pity.

  15. I forgot how aggravating the Silent Hill movie is...

  16. I had the sudden realization today that after making one simple statement, I understand Waco folk far more than I'm truly comfortable with.

  17. I have heard more gushing about Twilight this week than I can possibly stomach. And it's only Tuesday. I'm just going to have to staple people's eyelids open and properly educate them on the subject of vampires.

  18. I have to tell myself that things will get better. Thankfully, there are shoes and BPAL for that.

  19. I have two chuck roasts marinating in bulgolgi sauce.

  20. I haven't had any caffeine today and I feel like arse.

  21. I love it when people are so miserable in their own lives that they have to make up stories about people they haven't even bothered to talk to in months.

  22. I love me some Ashley Satli McCollum. She's being a good little wench and entertaining me with Beavis and Butthead videos! XD

  23. I love that Liam Neeson has become the new Chuck Norris.
