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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. Had great Chinese food in Austin, thanks to Lisa. Why does Chinese food make me so sleepy???

  2. Had the most amazing time with friends and family. While I wasn't too thrilled about the occasion, it sure was nice to relax and cut up with everyone.

  3. Had the strangest dream last night that our local sex shop was selling the strangest crank-your-own-power vibrator. It came in two pieces: One looked like a street organ that you cranked for power. The other, attached to the "street organ" by a cord, looked to be a large vibrating lego millenium falcon. The shop offered a try before you buy session, but they had to chain you to the hot water heater first. Surely there's something to be learned from this. oO;;

  4. Half day of work, then apartment hunting. Joy.:P

  5. Hanging out at Flying Saucer with Ross, who came in to visit forthright weekend!

  6. Happy Friday the 13th, everybody!! Support your local haunted house if they're open! I still can't believe people get so freaked out about today.

  7. Happy Thanksgiving, sluts. I'm glad to have each and every one of you in my life... Well, most of the time. ;) Hope you all are enjoying your carbalicious holiday. I want to see food pictures, people!

  8. Have I mentioned how much I hate it when Id and Lilith decide they don't want to eat for months on end?

  9. Haven't run the AC in two days, the apartment's been just fine with open windows and the ceiling fan. Couldn't ever do this at the duplex!

  10. Having to go all-out Nazi on unruly children today. I think I'm going to demand to be called Frau Fuchs in a minute.

  11. HEB is selling sushi with crushed hot cheetos across the top. Shit is GOOD for such an abomination.

  12. Here's to hoping Taqueria 8 is just as epically delicious as Taqueria 9.

  13. Hey, everyone! It's Zombie Jesus Day! Time to celebrate by biting off the heads of marshmallow chickens!

  14. Hey, former ATI coworkers! Remember those excellent tamales we had? You know, when we'd order what we thought would be dinner for our families, and ending up consuming them throughout the work day instead? Robin Mack knows how to get a hold of Irene. If you're interested in getting your hands on some, get a hold of her. We're gonna make an order.

  15. Holy SHIT, it's fucking crowded and wild out there!

  16. Holy shit, thick syrupy black coffee with condensed milk hits you quick.

  17. Hope everyone's having a great 4th!

  18. Hoping what I'm hearing about dear friends isn't true. :/ My heart breaks for you guys if it is....

  19. How in the hell does Teriyaki Park not have sushi for a whole day? What the hell!

  20. Huh. Just realized that maybe I CAN get behind Christian music as long as it sounds like Demon Hunter... I've just been schooled by last.fm. ::dies::

  21. Husband still not home. Boo! There's dead piggy flesh callin' my name.

  22. I am apparently doomed in my coffee drinking endeavors. I cannot, for the life of me, find the damned basket that goes in the coffee pot. What the hell.

  23. I am hoping tonight won't result in pain and regret.

  24. I am officially done with bangs. Again. Bring forth the FIVE HEAD.
