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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. Turned in my resignation today... One way or another, we'll be in Austin by March 1st...

  2. Just had my first hair cut at a salon since I went to a more natural hair care regimen. Was informed that a) henna is BAD, B) was asked how I dry my hair if I don't use a hairdryer, c) was asked how I live without a flat iron, and d) she put a leave-in in my hair after I let her know that the ONLY thing I use product-wise is olive oil. There's some sort of nasty residue on my hair now!!!

  3. As horrible of an employee as this makes me, I REALLY hope the school is closed tomorrow. I've got a house to pack, damnit.

  4. I'm about to be that asshole who calls for pizza delivery.

  5. So... I dreamed about packing... does that count?

  6. I am officially done with bangs. Again. Bring forth the FIVE HEAD.

  7. Dear HEB customers, it's 2 in the fucking morning... why are your crotchdroppings running amock in the fucking store? And sagging pj pants are NOT cool...

  8. I would sell my left ovary to the black market with full knowledge of any shady dealings involved, if it would get me just one cigarette right now.

  9. Chocolate covered strawberries, why are you my downfall?!?! I only needed green beans!

  10. I don't understand all this football craziness!

  11. I love it when people are so miserable in their own lives that they have to make up stories about people they haven't even bothered to talk to in months.

  12. Huh. Just realized that maybe I CAN get behind Christian music as long as it sounds like Demon Hunter... I've just been schooled by last.fm. ::dies::

  13. I need someone to rub my bare back. I still can't get rid of these knots.

  14. Well, shit. I'm one of those special Texas people who are ice retarded, apparently.

  15. Wish me luck, guys! I'm about to traverse over a huge fucking piece of ice!

  16. :o Next Frightmare guest announcement's coming soon... I hope!!! Eeee, the hint has got me on my toes!!!

  17. I want a Dahlia Gillespie dress.

  18. So. Apparently to some hoity toity 10 year old, ATI employees and Ninfas employees are one in the same.

  19. Today is going to be insanely stupid busy.

  20. Made it to Round Rock in an hour. Suck it, Google maps!

  21. Id needs to stop his winter fast. It's driving me nuts.

  22. Oh wow. My weekend was FULL.

  23. I apologize for not keeping up with everybody. I've been so fucking swamped with everything... I still love you all. ;)

  24. Can't. Stop. Eating. Chicken. Curry. And. Rice. GAH. Belly. Bloated.

  25. Tomorrow's my last day at work. I'm prepared to be swamped for the next 33 hours.
