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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. Circumstances reinforce time and time again that leaving Waco really was the best thing I ever did.

  2. Cleavage gets you anything. Lucky for me, I have no shame.

  3. Dallas, are you ready for the freak show to fuck you up? XD XD XD I should be on the road in 24 hours!!

  4. Damn. It only takes a second for you to realize that you aren't quite as over something as you thought you were.

  5. Dear Drafty-Ass House on TSTC campus, I hate you more than words can express. I cannot feel my legs and feet whenever I walk into the kitchen. A cool wind blows across me every time I sit on the toilet. This is unacceptable.

  6. Dear HEB customers, it's 2 in the fucking morning... why are your crotchdroppings running amock in the fucking store? And sagging pj pants are NOT cool...

  7. Dear Midas Touch, you taste like the bastard lovechild of mead and beer, born from a hot, but shameful, one night stand in Vegas. And I think I kinda like you.

  8. Dear Undressed-Female-Who-Turned-Her-Back-To-Me-After-She-Caught-Me-Staring: You were naked. In the front seat of a suburban. At a stoplight. In five o'clock traffic. Surrounded by people. Why the hell are you mad at me?

  9. DFW Metal Heads! Hard Time Radio on KNON 89.3 FM is damn near in death throes and Dallas/Fort Worth can't be without metal.... we'll all have a fucking riot. Hard Time Radio will be on the air from 8 pm-midnight tonight, so please call in & help save Metal Radio in DFW! Metro 9726471893

  10. DFW Metroplex folks! Which haunted house in the area would YOU go to, as your #1 pick? We've already got Moxley Manor and the three houses at Reindeer Manor on the list.

  11. Didn't sleep at all last night. Looks like it's gonna be a caffeine powered work day!

  12. Disgruntled that the husband can't be trusted to aid in the bacon preparation process.

  13. Does anyone have a tried and true recipe for fried rice? I have a steamed rice preference, but Logic hates steamed rice... I'd like to be able to make rice that he will eat too. ;)

  14. Does anyone have any experience with gochujang? Tonight was my first time cooking with it... I dunno, I expecting something a bit hotter than what I got. After using three heaping tablespoons, there was a hint of heat(for me), but not much. Is there such a thing as mild gochujang? None of the labels had any sort of English on them, other than ingredients. :/

  15. Done with today. Going to bed.

  16. Drats. Power's back. Now I actually have to work...

  17. Drinking a beer at 9:30 in the morning. Oh yeah. I am so fucking classy. :P

  18. Drinking all Thursday night with new friends, surreal moments with horror icons, drunken Japanese dude swinging a fetus in a diaper, and being surrounded by the best family ever.... I love TFW.

  19. Eva need BEER. Or margarita!

  20. Excitedly looking at Pottery Barn Halloween decorations, of all things. Since when did I grow a vagina?

  21. Exhausted. About to collapse in bed. I just looked in the mirror and realized how much I've aged in just two years. Holy shit.

  22. Filled up my tank for the third time this week. I'm a little upset that the gas pump doesn't even have a reach-around feature.

  23. Finally done getting lights for our tree. Is it sad that the only reason I didn't go with LEDs was because they weren't compatible with our Borg cube ornaments?

  24. Finally, Id's eating. Hopefully, Lilith will do the same.

  25. For those completely unaware, it's never a good idea to tell a female, "You look just like your daddy!" It doesn't matter if said father is cool as shit. :P
