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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. Innocent statements easily made inappropriate: Just told a kid that they won't be finding any Spongebob in MY pineapple.

  2. Boeuf Bourguignon takes a lot of fucking work, by the by.

  3. The beach we ruthlessly defiled with horrific depictions of torpedo titties finally took it's revenge. My traveling group and I spent a good portion of the early morning trying to free our 12 passenger van from the sand.

  4. Sitting outside of a hole in the wall Mexican joint in a big white van, waiting for them to open. Straight creepin'.

  5. Packing up in preparation to leave Corpus. Ready to get back home!

  6. So damned stoked about the new season of Sherlock!

  7. Looking for new lunch box options...

  8. Goddamn. Is it too early for a rum and Coke?

  9. "Now, then. Tell me. What did Miggs say to you? Multiple Miggs, in the next cell. He hissed at you. What did he say?"".... He said, 'I can smell your cunt.'""I see... I, myself, cannot. ... You use Evian skin cream, and sometimes you wear L'Air du Temps. ... But not today."

  10. That horrible, sinking feeling that hits your stomach when it suddenly dawns on you: It's only Tuesday...

  11. For those completely unaware, it's never a good idea to tell a female, "You look just like your daddy!" It doesn't matter if said father is cool as shit. :P

  12. The AC at work is busted.

  13. Found out there's a place that delivers hot, fresh chocolate chip cookies here in town. I'm not sure if I'm horrified or excited.

  14. Not quite sure if there's anything better than tacos and Firefly.Well... Okay, maybe boudin and Farscape. But that's it.

  15. Making the best of grackle woes: Observe their interactions and imagine they're from Bellmead. Two female grackles is even better: you can pretend their in the towel section of Walmart...

  16. Have I mentioned how much I hate it when Id and Lilith decide they don't want to eat for months on end?

  17. Finally, Id's eating. Hopefully, Lilith will do the same.

  18. I love that Liam Neeson has become the new Chuck Norris.

  19. Is it the new, hip thing to leave your dress unzipped? Am I going to make an ass of myself if I try to fix this complete stranger?

  20. I feel a nap coming on.

  21. I can't seem to figure out where I've hid half of my bento box from myself. Old age is hitting hard at 27.... >

  22. Excitedly looking at Pottery Barn Halloween decorations, of all things. Since when did I grow a vagina?
