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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. Ugh. Bean and cheese tacos and sparkling water will take the pain away.

  2. Um... opposite of phallic. You know. It's girl parts.

  3. Waiting for my turn to play Dragon Age 2.

  4. Was just recognized as Carmen Sandiego at the bank. And I was just wearing a t-shirt and jeans. So much for any future in crime I might have had.

  5. Was up late last night, giggling over "penis" and "vagina" searches on Etsy last night. I'm thankful for my coffee... though I know where to get an itchy, knitted cock cozy, should anyone desperately need one for the holidays.

  6. Watchin' Firefly on the Science channel. LUFF THIS SHOW. :D

  7. Watching a man try to play real life Frogger. Guess some people just can't wait for the flashing hand at an intersection.

  8. Watching people and conversing with them stresses even further my disgust with those who put material objects or selfish success in their careers before their families. I hope that I'll forever remember what's important: Experience, not objects or things. People you care for, not your own selfish gain.

  9. We fear not our mortalityWe'll serve to the best of our abilityWe give our lives to our mastersWe vow to smite our enemies

  10. We LOVE pre-marital sex! Teeheeheehee!

  11. We shall perform the Great Henna-ing tonight! WHOOHOO!!

  12. We're corpse-crawlers extraordinaire.

  13. We're heeeeeeeeeere, fuckers.

  14. Well, shit. I'm one of those special Texas people who are ice retarded, apparently.

  15. Well, this is embarrassing. I think we're throwing away more than we're actually packing.

  16. Well! Today's been an absolute nightmare and it's not even over yet.

  17. Well. Our fridge is soon going to house more pickled meat than a mad scientist's lab. I hope it all fits.

  18. Went to bed last night at 7:30. Pretty certain I've caught some sort of throat bug, even though I'm telling myself that it's just some freak occurrence of allergies. >

  19. What an emotionally draining week. And it's only Tuesday.

  20. What the hell did I eat? My poor tummy!

  21. What the...? It took only 30 minutes to get home. Austin, where are your citizens?

  22. What's on everybody's October movie playlist?

  23. WHATCHOO KNOW 'BOUT BEDTIME?! Going to bed... busy ass day tomorrow. x.x;;
