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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. Oh Waco Roll... you are an abomination. You are a disgrace to everything called sushi. But I will miss you. *weeps*

  2. I'll escape now from that world... from the world of Jean Valjean! There is nowhere I can turn, there is no way to go oooooooooon!

  3. Well, this is embarrassing. I think we're throwing away more than we're actually packing.

  4. Nothing like curling up in bed with the comforting smell of leather in the air. Night, everybody.

  5. Mmmm. In the process of the Great Muddening.

  6. WHATCHOO KNOW 'BOUT BEDTIME?! Going to bed... busy ass day tomorrow. x.x;;

  7. FUCK you, Angry Birds!!

  8. Time to panic in 5... 4... 3... 2...

  9. Because everybody dreams of smothering their spouse.

  10. We shall perform the Great Henna-ing tonight! WHOOHOO!!

  11. So overdue for a Henna application.::sigh::

  12. "BPAL's Clemence: Patchouli, Kashmiri tea, cardamom, black pepper, carnation, and clove." My boobies smell delicious.

  13. I slept 14 hours. I'm still blaming the Chinese food.

  14. Had great Chinese food in Austin, thanks to Lisa. Why does Chinese food make me so sleepy???

  15. I deserve a large BPAL order and a fattening meal after all this.

  16. I'm exhausted. And still without a place to live. There's always Monday...

  17. I've got a craving for EPIC BOUDIN, and no feasible way to get it now now NOW.

  18. Taking a break from packing, eating Dave's Burger Barn. We've got ten days, give or take, to get our shit together.

  19. Best memory of my last day: Robbie about to fall out of her chair laughing when the small child hugged me and I looked to her for help with the complaint, "It's hugging me!"

  20. How in the hell does Teriyaki Park not have sushi for a whole day? What the hell!

  21. This is it! Today is my last day!

  22. I think those bastards at work finally infected me. Worst going away present EVER.

  23. I am so fucking worn out with all this place hunting. Sheesh.

  24. Tomorrow's my last day at work. I'm prepared to be swamped for the next 33 hours.

  25. Can't. Stop. Eating. Chicken. Curry. And. Rice. GAH. Belly. Bloated.
