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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. Why are my knickers pink?

  2. You, too, can have a rainbow vagina. Go to your local store and buy holi powder today!!

  3. My palms are still hot pink, no matter how much I scrub. It looks like I've been actively jacking off the Pink Panther. Time to go buy another Salux.

  4. At least all the pictures from this weekend don't show my roots... 'cause I am SO overdue for henna(three months!!).

  5. Hope everyone's having a great 4th!

  6. Had a great cheesecake date with Robbie Stanley. Gotta love Cheesecake Factory.

  7. If anyone's willing to share any of their recipes they make on a regular basis, I'd greatly appreciate it. I wanna taste what's on YOUR table! :D

  8. I feel those that run half-cocked with only what little information they've been given deserving of the most pity.

  9. Had ANOTHER cheesecake date, this time with the one and only Tommy Towns. I love having visitors. <3 Next person that visits me will have to accept a dinner date, though. I can't handle all this sugar.

  10. I'm now obsessively looking for new glasses on ebay. THANKS, ERIK.

  11. A little butthurt over this final shuttle launch business.

  12. Just spent 20 minutes "D'aaawwwwwwwww"ing over baby boas and pythons. I'm gonna be the crazy snake lady when I'm old.

  13. Spaten Optimators and horror films. FUCK YEAH.

  14. Was up late last night, giggling over "penis" and "vagina" searches on Etsy last night. I'm thankful for my coffee... though I know where to get an itchy, knitted cock cozy, should anyone desperately need one for the holidays.

  15. I was absolutely horrified by the lack of sample etiquette at Costco this morning. People would clog the lanes with their carts... take one sample and stand in the way while they shoveled it down their gullet. After they were pleased with said sample, they grabbed six off the sample tray and acted like a real life Hungry Hungry Hippo game. I should have mowed them all down while loudly exclaiming, "You're in Costco, not a soup kitchen!"

  16. Pretty excited for this two-day work week!

  17. Sam's Club makes some atrocious pumpkin pies.

  18. I have heard more gushing about Twilight this week than I can possibly stomach. And it's only Tuesday. I'm just going to have to staple people's eyelids open and properly educate them on the subject of vampires.

  19. Had the strangest dream last night that our local sex shop was selling the strangest crank-your-own-power vibrator. It came in two pieces: One looked like a street organ that you cranked for power. The other, attached to the "street organ" by a cord, looked to be a large vibrating lego millenium falcon. The shop offered a try before you buy session, but they had to chain you to the hot water heater first. Surely there's something to be learned from this. oO;;

  20. Happy Thanksgiving, sluts. I'm glad to have each and every one of you in my life... Well, most of the time. ;) Hope you all are enjoying your carbalicious holiday. I want to see food pictures, people!

  21. With my dealer at the Starbucks in Temple.

  22. Infamous ATI tamales in the passenger seat, pumpkin spice frappucino at my side, and Type O Negative blaring on the speakers... If only there were a clove cigarette in my hand. :P

  23. Why, hello there, Rum! Of course you can accompany me on my quests in The Old Republic!

  24. Surprised I'm enjoying playing Agent, since I usually go for mage characters. Still won't stop me from rolling Inquisitor on release day, though!! I love my Inquisitor character concept.

  25. Instead of curled up next to my computer while drinking coffee and playing video games, I am out in this cold weather, caffeine-less, and at the store. I hate being a responsible adult.
