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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. So. Can someone explain to me the difference between Hunger Games and Battle Royale? I've listened to my coworkers talk incessantly about the series. Same coworkers adore Twilight, so I really don't consider their opinions valid.

  2. So... I dreamed about packing... does that count?

  3. So.... should I greet the Rapture with homemade blueberry muffins or the ever so addictive cinnamon rolls from can?

  4. Some things cannot be unseen. Pornaments definitely fit into that category.

  5. Someone needs to get me a Xerox WorkCentre 5775(or similar) that I can lay waste to. I just want ONE of those fucking machines to meet complete and utter annihilation. I've got about 2 and a half years of pent up Xerox frustration here!

  6. Someone needs to slap some smart into Ray Comfort. Or at least give him some new material.

  7. Sometimes I forget that I don't work for ATI anymore.

  8. Sometimes I want to tap parents on the shoulder and say, "You know Satan's going to file a missing persons report for the spawn you obviously stole, right?"

  9. Sometimes the absurdity of HEB's combo loco deals kills me. You'll have a few things that at least make a little sense together, like a colander with free blackberries. Then BAM, buy batteries, get free ice cream!

  10. Sometimes, my own retardation even cracks ME up. Wow. But, if you can't laugh at yourself, then who can you really laugh at? ;)

  11. Sometimes, there's nothing more orgasmic than pineapple liberally sprinkled with chile powder. OH MY GOD.

  12. Sorry we left so quickly without goodbyes. There were some parking issues and we wanted to beat the incoming storm. I love you, my family!

  13. Spaten Optimators and horror films. FUCK YEAH.

  14. Spending my quiet afternoon browsing Etsy and listening to the Magic Sandwich show. <3

  15. Spicy food: Always 10 times worse leaving the digestive system, when compared to what it was like going in....

  16. Starting to obsess over foods I loved as a kid that have been discontinued: Pudding pops, Ecto-cooler, Dairy Queen star shaped popsicles, Chocolate Soldier... At least there are recipes out there for pudding pops.

  17. Still no early access email for The Old Republic. C'Mon, Bioware, you're killing me here!!

  18. Surprised I'm enjoying playing Agent, since I usually go for mage characters. Still won't stop me from rolling Inquisitor on release day, though!! I love my Inquisitor character concept.

  19. Taking a break from packing, eating Dave's Burger Barn. We've got ten days, give or take, to get our shit together.

  20. Temptation: The baggage trolleys are begging me to steal them and ride them throughout the airport. They want to be free!

  21. Thank the great Flying Spaghetti Monster, it's raining in Austin!

  22. Thank you, Robert Barnes, for introducing me to Alestorm... Waking up late for work and zigzagging through traffic felt like an epic quest for booty, wenches and booze.

  23. Thankfully, religious nutjobs are easy to spot due to the fact that they all seem to shop at the same damn store.

  24. Thanks to my wonderful lunch at Clay Pit with Dad, Stephanie and Brian, I am currently experiencing the dreaded need to fall into a curry coma. Indian restaurant buffets are DANGEROUS.

  25. That horrible, sinking feeling that hits your stomach when it suddenly dawns on you: It's only Tuesday...
