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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. needs to stop focusing on free donuts and get back to work.

  2. Get your tomatoes ready for my next statement: I think Janeway is the best captain in the Star Trek universe. ::ducks::

  3. I've found hair sticks that look like various RPG weapons... Scythes and battle axes and staves, oh my! My bank account is begging me to stop. >.>;; <.<;;

  4. So, I went to the closest HEB to my apartment after calling around town to inquire prices on pig neck bones. I asked the man behind the butcher counter where they would be located, as I had confirmed that this HEB did indeed have them this morning. The man behind the counter was adamant that I would have to go to a Mexican meat market, because HEB doesn't carry pig necks, only PORK necks. ... ::facepalm::

  5. Just in case anybody's as obsessed as I am, BPAL is taking down their Carnivale Diabolique line down and they don't know when it will return. You've got 'til July 1st to stock up!!

  6. Mmmm. The house stinks good.

  7. Just found a recipe for peanut butter & bacon & chocolate chip cookies. I think I'm a little wet right now, and in a need of a change of knickers.

  8. These beans are taking forrrrrrrreveeerrrrrrrrrr.

  9. BOO. No Atheist Experience today. Oh well, at least there's still the mindless entertainment of True Blood. :/

  10. Spending my quiet afternoon browsing Etsy and listening to the Magic Sandwich show. <3

  11. So, what's everybody doing this July 4th weekend? I know the majority of us can't indulge pyromania... stupid drought.. >:/

  12. So, I've got 9 pounds of bacon on my grocery list. This is going to be an epic cooking week. >x.x<;;

  13. Oh Specs. You keep blowing my wallet like this and you're gonna end up draining it dry... ;)

  14. Dear Midas Touch, you taste like the bastard lovechild of mead and beer, born from a hot, but shameful, one night stand in Vegas. And I think I kinda like you.

  15. Drinking a beer at 9:30 in the morning. Oh yeah. I am so fucking classy. :P

  16. Spicy food: Always 10 times worse leaving the digestive system, when compared to what it was like going in....

  17. HEB is selling sushi with crushed hot cheetos across the top. Shit is GOOD for such an abomination.

  18. At least these atrocious meals remind me that I need to die before I get put in a nursing home.

  19. We LOVE pre-marital sex! Teeheeheehee!

  20. I haven't had any caffeine today and I feel like arse.

  21. Disgruntled that the husband can't be trusted to aid in the bacon preparation process.

  22. The downside to not having an exact recipe for something: My two batches of bacon cheddar muffins taste NOTHING alike.

  23. Balut: Not as nasty as I expected.
