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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. Of course it's raining.

  2. Of course, the fact that I want another tattoo only six months after I got my Mark of Samael/Seal of Metatron does not bode well for me.

  3. Oh god. I hate the new FB layout.

  4. OH MY GOODNESS. I just had to stop by and say that I LOVE your icon!! It's put me in the mood to pull down my PGSM dvds. :D

  5. Oh no no no no no. LUSH is opening in Austin... my bank account can't handle this!!

  6. Oh shit. I made way too much jasmine rice.

  7. Oh Specs. You keep blowing my wallet like this and you're gonna end up draining it dry... ;)

  8. Oh Waco Roll... you are an abomination. You are a disgrace to everything called sushi. But I will miss you. *weeps*

  9. Oh wow. My weekend was FULL.

  10. Oh, coffee, you deliciously addictive mistress...

  11. Ohh, I forgot how awesome Salux torture is... I may have to do another one tonight, just so I can be relaxed AFTER work.

  12. Ohhhh, meatloaf. I love you. Why is it that everything so good makes my ass so big? ;.;

  13. Okay. I love you all, but I'm passing the fuck out now. I'll start going through photos tomorrow and adding new friends to Facebook. Night, fuckers. This was a memorable Frightmare!

  14. On the plus side, this means more money to spend to try to find other BPAL oils that can attain the status of perfection that Urd has.

  15. One of these days, I'm gonna try that questionable looking restaurant inside New Oriental Market...

  16. Only curry can satisfy the belly demons today!

  17. Packing up in preparation to leave Corpus. Ready to get back home!

  18. People's cheery, lovey-dovey optimism really makes me want to shoot myself in the face.

  19. Playing Dragon Age 2. Whee!

  20. Please keep Logic in your thoughts. I plan to eat my weight in cabbage tonight, and he'll have to suffer the consequences.

  21. Poor Durian had to have bath time!

  22. Poor Ross Mayfield had three too many beers at Flying Saucer.

  23. Pretty excited for this two-day work week!

  24. Questions you ask yourself after TFW that you probably don't want the answer to: "Why the fuck am I so sore?"

  25. Really tired of hearing and seeing all the "Keep Christ in Christmas" bullshit lately. Last I checked, Christians didn't have sole ownership of the month of December. Get off your high horse, the world(and all of its December celebrations) does not revolve around you.
