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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. Mmm. Coffee soothes the savage beast...

  2. Mmm. Delicious pizza.

  3. Mmmm. In the process of the Great Muddening.

  4. Mmmm. The house stinks good.

  5. Mmmmm. Pumpkin pancakes.

  6. Mom is trying to convince me how awesome Twilight is. It's official. My mother has ruined Christmas.

  7. My favorite time of year is upon us!!! EEEEEEE!!

  8. My hands smell of peanut butter no matter how many times I wash them....

  9. My palms are still hot pink, no matter how much I scrub. It looks like I've been actively jacking off the Pink Panther. Time to go buy another Salux.

  10. My tits are trying to burst right out of this bra. Damn you, hormones!!

  11. needs to stop focusing on free donuts and get back to work.

  12. Next year, I'm taking Monday off. These Monday after TFW are always so darned brutal.

  13. Nine times out of ten, the best family is the family you weren't born with.

  14. Nnnnanrgh. Feelin' like a zombie this morning.

  15. Nnnngh... I've got too much curry in the belly.... why am I cursed to be such a curry slut? ;.;

  16. No matter where you work, there's at least ONE person you would love to see die in the most grotesque of ways... and you usually spend about 2 hours a day dreaming up scenarios. These people are also usually the ones with holier-than-thou attitudes who try to shove god down your throat. Correlation?

  17. Not quite sure if there's anything better than tacos and Firefly.Well... Okay, maybe boudin and Farscape. But that's it.

  18. Not that I really have anywhere to go on Halloween, but an idea for a costume requires the use of a bald cap. As someone who has never messed with them before, how in the living fuck do you wear one with waist length hair?

  19. Note to everyone: If you have your own personal bitch, don't forget to show them appreciation today. Even if it's a pat on the ass for a job well done!

  20. Note to self: Avoid 35 and downtown like the plague next week.

  21. Nothin' says good morning like a cup of coffee and oatmeal. My lunch later will consist of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I feel like I might need constant reminders to color IN the lines today. ^^;;

  22. Nothing like curling up in bed with the comforting smell of leather in the air. Night, everybody.

  23. Now, here's the kicker... are you jealous that Logic gets to eat everything I photograph, or grateful that your ass isn't expanding at the rates is? ;)
