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BPAL Madness!

The March Hare

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Status Updates posted by The March Hare

  1. Hey, former ATI coworkers! Remember those excellent tamales we had? You know, when we'd order what we thought would be dinner for our families, and ending up consuming them throughout the work day instead? Robin Mack knows how to get a hold of Irene. If you're interested in getting your hands on some, get a hold of her. We're gonna make an order.

  2. What's on everybody's October movie playlist?

  3. ARGH. I hate it when a BPAL I"ve ordered just doesn't work on me. :/

  4. My favorite time of year is upon us!!! EEEEEEE!!

  5. Ohhhh, meatloaf. I love you. Why is it that everything so good makes my ass so big? ;.;

  6. Great Eldergods, my week is crazy busy. Mondays and Thursdays are always NOSB, yesterday I cooked dinner, tonight I'm going to a concert with the lovely Amanda Rebholz and on top of that, we've got company coming in Friday and Saturday. Sundays are meant for sleeping, right?

  7. Someone needs to slap some smart into Ray Comfort. Or at least give him some new material.

  8. People's cheery, lovey-dovey optimism really makes me want to shoot myself in the face.

  9. Um... opposite of phallic. You know. It's girl parts.

  10. You know what my banana bread recipe needs? Rum!

  11. All those secrets you've been concealing.... say you're happy now! Once more WITH FEELING! Just spent a night with some girlfriends, Prosecco and Buffy: The Musical!

  12. Yes, I am going to go see Silent Hill: Revelations in theaters(hopefully for my birthday). It's going to have to involve the consumption of booze of some kind. Thank Cthulhu for the Alamo Drafthouse.

  13. Went to bed last night at 7:30. Pretty certain I've caught some sort of throat bug, even though I'm telling myself that it's just some freak occurrence of allergies. >

  14. Not that I really have anywhere to go on Halloween, but an idea for a costume requires the use of a bald cap. As someone who has never messed with them before, how in the living fuck do you wear one with waist length hair?

  15. DFW Metroplex folks! Which haunted house in the area would YOU go to, as your #1 pick? We've already got Moxley Manor and the three houses at Reindeer Manor on the list.

  16. Ugh. Bean and cheese tacos and sparkling water will take the pain away.

  17. I am hoping tonight won't result in pain and regret.

  18. C'mon, TxEIS. Hurry up your maintenance. I want to get a good chunk of work done before bed.

  19. Repost for Amanda Rebholz!: Garage sale tomorrow and Sunday in Waco, 5 AM till whenever. Plus size clothes, shoes, purses, accessories, toys, collectibles, yard/garden, knick knacks, CD, DVD, VHS, LP, etc. Cash and checks accepted. 3728 Erath. Please spread the word and come check it out! All proceeds go toward Lorri Rebholz's final medical bills. ♥

  20. Working on a pot of Lisa V. Tomecek-Bias's Hyuga curry. Can't wait to try it!

  21. Excitedly looking at Pottery Barn Halloween decorations, of all things. Since when did I grow a vagina?

  22. I can't seem to figure out where I've hid half of my bento box from myself. Old age is hitting hard at 27.... >

  23. I feel a nap coming on.

  24. Is it the new, hip thing to leave your dress unzipped? Am I going to make an ass of myself if I try to fix this complete stranger?

  25. I love that Liam Neeson has become the new Chuck Norris.
