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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by SeaLady

  1. I'm thinking yum!


    The first couple minutes are sharp woods and some rum and sophisticated cologne. It gets much smoother after that, when the salt water mixes everything together better. It's musky and intriguing, and I like it on me, but I really want to try it on my Boy and see how it is on him. If it's anything like this, I will probably :P

  2. On me this is sugary incense (nag champa?) and dusty florals with a little bit of green. Strangely, I can smell the jasmine but don't hate it, which may be a first. It's like a light, out in a sunny field kind of jasmine. This reminds me a whole lot of a lighter, more innocent Mama Ji, and I like her very much. I don't know if I'll wear it a lot, but I do like it. It's light and warm and nice, very appropriate for a summery night at a carnival.

  3. Ok, I have a cold so it's all a little muffled, but I am just too excited about this one to wait. Even through my unhappy nose I can tell how amazing this is.


    Because it's absolutely delicious! The end result is warm honeyed vanilla and very light fruits and a little bit of the same green tea that's in Gennivre (which is sometimes too bitter for me). I re-read the notes, and said "that is honey musk!" It's creamy and sweet and fae, and I'm absolutely mad about it. I will need more of it, and I already want to wear it all summer long.


    (At one point, though this may be caused by my temporarily defunct sinuses, it goes through a vague cat pee stage, which I see is not unusual. I suspect the berries. The wafting never smells anything but gorgeous, but for a period of about twenty minutes, there's a cat pee note when I put my nose right up to my wrist. However, it's totally worth the wait for it to go away.)


    This scent is gorgeous, and much more like book!Lady Una than movie!Lady Una, who I think was portrayed rather less than justly.

  4. Alas.


    Wet, this is vanilla frosting, butter, and wintergreen.


    On the skin, three out of three experts (ok, not experts, just my friends), get scented dolls. Like these or the strawberry shortcake ones.

    Which is, actually, sort of nice. It's a very nostalgic scent, but I don't know if it's good enough for a bottle - because the plastic aspect of it gets pretty old after a couple of hours. I'll persevere and try it some more.

  5. Wowee, this is very green at first! Green things in green containers, thinking green thoughts.

    Later, it's green with an underlying sweet muskiness. It smells slightly perfumey, and I like it. It doesn't have much throw on me, and I'm not sure how long it took to get to this different stage, as I've been all over wrangling dogs and cooking soup this afternoon. I think I rather like Sapphics.

  6. Hyacinth, beeswax, wild roses, vanilla amber, lily of the valley, tiger lily, honeysuckle, carnation, and heliotrope.

    I was hoping this would be beeswax, vanilla amber, and carnation on me >.>
    Unfortunately, those were the notes I couldn't smell. I'll try it again sometime in case it dries to something yummy, but today the flowers were just too flowery and soapy, and I had to wash it off.
    It does smell like the poem and it's nice to sniff, but it's not something I can wear :P

  7. Alas, this is not warm or sweet on me like I was expecting. I can see where the totally sexy descriptions are coming from, but this is very dry on me, and I don't often wear dry scents. I may try it on the Boy, and see how it is on him. For the most part, I get dragon's blood and a tobacco kind of smell. I'll try it again, but I don't think I need a bottle. It's a lot like Red Moon, which I already have and don't wear often.

  8. O, Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bride, let me count the ways you are delishus. Alas, for I cannot count that high, but I will list a vair abbreviated version:

    1) Teak is nummy.

    2) Amber is nummy.

    3) Together they are perfectly balanced. They are lovahs. Their love is pure.

    4) You're um, called Glowing Vulva. ;)

    5) If I had to pick a colour this scent, it would be the glittery golden glow of some angels in love, sitting in the sun, saying terribly romantic things to each other.

    6) You are delishus, but not foody. This makes you infinitely adaptable to all situations.


    So, in summary, :D :D :P :D B)


    Edited to add that I've ordered a bottle, and my first ever backup bottle, because no matter what kind of a day it is, the smell of this makes me happy. :)

  9. I was really hoping I'd need a bottle of this, but I don't think I do. No seaweed or salty ocean here.


    It starts out as a sharp aquatic, which I like in small doses.

    After it dries down, when I sniff my wrist it smells aquatic and a little smutty in an abstract way. It's getting sweeter, and I like that.

    From afar, I hate to say it, but I've been getting whiffs of a dog-shampoo kind of scent. :P


    I'll try this more, but so far I don't think it gets along well with my skin. Maybe it's just because I'm at home with two wet dogs that I'm getting that association, so I will persevere and try again!

  10. Also received this one as a frimp!


    I have had it for a while but didn't try it because it smelled dry and not quite like my sort of scent in the imp. On, it's the opposite of its description :D

    "Thin, dark, and shadowed. A scent that offers no sustenance, comfort or satiety"


    I find this terribly comforting. It smells like the attic of my mother's family's summer house where I used to play when I was little. The hot wood of the overly toasty attic, the dusty and ancient furniture, the faint hint of the soap we washed with as wee children, and something reminiscent of spiciness that is incredibly appropriate. We used to think since it was so hot in the attic already (hot enough that bees were too sleepy to chase us properly), that we might as well test ourselves by competing to see how long we could keep those spicy Fireball candies in our mouths.


    I loooooove this scent :P

  11. Originally I thought this was nice, but not for me.


    Now, this is my new BPAL love. On me it's nowhere near chilly like the description says, but rather warm and soft and sweet like the mug of hot Snow White milk tea you might take on a walk in the snow. I don't smell coconut, exactly, but I can definitely see where the comparisons come from. The flowers are delicate and light and well-snuggled-in to the cream, and I would be wildly guessing to try and tell you what flowers they are, exactly. It has a great throw (which is rare with my skin chemistry), and lasted deliciously 13 hours the other day when I wore it. Snow White is delishus, as the cat macros might say. :P

  12. A frimp with a trading post order, hooray!


    This is gentle, creamy fruits on me. After a couple of hours, it turns slightly powdery in a clean and feminine way. I would not have been able to guess at the notes - there are no strong wood inclinations on my skin and I had no idea there was cocoa, but rather it smells like delicate and ladylike figs. It has a similar feeling on me to Siren and Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, which are both creamy and succulent. I like it very much.

  13. Om nom nom, I love TKO massage oil. The boy gave it to me for (belated, things have been crazy financially ) Yule, and we just finally got to use it last night.


    It smells just like TKO, it feels amazing, and as far as I can tell my sensitive skin had no problems with it whatsoever. Of course my boy, being sweet and knowing me too well, was determined to roust me after my lovely massage for a shower so my skin wouldn't become a disaster area. My brain said "Yeah right! You just slathered me with TKO!" I actually said, "Nghh!" :P


    I plan on using this as a before-bed hand moisturizer, too, because it soaks in so nicely!

  14. Resurrected:


    Nom nom nom, nommy nom nom. Sweet candied deliciousness. :P


    Only problem: I think my skin eats it as much as I want to :D


    So I can't smell it unless my nose is on my skin. But I love it. And I will wear it. And sniff myself. I just wish it had some kind of throw so I could have justified buying a zillion bottles.

  15. I was intrigued by the description of this, but would not have ordered it for myself. Thankfully, the Lab is wiser and sent me a frimp.


    In the imp and on wet: Crazy ferocious dandelions, and other green things.


    Dry: Nicely boozy, smoky, and sexy. Simultaneously clean. For some mysterious reason on my skin this smells like the younger sister of Samhain - very similar feel, but lighter and a little more innocent. I've tried it before, but I always forget how much I love this one. I told my Boy to pick a letter this morning while I was getting dressed since he said there were too many choices to pick a scent, and R it was! Roadhouse is nummy.

  16. I'm really surprised at what this one is on my skin!


    In the decant it's buttery cakes and wine.

    On my skin, it's sweet, aquatic, and sharp. Most of the time, my first thought is that it smells exactly like Dorian, but with a sharp mossy scent and a little extra smooth vanilla.

    It's nice, but I have Dorian for my Dorian! I wish I was getting the cheesecake other people mentioned in reviews! :P

  17. Yet mark'd I where the bolt of Cupid fell:
    It fell upon a little western flower,
    Before, milk-white, now purple with love's wound,
    And maidens call it love-in-idleness.

    I got this as a frimp in one of my recent orders, thanks lab!!!

    I hesitate to describe this as floral because most of the time I hate them, passionately.

    But this is a lovely warm, soft, feminine floral that gives a little of a reminder of baby powder on me, without just flat out smelling like it. When I sniff up close to my wrists I'm undecided about it, but as I get wafts while I'm out and about doing other things it's a beautiful scent. It makes me want to wear lace and carry a parasol, and as far as I'm concerned, that's a lovely feeling to have.

  18. First impression: Some rat bastard just hit me in the face with a rose. Yeah, real romantic.


    Oh, wait. That's just this amazing perfume that smells like the juciest, most beautiful rose in the world. Rose in perfume is usually soap and yuck on me. I usually won't even try it. Straight to the swap box with thee, I say! This is just like. . .if I were carrying a red rose around with me. It's incredible. I made my friends smell it, and we all just sort of looked at each other and said "Wow", "that's so cool!". It was an epiphany of scent moment, and I'm basically mad about this scent. :P

  19. Yum, yum, yum.


    In the imp, this is very serious mocha coffee. Seriously delicious.


    On my skin it smoothes out and warms up, and is actually more delicious. The cinnamon doesn't burn like cinnamon usually does (o, the welts I get from my friend the Groundhog). I wasn't expecting to be able to smell the brown sugar so well, but it shows up nicely and makes it very sweet and nummy. If I could go out and get a cup of this, I absolutely would. Probably next time I'm home, I'll experiment and try to recreate it :P

    So basically, I lurve this.

  20. I may be a little biased, because I've been in love with this one since I saw the name. My brain weirdly identified it immediately with Imriel from the Kushiel books, and I needed to smell it immediately.


    But biased or not, it is a thoroughly lovely scent. At first it is cold and sharp, with resins and evergreen and berries and an after-smell that is almost menthol-like in quality. The berries remind me of the juniper that was in last year's Wolf Moon, but not as strong as those ones (they gave me a headache ;.; ).


    After a couple hours, it's soft and sharp at the same time, and warmed up from the skin. It smells more like the fluffy, fluffy snow on a wreath than the hard and crunchy, or icy snow. It's quite lovely, and I'm almost sure before the Yules go down that I'll be getting a bottle.


    (Apologies if my review is in questionable english, NaNo makes my eyes fall out.)

  21. At first this one smelled like car wax on me :P


    But now it smells mushroomy, and earthy and sweet! It's a light brown, snuggly scent, with a hint of sharpness. I like it!


    edited: I tried this again today, and the supreme drydown is like a whole bunch of amber! Nums!


    (Also, it's similar on me to both Ivanushka and Hunter Moon - similar fluffy musk)

  22. On my skin, this is a very pure aquatic, which I would usually tell myself I don't like, but this is so, so stunning.


    If you've ever been sailing on the ocean very, very early in the morning before the wind even has a chance to make waves, when the sky is still a little dark and it feels like the whole world is peaceful and naturally silent, this smells the way that feels. For someone currently landlocked away from the sea, it's a gorgeous reminder of home and actually makes me feel a little teary eyed. :D :D :)



  23. Holy Wow.


    I opened this one and passed the cap around for sniffs - and we all said "Whoa!" or something similar.


    In the bottle: Buttery cakey cake cake. Suggestion of berries.


    On: Creamy cheesy cake, with a little sweet strawberry. It's strawberry shortcake with a much creamier cake. The longer it's on my skin, the more I can smell the berries and fruity sweetness - but it stays balanced with the creamy cake. I can see where the scented dolls comparison comes in - but it's barely there, and nostalgic in a lovely way. I can't wait for the Boy to smell this one, so I can get nibbled :)


    Final verdict: Nomnomnomnomnom :D :D :P

  24. This is my best day with this scent yet! And so I am reviewing it. For my skin, the more the better when applying this one.


    I agree with the reviews that include vanilla! This smells like the same vanilla and light musk in the Snake Oil blends, to me. I get no wine (which is a relief, because it doesn't usually work on me - damn you, Greek scents!), but I get many things that are so light I hesitate to put words to them - smoke is too heavy, leaves are too heavy, dirt certainly doesn't work.


    This is your cat, who has been out lying in the garden, stalking through the woods, on the roof by the chimney where the smoke is - the might Hunter, stalking the imaginary prey. It is cold out. Your cat comes in, tired from a day of hard work, and lies in the sun in the kitchen where the cookies are baking. These cookies have barely enough sugar in them - not at all a foody, buttery smell. These are breakfast cookies that are almost bread. This is the smell of your cat's sun-warmed fur, reminiscent of the wild outdoors and mixed with the comfort of being safe inside to guard the cookies. Snuggle your cat. Snuggle hiimmmmmm. (Or her, Hunter Moon does not discriminate :D)


    Some days, the fluffy furry scent is too fluffy, and resembles baby powder. Today, it is juuuust right. Nom, nom, nom, this is so lovely :P
