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Everything posted by SeaLady

  1. SeaLady

    The Candy Butcher 2006

    Oh, this is trouble. In the (empty) bottle: Fudgy, moist, out of the oven Brownies. I thought to myself "But I already have a bottle of Demeter's Brownie perfume I don't wear because it's too. . .brownies!" On: Sweet and creamy (and dreamy), a little chocolate, soft florals (that I don't hate? is that possible?) This is nothing like that bottle of stuff I don't wear. I want to slather this all over. Maybe even a little right under my nose, so I don't even have to lift my arm to sniff it. Which is why I am depressed that I only have an empty right now. This is incredibly delicious, and going on my next order. I want to write poetry about this. And I don't write poetry. eta: Also, it must have been destiny. Because I dreamed about this before I bought it edited again: eventually this gets a little too creamy, I think I'd have to layer it with something spicy or woody
  2. SeaLady

    Anne Bonny

    In the imp: Very pointy and woody. On wet: Sharp sandalwood that makes me relaxed and happy. Cue many deep breaths. On dry (20 minutes later): This is gorgeous. It smells like wooden chairs or a freshly oiled teak deck on a sailboat in the sun, and summer houses when it's really hot and there's a breeze. Summer houses smell like family friends that I love so much, who make me feel safe and happy. I was expecting sassy pirate wench, but this is a whole lot better.
  3. SeaLady

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    That is such a good idea. If I did that, I'd fill them all up with Original Snake Oil and have an aging festival, and I could remember how old they were by what Snake the bottle was! It is, perhaps, an evil plan >.>
  4. SeaLady


    In the beginning, this was yummy cherries, and alas the dreaded "cleaner" note that I've heard so much about but not previously encountered. Thankfully, the cleaner goes away as it dries, but unfortunately so does the cherry. This ends up as a slightly spicier dragon's blood on me. I'll probably wear it again, and hope that the cherries stick around
  5. SeaLady


    The first time the boy put this on, it was very nice. Floral, but not girly- a little leather. The next time was a huge disaster. I had to take him into the bathroom and scrub him, and it -still- didn't go away enough to get rid of my headache ;.; Alas, this is one he will wear when he doesn't get to see me, because I can't stand it. This is is both lovely and gently masculine, unless Jasmine is your archnemesis.
  6. SeaLady


    This one was dark purple. But also, I hate jasmine ;.; More than that, Jasmine accosts me. It savages my poor little sinuses like a great slithering beasty. Perhaps it's lovely, but I couldn't get it away from me fast enough.
  7. SeaLady

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Has anyone had a little reaction to civet? My boy just told me his skin turns red when he puts on Satyr. He says it doesn't itch or anything, and goes away after a little bit, so it's probably fine to use, I just am curious about which note it is, and to make sure that's ok ^^
  8. SeaLady


    Biteable apples, and something smoky. This is nice and woodsy, I like it! The apples fade from juicy into something more discreet hidden behind the smoke.
  9. SeaLady


    A++++ The boy wore this to sleep last night, and it's totally gorgeous. There's vanilla and a snake oil vibe, with a note that reminds me of chocolate, and light sassafras. He says "This smells like classy guy. Like back in the old West, what a gentlemen's freshly pressed laundry might smell like." I said "What classy guys have you been sniffing?" (because I'm sassy like that ) He was originally hoping for some tumble weeds and gunpowder, since he loves the movie Tombstone, but he is -so- happy with this once it dries that I might have to get him a bottle It's really fantastic. I might want an imp that I can wear too >.>
  10. SeaLady

    Scent for Halloween?

    I wore Wolf Moon Christmas Eve, and Shub Christmas day ^.^ They compliment food smells very nicely, I think. I'll be camping New Years, so I'm not sure if I'll be bringing any of the precious...haha, just kidding. I probably will. Maybe I'll wear Lick It Again!
  11. SeaLady


    Ooooh my. There is no way the threat of this scent will make me behave. None whatsoever. I will be naughty. Switching abounds! This reminds me of Loviatar, just a little - in the leather and red musk. But then there's the slightly dusty smell. On my skin, there's something a little...appley. Not really much like apples, but something juicy I just want to bite into. Also, the boy and I seem to be having a threesome with red musk...simply cannot get enough I wonder what naughty things I'll have to do to be visited by a bottle...
  12. SeaLady

    Lick It Again

    Oh, yum! Love it! I can't wait to wear this on hot summer days, to cool myself down with the sweet mintiness of it. On my skin it starts out sharp, perfect peppermint. The boy says "Whoa, so much candy cane!!!" After a while, it fades down to a hint of mint and creamy sugar. I'll be needing a bottle
  13. SeaLady

    Jacob's Ladder

    This is shiny and golden. It went through a few stages on me. They're all lovely! First was sweet and generally complex amber (amber and tonka are the only notes I'm familiar with, so I'm not sure I can separate anything out.) Second was amber overwhelmed by a pointy citrus. Very "wake up!", but very lovely. Third is soft and slightly powdery amber, but powdery more like confectioners sugar, rather than baby powder ^.^ The notes that struck me as citrusy are still there, but very lightly. Other than it's official description, I can't think of any words adequate to describe this scent. (...this is the gate of heaven. ) The closest I can get is that this is is a whole lot like lying on a hardwood floor in a patch of warm sunlight, really. I think I need a bottle
  14. SeaLady


    I didn't realize this one was going to be so literal! And I'm very glad it is! In the imp: this is spicy, and strong vetiver. Delicious, but not sexy. On the boy: Musk times a gazillion. Being ravished in a barn. This is incredible, and we lurve it Animalistic is a good way to describe it. This is so musky it's inappropriate, and fabulous.
  15. SeaLady


    When I first put this on, I was like "O, disappointing!" I was expecting a little spicier (I don't know why that meant cinnamon in my lil brain). But I have since changed my mind. I guess it takes a few minutes to go from sharp to musky on me. I lovelovelove red musk Remind me to order any and everything with red musk in it. Also, this reminds me of that Indian/Tibetan incense shop smell, but different - because this doesn't give me a headache. I sniffy it, and a little statue of Shiva pops into my mind ^.^ I was hoping this would be a great bellydancing blend, and it absolutely is. Hooray!
  16. SeaLady


    Wow. In the imp, this is really foody and sweet. On me this is amber and sweet, sweet honey. But instead of the innocent light sugary honey I get from others (Block Buster, Athens), this is entirely naughty. Raunchy even, though I'm not sure why. Very sexy, and I can't stop sniffing it!
  17. SeaLady


    Frimp from the lab, thanks lab! I get: CUCUMBER. Delicious, watery, clean cucumber. No idea where the violet or vetiver are, but this is wooonderful! As someone who is often deprived of fresh food of any kind while at school: I love this! Yum!
  18. SeaLady

    Quincey Morris

    In the bottle, this one smells a little foody to me, and a little boozy to the boy. The pear is super pronounced wet, but dry on the boy it smells a whole lot like the Renn faire we go to. Warm leather, a little sweetness of vanilla, faint tobacco, faint pear and the woods the faire is held in. We lurve it!
  19. SeaLady

    Jolly Roger

    On me, this is a salty aquatic with a little bit of bay rum. Like standing on a boat next to a man who just put classy aftershave on. A pirate perhaps ;D Very nice and evocative, though I don't know how often I would wear it.
  20. SeaLady


    Lolita is lemon and pepper, and a little honeysuckle on me. Very summery, light, and wonderful. I can just imagine the summery scenes, the tennis games, and how this would fit right in perfectly. For Lolita the book, this is perfect. Lolita the girl I presume would be like Jailbait from the description (the numerous bubblegum references, the french perfume), though I haven't smelled it yet. This is going to be a gift for a friend, but I will have to get myself an imp (a bottle?), because this is delightful. I can't stop sniffing! ETA: A couple hours later, this has turned into the -exact- smell of the paper bubblebath packets I used to have when I was wee. The packets had unicorns and bubbles on them. I've been looking for them for years. Yay!
  21. SeaLady


    Alas, I get no rapture from this. On me, this is sharp florals, and tea that has been steeped too long and turned bitter :/
  22. SeaLady

    Wolf's Heart

    Numnum, this smells like dragon's blood, honeysuckle, and honey on me. Very comforting, it eases that tension I get in my solar plexus region when I'm feeling nervous. On my boyfriend, it was apparently just bitter floral. So it's mineeee now! Voodoo properties: A. I just had to drop off said boyfriend, and drive an hour home all alone, and I was not the usual emotional disaster (I won't see him again for a month, boo). Courage - check! Overall: I like it a whole lot!
  23. SeaLady


    In the imp: Very dark and earthy, musky, sweet. On me: Warm and dark, the dirt-like vetiver smell, musk and a slightly ambery sweetness (that might be the myrrh, I'm not sure what myrrh smells like). I love this, but I think it might be a little too masculine for me on an every day basis. I'm not usually commanding enough to warrant this. Definitely can't stop sniffing it though. I'll see how it smells on my boy >X) ETA: I went to a Waldorf school, and there's something about this that puts me right back there, in a good way. This smells the same way the beeswax used to smell. Ah, my childhood! ::Joy!::
  24. SeaLady

    Snake Oil

    In the imp: Sweet spices. On me: The spice dies down, and I'm left with a warm and sweet, almost edible vanilla. Not quite foody, but very nice. Not really getting "sexy", but it isn't quite innocent. I like this a lot, and I'm also going to try aging this imp since everyone seems to think it only gets better with time ETA: I tried it on my boy last night, and on him it smelled like the most -amazing- cotton candy. YUM. He doesn't much want to smell like cotton candy, but I'll probably sneak attack him with it for a sweet treat > ETA again (weeks later): I find myself daydreaming about my darling Snake Oil. Literally fantasizing about the way it smells, haha. I revoke the previous "not sexy" ...this is sugary spicy sex The imp won't make it long enough to be aged. I need a bottle. I effing love this.
  25. SeaLady


    I get a flowery scent in the imp, but not on my skin. Cinnamon! Warm and sweet incense. I like this a lot. ETA: And vanilla!!! Yum!