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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by SeaLady

  1. SeaLady

    Black Cat

    This is so strange (I get such different notes from this than everyone else). It's something I've been wanting to try but hadn't got around to, and the lab sent me a frimp, yay! In the imp: Buttery hazelnut, yikes! I refrained from trying it for a long time because it was overwhelming. On: Sweet and a little nutty. It later turns greener like there's almost something minty, and then I get woody notes. It's really lovely and refreshing. The wood is grounding, and the sweetness is warm and snuggly.
  2. SeaLady


    This is a super-delicious grapefruit in the imp. On me, it's sort of faint and scented soap smelling. I don't think I get along well with citrus. Perhaps in a locket?
  3. SeaLady


    Ayummm. This was a frimp from the lab (thanks lab! ) This is foresty - pine and juniper! In the imp, with a little musk. On me, it's a sexy beasty musk party, with very light pine and juniper. Musk, musk, musk, I love musk This on me is very much like Satyr on the Boy, but lighter and not quite as masculine. I would agree that there's something myrrh-y, that sweetens it subtly. This is definitely a new favourite! I also love the poem. I was afraid it would be depressing (I'm a bit afraid of the funereal oils), but it's beautiful - just like the scent!
  4. SeaLady


    I really like this! I thought it would be a whole lot of floral (which wouldn't work on me at all), but I get indian incense, red musk, and champaca flower with spices. It's very sassy.
  5. SeaLady

    Pink Moon 2007

    Eee, this is so pink! At first, it smells like Lick It Again, only with carnations instead of peppermint ^.^ Then it dries to something very delicate and pink, daintily peppery carnations and light sweetness. I am so glad this works, and it's such a light scent that it feels a little like wearing a cloud. I had to apply twice, because it was hard to smell at first, but it does give me surprising whiffs when a breeze goes by. The bottle is adorable, and I love this scent. I've lately been wondering what scents I could wear to bed, and this one - absolutely. It's like a little fluffy pink kitten...that recently fell in a bowl of sugared flowers
  6. SeaLady


    In the imp: Wow, the fruit! I thought I had sniffed this one and found it too floral, but I realized I hadn't and today would be a good day to try it ^.^ On: So much apricot! It's fruity and bright and lovely. I think this is my first true BPAL fruit scent, so it's a nice surprise! I have a slight suspicion that this might be a little headachey for me, but I hope not - because I really like it. And want to eat some apricots.
  7. SeaLady


    In the decant: Super thick dark dark chocolate, with a hint of Snake Oil yummmm. On: Yum, it dyes my skin And the chocolate fades a little into Snake Oil, Snake Oil, my darling Snake Oil! Apparently my skin amps SO, and that's quite alright with me. I'll roll the imp next time, to see if I get more cocoa. A bottle of this will slither its way to me, in my next order! (A Geek Note: I would never waste even a drop of this wonderful creature to make a Polyjuice potion )
  8. SeaLady


    In the decant, I too get the "Ooer, what is that nailpolish remover scent?" But on: oh, wow. BPAL has shocked me once again. This is the only, only, only time I have ever wanted to wear something that struck me as smelling like perfume. This smells like a women's perfume, with a little vanilla, tropical fruits and flowers and a tiny bit of aquatic underneath. The fruits are most like a pineapple lifesaver to me. I'll have to try it again, but this may be a bottle candidate - I really like
  9. SeaLady

    Western Diamondback

    This is the first Snake Pit I've tried on skin so far ^.^ In the decant: I almost can't smell this at all. It's clean, and green, but barely there. On: Snake Oil, Snake Oil, leather, heat, and plants (but desert ones). My roommate says: "Mmm, it smells like walking in your cowboy boots in the desert," which I think is accurate. It somehow portrays the very dry heat of sand in the sun, and it's still sweet and snake oily. It faded very fast on my roommate, but I still have a delicious elbow! It's awesome, and I'll be getting a bottle sometime before the Snake Pit leaves us...
  10. SeaLady

    Red Lantern

    Hooooly Caramel, Batman. (Is what this smells like in the decant) It stays that way for a little while, but once it dries and mellows out, Red Lantern is a slice of fresh coconut drizzled lightly with caramel. A little hint of tobacco, and something darker that might be opium? I think I lurve this Bottle?
  11. SeaLady


    Ooooer. I must prelude this by saying I have dreamed about Smut no less than three times between when I ordered a half imp from a decant circle, and when I received it today. On me, this is Loviatar (which is in my top five, sometimes topping the list), all wound up with spun sugar. As it dries, it gets less leathery and more warm musky, and I just want to wear this allll the time. It is, indeed, smutty. Bottle of this, before it goes down, no question.
  12. SeaLady


    Alas, I too get men's aftershave/cologne. Very classy, very sexy, and very sharp, but too masculine for me. It is very earthy. I'll probably have to try this on the boy, as I think he'll like it, and I'd certainly like it on him.
  13. SeaLady

    Enraged Groundhog Musk

    Yum, yay! In the bottle: Cinnamon, and zomg so much butter On: This has a few stages on me, and all of them are lovely! I don't get any of the butter scent once it's out of the bottle.The cinnamon does make my skin freak out and turn red (especially right after a shower) but it doesn't really itch, and it goes away soon enough. I get musk! and cinnamon, and delicious baked goods, but nothing that strikes me hard as chocolate. There is a note that is clean/fruity smelling at times, so maybe that's the cherry. Groundhog is delicious and sweet and spicy And I can stand to wear it when I have a cold (I think the cinnamon helps), which is the only way I've smelled it so far (so if the cold goes away and I smell new stuff, I'll be back to edit ^.^) eta: Oh, jeezums, the itching and the burning and the injury! Note to self: DO NOT APPLY AFTER HOT SHOWER. I need a locket. But for now I'll just have to suffer through that painful skin on fire period, because it's worth it and I love this
  14. SeaLady

    TKO (fizzyBOOM)

    This is a little premature, because I don't have access to a bath But I have to say - I put on the shirt that was in the box with this baby, and soon after had to take a nap. I don't really nap This smells like vanilla, and orange, and it's weird but I get almost no lavender, and fizz (like Emergen-C tablets, which might be why I think it smells citrusy to me). I'm gonna hang it right by my bed, and I'll edit this when I get to take a bath!
  15. SeaLady

    Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller (2006)

    I've been putting off reviewing this for a couple days, because I was quite nervous about how bitter this got on me after a while, and I wanted to see if a different time of month would be more complimentary. But! After spilling some this morning ( ) I have figured out that to keep the amazing in the bottle smell, I just have to slather more than my usually wimpy dotting-from-the-cap applications. That said: I freaking love this! In the bottle, it's fruity Snake Oil, with a little extra feminine perfumey-ness. On, the red musk comes out more and mingles joyfully with the fruit and the spice. If I don't put enough on, it dries down to a bitter something, that I can see being described as "sweaty" smelling. When I do put enough on, the vanilla softens the fruit and the spices, and it turns into a slightly less candy-sweet Snake Oil on me - not that I don't love my candy sweet SO, but this is gorgeous in a more sophisticated way.
  16. SeaLady


    It's dark ozone and aquatic in the imp. I really like this ^.^ That being said, it's pretty much pure masculine soap on me. I'm sure it reminds me of someone that makes me happy, but I can't figure out who. I might wear this to curl up when I need a comfort scent, but I think it's too masculine to be an every-day scent on me.
  17. SeaLady

    Blood Countess

    I agree that this is a very regal scent. Rich, feminine, and decadent. I like the pictures it brings to mind - of gardens and elaborate dresses, and palaces. It smells a little smokey, but mostly like honey?, plum and florals. It might be too floral for me, but it certainly is a lovely scent. I hope I can wear it ^.^
  18. SeaLady

    Destroying Angel

    A frimp from the lab, thanks lab! This smells like a dirty, spicy mushroom. This is amazing! I actually got a little on my nose sniffing the applicator I could be lying on the ground in a forest. I'll wear this when I need to feel grounded, or just want to appreciate some seriously incredible and evocative sniffy art.
  19. SeaLady

    Allergy Questions, Allergies and other reactions to oils

    Hm! Shub gave me a prickly red-skin area where I applied it on the top of my wrist. It went away after a while, but it was odd. Maybe the ginger? I don't think it ever did that before.
  20. SeaLady


    I got this for a friend, and it's lovely. Somehow at the same time it's very warm amber, and a lovely aquatic that makes it a little like traditional perfume, but in a very good way. It's warm and clean ^.^
  21. SeaLady


    I thought I had reviewed this! Apparently not ^^ In the imp: A little nauseatingly foody. I tend to find that foody scents in the imp displease me, though, so that's not much of a reflection. Super buttery ginger frosting? On, wet: Almost like a lemon cookie. Not the superlemon of a lemon bar, but more like a buttery cookie with a little lemon. On dry: A little more lemony. Hm. Verbena-ish. It's the after-a-bit dry part that's amazing. It smells like a hint of a wonderfully understated slightly sweet cracker that would be served with expensive cheeses. And a smooth ginger-lemon to go with. The first stages are not my favourite, and I try not to sniff up close at first, but it's worth it for the mellowing that happens later.
  22. SeaLady


    Oops! Appears I never reviewed this one. I was very excited about this, being a bit of a classics geek and having occasionally translated passages about the rosy fingers of the dawn. Unfortunately, this is the only BPAL that I can really say -horrified- me. I presume that if you love Jasmine, this is absolutely for you - and I would recommend it. Unfortunately, jasmine is my enemy, and thus it went directly to my swap pile.
  23. SeaLady

    Baron Samedi

    On the boy, this is (to me) "Ew almonds" at first. Well, it smells lovely and warm and nutty, except almond scents/flavors make me nauseous. Luckily, after a bit of drydown time the almond disappears and it's gorgeous Bay Rum, which is just what I was hoping for It's the one he's been wearing most often lately.
  24. SeaLady


    This is a very strong wood and vetiver smell, and I really like it. It's a little resiny, but definitely not sweet. I will wear it, but I'd also like to try it on the boy ^.^ He likes sharp scents. Muladhara is very grounding, which I need desperately sometimes. When I use up the decant, I'll need to get a bottle.
  25. SeaLady

    Carnaval Diabolique

    This was creamy and lemony and a little coconut sweetness on me. I can smell where smoke and musk are notes as sort of a subtle something, but neither of them leaped out at me as "smoke!" or "musk!". All the notes were so blended and lovely that it was hard to separate them. I'll have to try it again because I didn't have much time for pondering today, but I really like this. I also put on just a tiny bit 7 hours ago, and can still get a tiny waft of it. Yumyum!