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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by SeaLady

  1. SeaLady

    Hunter Moon 2007

    This is my best day with this scent yet! And so I am reviewing it. For my skin, the more the better when applying this one. I agree with the reviews that include vanilla! This smells like the same vanilla and light musk in the Snake Oil blends, to me. I get no wine (which is a relief, because it doesn't usually work on me - damn you, Greek scents!), but I get many things that are so light I hesitate to put words to them - smoke is too heavy, leaves are too heavy, dirt certainly doesn't work. This is your cat, who has been out lying in the garden, stalking through the woods, on the roof by the chimney where the smoke is - the might Hunter, stalking the imaginary prey. It is cold out. Your cat comes in, tired from a day of hard work, and lies in the sun in the kitchen where the cookies are baking. These cookies have barely enough sugar in them - not at all a foody, buttery smell. These are breakfast cookies that are almost bread. This is the smell of your cat's sun-warmed fur, reminiscent of the wild outdoors and mixed with the comfort of being safe inside to guard the cookies. Snuggle your cat. Snuggle hiimmmmmm. (Or her, Hunter Moon does not discriminate ) Some days, the fluffy furry scent is too fluffy, and resembles baby powder. Today, it is juuuust right. Nom, nom, nom, this is so lovely
  2. SeaLady

    All Souls

    2007 At first, this is SUPER BUTTERy cakes. Mainly butter. On my skin, at least, it fades to a different incense than I was expecting...exotic and eastern smelling, like I get from Temple Viper or Khajuraho. Eventually it fades to something warm and kinda snuggly, but I think the extreme butter is a little much for me
  3. SeaLady

    Egg'd Mailbox

    This one reminds me of many things! 1) Sunscreen? Not sure why, but there's something almost coconutty about it. 2) Egg-cream bao that you get at dim sum - O, yum 3) Egg-nog! Yummers! It's sweet and spicy and creamy! And the trick Ninja is adorable! she makes me want to put on some legwarmers
  4. SeaLady

    Dragon's Milk

    So I was thinking to myself, I was thinking - I love Dragon's Heart, but it's too. . .something, for me to wear most days. Perhaps DB Resin is just not for me! But I will try this one, because everyone loves it. Dragon's Milk is like this: Ok, so there's the part where it's yummy like a cookie. And there's the part where it makes my heart happy. And there's the part where I feel like a Pretty, Pretty Princess wearing it. And there's the part where I'm enamored. And that last one's like an overall summary. I think that covers it? But to be more specific, the freshness of the Dragon's Blood perfectly balances the sweet honey and vanilla - but the proportions change the whole time. . .they just stay perfect. The freshness (kinda lilacy, as a friend put it, which I guess DB tends to be) is stronger at the beginning, and the longer I wear it, the more the honey and vanilla warm up. By the time I went to bed last night after putting it on a while before, I felt like a sexy, Dragon's Blood-y cupcake (But no fears, non-foodies, I tend to amp honey and vanilla a lot). It's also not the baked, buttery, obviously foody kind of smell. Oh! We have this drink at the school cafe called "the Pooh Bear" - steamed milk with honey. It's like that, more than an actual cupcake. Yum. I ramble, because of my love.
  5. SeaLady


    Yum, yum, yum! In the imp: Cedar-like wood (that must be the patchouli?) and coconut - but not a sweet and foody coconut, a dry one - if that makes sense. On, this is warm and dark and and a little sweet. Not foody, but still delicious and smooth. It's a really good fall kind of scent, and has a very grounded feel to it. The longer it's on, the more it melts into my skin. Not disappearing, but blending and smelling more like it belongs there. Goblin gets a
  6. SeaLady

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    I found this website through someone else - but I can't remember who :/It's a free flow-chart making site, and someone had their BPALz all up, and I said "gosh, what a good idea!" and spent three hours making it Really puts the addiction into perspective. I haven't done it, but I could easily see how you could make subheadings of "Tried and Liked" "Tried and Didn't Like" or "Try this!", to keep track - and when you click on each node, there's a place to write notes to yourself (like reviews, for example)! Anyway, I think it's supergreat. Hope it helps! Edited because of a spooky formatting issue
  7. SeaLady

    TKO Soap (by Silk Road Trading Company)

    Strangely enough, while I don't have the TKO oil (yet), I do have half a fizzyboom, and a bar of soap So I can't exactly compare it with the oil, but I can tell you: Yum. This soap is consistent with my findings from the other BPTP soaps I've found. All well and good - lathers nicely, moisturizes, smells pretty nice - until after about two weeks. When the scent really starts to come out, and it actually draws me to take a shower more often than I might usually I can tell when this process has begun, because the bar of soap will begin to sweat perfume oil, when not in use. My findings being described - I looooove this soap! The smell is relaxing and snuggly and comforting, as well as fairly delicious. It doesn't dry out my skin (though it is still a humid time of the year), and it's surprisingly good for the shaving of the legs. I really, really hope the oil smells like this - and I'll have to get some soon to find out!
  8. SeaLady

    Blood Kiss

    Wow! I tried this before, and liked it more than my friend who ordered it, so she gave it to me to hold on to or sell. I just tried it again, and wow! In the imp, this was pointy cherries and honey. I wasn't sure about putting it on, but I decided to try it anyway. . . I want to lick my arm a lot. The earthy vetiver is comforting, and the cherries are smooth and juicy. The honey and vanilla sweeten it, while the cloves are pointy and yummy, and the whole thing is just gorgeous!!! I'm sorry I ever doubted you, Blood Kiss! Thou art sweet and dark and sexy. And very red
  9. SeaLady


    In the imp this was a little too reminiscent of cleaning product, so I avoided trying it. On, I think I like it. It warms up nicely, and is woody and spicy. It's still a little sharper than I might usually wear, but it's nice. It has an after-smell (like an aftertaste) that reminds me a lot of Scherezade, but I can't figure out exactly why. Hmmm.
  10. SeaLady

    Scent for Halloween?

    For buying my books and the first day of the new semester, I am wearing Miskatonic University, and Aziraphale in my scent locket ^.^
  11. SeaLady

    Singing Moon

    In the bottle: Mostly herbal, with a hint of the lunacy-type oils, and similar florals to Selkie, though I am certainly not a connoisseur of florals. Apparently, Singing Moon and my skin are lovers. I don't know how this changes to something so musky and sweet and warm from what it was in the bottle, but it's delicious! A hint of flowers are still there, but it's much deeper than I was expecting from my sniff out of the bottle. The warmth and the smoke almost hints at pipe tobacco, but not quite. I'm so glad I love this. And I do! This much:
  12. SeaLady

    The Sportive Sun

    Wuh! This starts out warm and woody and ambery, yum. But after about twenty minutes, it's sinus-pinchingly pointy in a way I can't identify. I might try it again, but something in it makes me nose remember sinus infections, and we don't seem to get along well. I am very glad I only got a decant of this one.
  13. SeaLady


    Yum!!! Yum, yum, yum. On me, this is a sharper (and more demonic, of course) Loviatar. O, sassy Crowley, here you are! I amp leather a lot, so for a while it's superstrong leathermuskyum, but later on the citrus and lilac come through in a gentlemanly, pointy manner.
  14. SeaLady


    This is quite lovely! I am not a wearer of "perfumey" scents, but this is perfumey and ladylike and beautiful! It's vanilla and lavendar and :shock: a little floral, and I like it very, very much. I shall have to wear skirts and lace and delicate heels with it.
  15. SeaLady

    Leo 2007

    In the bottle, this is foody and sweet! I love the label art, too ^.^ On, this is snuggly and warm. Creamy and ambery, with a little orange citrus and some saffron. I also get the Pumpkin Queen comparison, only without the pumpkin note that is not at all my cup of tea. This one I can wear, and sniff continuously and happily From my first test and reapplication soon after, this one disappears lightning quick from my skin, so it might be more of a scent locket friend, so I get more wear out of it. I'm so glad I ordered this!
  16. SeaLady


    I got frimped this in my latest order- thanks lab! Firstly, I lurve me some sirens. But the notes for this scared me away. In the imp and on my skin, this is creamsicle deliciousness. Orange and vanilla and a little ginger. Yum, yum, yum, yum!
  17. SeaLady

    How to make a paypal order.

    Ok, I called Paypal and figured out the rest of my question (beware the expiration date of credit cards!), but I'm still wondering about the echeck thing. If the echeck clears after Thunder Moon comes down will it be too late, or will the lab accept the order? I'm going to e-mail customer service right now, but that's taken a couple of days in the past and I'd like to figure this out before the Lunacy disappears. Thanks, if you can tell me anything!
  18. SeaLady


    At first, this is chocolate, honey, herbs, and something a little sharper. Warm and yummy! Final drydown is peppery white florals, which I had to wash off. So I'll wear this for the lovely first stage and the voodoo, and then keep the voodoo and lose the scent
  19. SeaLady

    Monster Bait: Bloody Mary

    In the bottle, this is berries (mostly cherry) and butter! Makes my stomach a little growly. On in the early stages, this is very juicy berries, and reminds me almost of a candle-y scent, but is too dark for that. There is something a little fiesty and alarming, as well as delicious. In the drydown times - this smells like candy necklaces! I really like it!
  20. SeaLady


    Ok, well, what to say about this. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous times a bajillion, I think. I can't imagine I'll ever use a whole bottle of anything, but this makes me wish I'd been able to order another bottle. In the bottle, sweet and dark, very clovey. On my skin, it's dark and resinous, the clove dies down a bit. I'm not sure how to describe it, but it's wonderful and comforting and deep. Like incense being burned on a mahogany table, and some hot and sweet drink that probably only exists in dreams. I loooove this
  21. SeaLady

    Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp

    Ooooh, yum! In the bottle: I didn't realize how hungry I was until I smelled this! Butter and mint, yummm. (My roommate and I made truffles using peppermint extract, white chocolate chips and butter - this is it!) On: Thin mints, O, thin mints, how I love thee. It's the peppermint of Lick It Again, slathered on a cookie. After a while, it's more like vanilla ice cream with the mint from Green Tree Snake.
  22. Is 5 days a long time to wait for a response from Customer Service? I don't want to re-email and be annoying, but I'm worried my note got lost eta: Yay, just got an answer! Question revoked ^.^
  23. SeaLady


    I agree with the many verdicts of 'masculine and clean'! I think I'm going to like it very much on the Boy, and I find it very comforting to sniff at while it's on me, as well ^.^ When I really think about picking out particular smells, it's a little soapy (in a comforting way), and there's a tiny bit of lime, vetiver, and it's warmer than I thought it would be.
  24. SeaLady

    How do you apply your BPAL oils?

    I usually use bobby pins! I do the rolly thing with the bottle, open it, dip the end of the hair pin in, and use that to put it on my wrists/elbows, behind the ear, etc. Then I put the pin in my hair
  25. SeaLady

    The Lion

    Oh, drat! On me, this smells like warm, sweet amber...and harvest crisp crackers? I'll have to try it again. Smells good (and makes me hungry), but not sure how I feel about it.