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Everything posted by SeaLady

  1. SeaLady

    Opium Poppy

    I was hoping for a bright red scent, juicy like a poppy looks and alluring because of the opium aspect. But it struck me as being white floral. And I got from my friends "It smells like the soap at my grandma's house" and: "It smells like my grandma's bathroom. . ." Dang. Off to the swap pile, poor Opium Poppy.
  2. SeaLady

    White Rose

    In the bottle, White Rose is something creamy and light and sweet. Vague, and indistinct. On the skin, it becomes gentle and yummy, with a little rose layered over the top. The vanilla tea is creamy and delicious, while the coconut is definitely coconut meat - white and light, but not overtly food/sunscreeny-coconut. The rose in combination with the tea approaches the sharper, dangerous rose zone for me, but never gets that bad and is only noticeable when I really jam my nose up close to smell. This is a light pink and white kind of smell, and it's very sweet. (Sweet in feel, it's not overly sweet in smell). And, as a disclaimer, rose is usually a soapy awful disaster, with the exception of this, Red Rose, and Rose Red. This is like: Snow White, Hope and Faith. A tea party in the garden in which approximately half of the attendants are fluffy white bunnies.
  3. SeaLady

    Red Rose

    I ordered these gems unsniffed, and I'm glad I did. Red Rose in the bottle: Clove party! On the skin: This is a Big Bad Sexy. Definitely Indian musk (though it's like red musk), with clove and dark resiny incense, and some tobacco which is more like a cigar than anything else. It's like a humidor full of dark sexy and some earth, with a little red rose bud sitting pertly on top. On my skin, the rose is light and sweet. I liiiike this. I like it in the pants. I'm thrilled, because rose is a doom note on me, and I only ordered this because other rose non-lovers said it was safe. They were right! This reminds me of: Scherezade, Minotaur, Schwarzer Monde, Rose Red. Leather chairs and glasses of dark and delicious drinks, and hopefully a burlesque show.
  4. SeaLady

    Midnight on the Midway (2006)

    I think I've tried this before, and I didn't hate it enough to put it in the swaps box. But this time it is making an impression. It's cotton candy, a flask of stealth alcohol, incense, sticky burned-sugar sweets, and summery nighttime flowers. I can't usually wear florals, especially jasmine (note of doom), but at least today, I'm liking this. It's a hot kind of scent, and it's been the warmest day so far this spring, so that might have something to do with it. I don't know if I'll wear more than just my decant, but I'll definitely have to try it more and see. I agree about the light, clean musk. Stronger and it might be soap, but the way it's mellow, it smells like warm clean skin.
  5. SeaLady


    This one is a surprise to me. Originally the only reason I got it was because I have a friend named Dia (I got her a decant too, of course). But for some reason, I love this. I ordered most of a bottle to go with my decant. On a more scent-specific note, it's a little hard for me to tell what I'm smelling. It's creamy and musky in a dove-gray kind of way, but warm and slightly sweet. It's definitely sexy, but almost androgynous leaning towards masculine. And that's not specific at all, but I'm having trouble separating any of the notes, as they much such a cohesive blend. I like it lots <3 I think it'll be a wonderful warm weather scent, warm and snuggley, but refreshing.
  6. SeaLady

    Giant Vulva

    Alas, Giant Vulva! Here are my notes, taken at the very time I was trying it on: Starts out sharp, and slightly chemical. not what I would usually wear. If I were to wear something "perfumey" this might be it, but I don't usually. Definitely try again. Giant Vulva, how can you be so wrong, when Glowing Vulva was so right? I guess it's giant but unhappy. Not enough attention? 10 min later - still pointy. Smell like junior high :/ It does get better, but not great. Later later - Things mellow, and get less sharp, but it's still unappealing. Like everything's painted over with a sickly sort of beeswax. Erlack. Verdict: Unless this turns itself around in a serious way the next time I try it, meh. Might not even wear it.
  7. SeaLady


    Uhm. On me, this turns into Thai Iced Tea. Sweet and creamy with that smoked wood scent, and sweetness. Omnomnomnomnomnom. What more is there to say? (Nomnomnom).
  8. SeaLady

    Snow Angel

    Um.... Nomnomnomnomnomnomnom. This smells like Sugar Skull mated with yummy lemon Turkish Delight. I wish I had more than a decant
  9. SeaLady

    Scent for Halloween?

    For Christmas I wore El Dia de Reyes, and Gingerbread Poppet later. I am a huge foodie Last night I wore Resurrected Snake Charmer, for a very sexy and exotic new year!
  10. SeaLady

    Snake Charmer

    Nomnomnomnomnomnom. I mean, uh. . . The first time I tried this (resurrected) I put a little on, being delicate to try the new decants. It was yums, and the Boy swooned, and I liked it. It was Snake Oil-ish and a little Smutty, but instead of the usual sweet musk it was dark brown civety musk. Then last night I slathered. Twice. and the Boy Swooned, and I swooned, and we sniffed me a lot. After we were done. . .spwooning. . . and I got a clearer sniff, it definitely resembles Snake Oil. But with dark fruits and dark musk and more incense, and yums. I asked the Boy how many bottles I should get and he said "Many Many", but I think we will compromise at 3, because I have never even finished a whole imp My only complaint is that I wish it stayed strong longer, but I think when the weather is warm and I'm not wearing long sleeves for it to rub off on, that won't be such a problem.
  11. SeaLady

    Fearful Pleasure

    Yum, yum, yum, spiced apple cider! It's sort of subdued and sadly a little candle-like on my skin, but in my scent locket it's pure deliciousness! I find the less foody the fall scents are, the more they smell like holiday candles I need to try it on my skin more to see if I need a bottle.
  12. SeaLady

    Brom Bones

    Hmmmmmm. I like this on me, I think. I definitely want to try it on the Boy, who has Quincey Morris and smells nummy in it. It's a very manly leather indeed, but not the deep dark (danger sex) leather of Loviatar and Crowley, this one is warmer. Warm, brown, well-polished leather - like a saddle, or some boots, or gloves that are for working and not for the cold. I would swear that I can actually smell the polished surface of it. Ok, I actually just smelled my brown polished boot, and it's a little like that
  13. SeaLady

    Katrina van Tassel

    This scent is very cute and pretty and sweet. It's light, and a little sassy in its innocence. I explained that is was "the pretty girl from the story" to one of my friends, and she said "oh, she would be." It's similar to Hope on me, but less sweet and more creamy. And yet, alas, still rose. And still not the best match for my skin, and my scent preferences. I would love it on someone else, though.
  14. SeaLady


    Oof. Once again, florals smell like plastic skunk on me. Alas, fair lady, you are not for me. It's overpowering, and terrible. The promise is there though, with the dusty incensey notes that get strangled by flowery soap.
  15. SeaLady

    Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream

    Yum! This is like a sweet pastry with tart berries in it. And it's really, really fun. It makes me want to wear a fun lil sundress. And if I sniff really hard (which makes me dizzy so I shouldn't do it often, it's really hot today) there's a little ginger behaving in there asking why the rest is so darn silly, and a little...aquatic? On account of crawdads live in water, I betcha. I wish there was a crawdad emote. It would be right here.
  16. SeaLady


    There were many Ladies I was expecting to fall in love with, and Ashlultum was definitely not one of them. I wasn't expecting her to be one of the muskiest, sexiest scents. Here's what happened: I put her on. She morphed in a spectacular, swirly colours and shiny lights technocolour Sailor Moon kind of way. I came over to the boards to add my review, and in reading the other reviews thought: This can't possibly be what I have on! So I put more on to check, because I thought I had lost track of which Ladies I was trying - I've got on, er, six. But! Repeat crazy morphing. In the decant, Ashlultum is flowery and light, a cool and sunny summer day kind of scent. Strangely, on my skin, she is something different altogether. Have you ever walked by a guy on the street and thought "I wish with all my heart I was brave enough to ask him what scent/deoderant/whatever he is wearing so I could buy a bottle for my Boy and six for myself, so I can roll in it, and smell like warm sweet musky delight for all of my days?" Because that happens to me every so often, and I know they're all wearing the same thing, but I've never come across it on anyone I knew well enough to ask. Well, now I don't need to ask. Clearly all those gentlemen were wearing Ashlultum. Only she's the same thing, but better and more feminine. I'm seriously so awestruck by her that I can't even pick out notes. I really hope this smells the same on other people, because it's a scent that should be shared with the world, in order to achieve world peace and universal love and some pastries that float down out of the clouds carried by baby angel puppies. I like it that much. And if it doesn't smell that way on other people, clearly it will be my life's work to slather it and travel to BPAL communities around the world and allow people to sniff me. (and if it morphs again to something else, I will literally cry you a river)
  17. SeaLady


    Whooo boy. At first, this was a little musky with a lot of blackcurrant. My initial thought was yum! Second thought was that maybe the blackcurrant was a little too sharp for my tastes. But now the currant has gone away completely, and I'm left with MUSK!!!!1! Marianne smells very Smutty, but less sweet and more musky. I get some patchouli, and a whole lot of darkness and inappropriate suggestions and possibly some panting. I'm assuming the musk is red, but it's so fiesty on my skin that it's almost civet. I'm curious to see if this changes more or if I get any of the other notes more distinctly, but even if I don't Marianne and I are going to be very good friends.
  18. SeaLady


    Strangely, I had almost the very same thought as starwild before I scrolled down and saw the review! Inez is very much like the Lion on me, except wearable. The Lion and I have this disagreement in which I want it to smell like a Lion, and it wants to smell like Harvest Crisp crackers. I have no idea what's in it that makes it smell that way, but that bizarre note is definitely not in Inez. Inez is light and snuggly on me, refreshing on a hot and humid day. She's sweet vanilla and amber, and a little musk. The arcane muskiness that is myrrh on my skin peeks out once in a while, but I'm not getting any cedar or carnation yet. This scent wants me to wear a sweater and my cuddly cotton thigh-high socks, and drink some tea, and read a book. She makes a convincing argument.
  19. SeaLady

    Enraged Bunny Musk

    I have just been lucky enough to happen upon a bottle of this From a friend, originally from her friend. It's verreh snuggly. Fresh and clean and fuzzy, with a little bit of lemon. Later, it is musky and cotton powdery. I'm pretty sure it's grand and I love it.
  20. SeaLady

    Phoenix Steamworks

    This is the first metallic BPAL blend that I've tried, and I'm surprised how accurate it is! It's stunning and weird, because it's not something I would usually wear but I will make an exception for this. It's smokey and metallic and oily and perfumey all at the same time. For a while it smelled like very hot metal and perfume, and it's calmed down and blended more now that I have been wearing it for a couple of hours. It's just perfect for the theme, and so evocative that I had to change my clothes to be more appropriate! Surprisingly it strikes me somehow as being very sexy, and I'm not usually attracted to machines >.>
  21. At first, I was a little grumpy about darling Antikythera Mechanism. Why did I buy two bottles of Glowing Vulva when I could have had four of this, for almost the same price?! (Other than the obvious, which is that it makes me laugh and laugh to know that I'm wearing a perfume called Glowing Vulva - well worth the extra monies). But the two are different scentwise as well, I found as it dried. This is woodier and more grounded, slightly less sweet, and brighter. More of a yellow brightness than the sultry gold of GV. The tobacco is dark and balances the warm teak wonderfully. An excellent introduction to the Steampunk scents. I love this one. I haven't smelled Perversion (a fact I am by no means proud of), but the comparisons make me even more determined to try it.
  22. SeaLady


    Definitely sugared violets! I am discovering that I like sugared florals, but violet has something slightly sharp. I like it, but I have to be in the right mood for this one.
  23. SeaLady


    I think I like it! Imagine, a rose that works on me! It's just like rose candies, but even sweeter! Like maybe a rose petal encased in rock candy. That sounds about right. I really like this I'm glad I finally got a decant, so I know to fit in a bottle before the Carnavale goes away!
  24. SeaLady

    Dungeon Atmosphere Spray

    Ayummm! This is very complex. I sprayed some into the air, and my roommate and I couldn't seem to find it. Then I realized that in getting the sprayer working, a little had dribbled down the bottle and onto my hand. (Of course, being a dork, I panicked, because They said we shouldn't put it on our skin! It's going to burn me! Eek!) On my hand and the bottle, it smelled a lot like wine! I wiped my hand on a corner of my sheet, and washed the rest off (though I didn't scrub very hard or use a ton of soap, so the scent lingered.) And no, it didn't burn me >.> The remnants on my hand really amped the leather . I waited a while before sniffing my sheet, and it was better than hand or bottle. A little leather, a tiny bit of wine, and a lot of something almost like sweet pipe tobacco and musk. Apparently that is not one of the notes, but that's what I got, and it's delicious. Sheets it is! It smells just like a dungeon should smell. Edited because I'm silly and forgot to mention that it's a very sexy scent.
  25. SeaLady

    Belle Époque

    This one is very interesting. My first instinct was "I really like this!" At first it's all warm and nummy with a hint of soap (the lily ). As it dries, it stays warm but gets very powdery. I like it, though. It makes me want to wear petticoats in the sunshine. This is not very specific, but it's sort of vague to me, too