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Posts posted by jessu

  1. I get mostly tobacco and clove, backed by rose and musk. I love the spiciness of it but the indian musk, on me, smells... cheap. I agree with a previous comment that it smells like the bottom of a makeup bag. Kind of dusty, with some generic, mixed up, nondescript fragrance.

    I want to love this SO BADLY though, so I think I will keep it a while and see if it gets better with age, which I suspect it will.



  2. I am a rose fiend, so this was obviously on my list to try. It took me a while, but I finally got around to it. :P


    It leaked it transit to me, and smelled awful. The whole package reeked of nail polish remover. I was hoping for better results on my skin than on the scotch tape, but wet on my arm my first impression was still nail polish remover.


    Thankfully, that stage only lasted a minute! It was followed by a complex rose stage. Like the description says, there are all sorts of roses stuffed in here. Lush roses, wet roses, dry roses... and a minute later, there's the grass!


    It does get a bit perfumey on me, which I suppose I consider either a good or bad thing, depending on my mood. I'm keeping it as part of my rose collection, but I don't see myself wearing it that often. As far as straightforward roses go, I'd reach for London over this.

  3. Wet: Uh oh. There's the eucalyptus, all cough drop-y.


    A minute later: Hello, my dear friend Ozone! A pleasure, as usual, to see you!



    Verdict:: Sharp minty ozone with some perfumey background florals. Nice, but I don't like smelling like mint.


    ETA: I love the color of the oil, though! It's just the prettiest pale green!

  4. :P Love this stuff!


    Most purpley scents work really well on me, and this is dark, spicy, purple resin heaven! I can't single out the pom or lavender, but know that they're in there I can sense their contributions.


    Its like the missing link between Samhain and Purple Phoenix. :D

  5. All spices, yum!! The one think that bugs me is as it dries something starts to get a little bit waxy. Almost.. translucent? I think it's the cinnamon. I remember the same effect from Yuletide. But still a great blend of spices that I think I will use to layer over other scents frequently. I think plunder plus a dab of patchouli or myrrh would be heavenly.



    Nota Bene: This is a scorcher! My skin is weathered and not sensitive at all, but I did get a slight reaction on my neck. I love my spices, and I can't remember ever having sensitivity issues before.

  6. This smells heavenly in the bottle, but the vanilla behaves exactly like the vanilla note in Perilous Parlour and becomes the most nasty plastic smell in the world. If Perilous Parlour didn't work for you, stay away from this, no matter how good it smells in the bottle! :P

  7. All the notes except the beeswax sounded *perfect* for me, so I decided to give this a try.


    Sadly, this was BEESWAX all the way. I wanted rich creamy flowers and I got horrid rotten stinking beeswax. My moonflower, my roses, my ozone... all overpowered by the vile stench beeswax becomes when it touches me. :P

  8. Possibly the most evocative perfume I have ever encountered. I've smelled it before, many many times. It's what I smell like when I finally roll into bed in the wee hours of the morning, too exhausted to even stand up anymore, still a little drunk, filthy from running around the backyard, thick smoke from the fire clinging to my skin and clothes, spilled beer, and bits of sticky marshmallow on my face and feet. (I don't know how I always get marshmallow on my feet, but I do. I know because then dirt and grass sticks in spots.)


    I like this, and I'll keep it, because it makes me feel good. Besides, I have a new backyard fire pit with a chimney and now I never get to come in smelling like smoke! :P

  9. I don't get the candy thing. I'm getting... Kindly Moon's tropical sister. Flowers muted by musk and coconut, creating a sweet, heavenly cloud. I think without the coconut and musk maybe I could understand the candy comparison, but this just reminds me of Suave coconut shampoo. Not out of the bottle, but the kind of soft scent that radiates from drying hair.


    I'm kind of regretting not buying a bottle. If it were just a little cheaper I wouldn't think twice. Usually I don't have such good luck with coconut.

  10. Conspiracy and murder in the Theatre of Pompey: balsam of Peru, bitter clove, motia attar, amber musk, opoponax, cypress, red wine grapes, tagetes, spikenard, and blood accord.

    I have had some seriously good scent karma lately. I didn't order this scent because cypress terrifies me, but later reading reviews I did some serious self-kicking. I did manage to find a bottle after some very intense sales-watching :P

    Helloooooooo clovey wonderfulness!!!! This goes on all clove spice, but the clove settles down after a few minutes. The blood accord, wine grapes, and musk come out to play, but they never overpower my beloved clove. No trace of the evil cypress!! It has sort of a solid quality that I usually associate with resins. Very grounded. My only gripe with this scent is that it doesn't last quite as long as I expected it to.

    This is dark, dark, dark. Samhain and Count Dracula are favorites of mine, and this is def. part of that gang. Sort of my power trio of darkness. :D

  11. I told myself I could throw one Luau bottle in with my last order, and I picked this. I love blueberry, but I fully expected this to go plastic or sour or fade into nothing like most berries do on me.


    I was ever so happily mistaken!


    Tart blueberry and gin, yum! It's almost like blueberry bubblicious, but sour and a little alcoholic. Love it, love it, love it!! It's going into heavy summer rotation, right next to Aizen-Myoo. It lasts several hours, and doesn't really change at all. I'm seriously thinking about a second bottle so I can make some scented body spritzers and lotions for the hot months ahead. :P

  12. I would never have chosen this for myself, but my SO bought it for me as a suprise because he loves Yeats. Wow!


    This blend goes on sharp, floral, and astringent, but settles down into a warm, skin-hugging vanilla. On drydown, the vanilla is most prominent on me, which is great because almost all vanillas go plastic on me. This is creamy and warm and just plain pretty. Doesn't smell earthy, but reminds me of earth for some reason.


    What a great suprise! :P

  13. This smells.... blue. But not in a watery way, in a flowery airy way. A little flowery, a little musky, a little powdery, a little sweet. This is really nice, but it reminds me strongly of a less-flowery Kindly Moon. Like if you took all the pink out of KM, and only left the blue. It's very nice, but I won't be keeping it.

  14. This is not water so much as the sky before a storm on the beach. Holy ozone! NOT aquatic, just ozone. I like ozone and all, but this just wasn't what I was expecting. It's like a stronger and slightly salty Lightning, and I like Lightning better. To swaps!

  15. I *almost* didn't get this one because I had sworn off bpal aquatics after Kingsport had it's big ozone party all over my skin. And I was scared of the violet note to boot.


    Thank god I caught a bottle on ebay! I was so wrong, this is great! It's a little water, a little wood, a little ivy, and a little violet- it reminds me of Thalassa without the frankincense and jasmine.


    I'll keep this one at my desk at work. This is a great soft everyday scent, and I never remember to apply before I leave the house. :P

  16. I love this! I wish the name didn't gross me out so much. :P


    This is clean, but green. Not green in a plant way- green in a murky swap water way. It really smells like a commercial perfume. I get the "ozone" impression same as others above, but I def. do not actually smell ozone. In a lot of ways, this reminds me of F5. A slighty more feminine F5, though still unisex.


    This wears close to the skin on me. I see myself reaching for it frequently but only during the day and only on days when I don't want to stand out.

  17. This is one that broke my heart.


    Wet it smelled great, vanilla pears plain as day. As soon as it started drying though- HOLY PLASTIC. Seriously. No scent has ever gone as plastic on me as this one. I can't decide if I should swap it now, or give it time to see if it will chill the heck out.



  18. 2007


    To think I almost passed this up..... baked-goods smells make me sort of queasy. But this is SPICE! And I nice blend of spices at that, with just a little doughyness in the background. My one gripe is that it doesn't hang around long- but I think I'll make a lotion with this so I can reapply all day long. Also a great scent for my oil burner. :P

  19. I have a bottle of 2004, don't remember how I got it though.


    I pulled it out today because I was looking for a nice winter scent. This smells like the cinnamon scented pine cones you find in stores this time of year. Berry? What berry? This is nothing but SPICE SPICE SPICE.


    I almost wonder if there's something wrong with the bottle, or is it me? :P


    Whatever it is, it turns waxy and lasts all of half an hour, so I think this might have to go.

  20. I tried to guess the notes on this one without looking up the description, and my best guess was lotus, orange, and white musk... hey, two out of three ain't bad!


    I guessed lotus because I am also getting the bubblegum thing, and it doesn't fade away. I don't mind it, though. I don't get ANY rose at all, which is fine.


    In color, this scent is a yellow-orange-gold with a hint of pink. It reminds me of afternoon light filtered through a sitting room window, when you can see the specks of dust floating in the streams of light.


    This scent is very sexy and sophisticated, and a little playful. This is the scent I picked for a classy holiday cocktail party.

  21. This is salty, salty, salty. And dry. Usually I go for more wet and ozone-y smells, but this isn't bad. All I get is sea spary and frankincense- none of the other notes appear at all, which is just fine. Often aquatic scents tend to be described as "masculine" (although I usually disagree :P) but this totally and completely feminine. Without question.
