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BPAL Madness!


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About Pookstrell

  • Rank
    obsessive precious hoarder
  • Birthday 04/04/1983


  • Location
    Norwich, Norfolk and Colchester in Essex (UK)
  • Country
    United Kingdom

Contact Methods

  • eBay
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  • Website URL


  • BPAL of the Day
  • Favorite Scents
    Mme. Moriarty, The Cracked Bell, Black Lace, Dana O' Shee, Golden Priapus, Dorian, Blood Amber, Pele, Morocco, Scherezade, Villain, Antique Lace, TKO, Boomslang, Midnight Kiss, Banded Sea Snake Favourite notes: Red Musk, Red Musk, Red Musk, Red Musk, Red Musk aaaand leather, cotton, Vanilla, olive leaf, sweet almond, white pine, incense, amber,

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    philosophy, English literature, Wittgenstein, psychoanalysis, literary interpretation, T.S Eliot, modernism, philosophy of psychology, philosophical aspects of mental health, Freud, anti-Freud!, R.D Laing, journalism, gardening, counselling theory, atheism<br /><br />Fripperies...<br /><br />dressing up and transforming myself, my duvet, pretty men, open fires in winter, corsetry, red hair, arched brows, long hair, pampering, scented baths, candles, wearing a tutu and looking silly, antique amber, foppery, new romanticism, green glass items with gnarled labels, potions, lashings of silver jewellery, red lipstick, Karma soap, Persian cats, crunching frosty grass underfoot, creaky stairs, fresh bed sheets, big clompy boots, smart clothing, popping bubblewrap, coming home to a clean, warm kitchen on a winters day, being the first one to leave footprints in the snow, ragdoll cats, apple snails, reading crime novels<br /><br />Films...<br /><br />Being John Malkovich, Bound, Withnail and I, The Dark Crystal, The labyrinth, American beauty, Amelie, Annie Hall, Some like it hot, Gone with the wind, Leon, Gia, The African queen, The seven year itch, Borat (!) The Poseidon adventure, Alive!, Threads, 28 days later, Silence of the lambs, Rebecca<br /><br />and on Television... enduring passion for Prisoner Cell Block: H. Also, Eastenders, Holby City.<br /><br />Music... <br /><br />Type O Negative, Elgar, Eighties Electro, Soft Cell, Depeche Mode, London After Midnight, Adam and the Ants, Icon of Coil, VNV Nation, Japan, Ultravox, System of a Down, Radiohead, Pulp, Classix Nouveau, Dead or Alive, Enya, Arcade Fire, Late of the Pier, Gary Numan, Interpol, Marvin Gaye, New model army, James Brown, Jon Foxx, David Sylvian, Divine (!), Muse, OMD, Alice Cooper<br /><br />I say YES to Marmite ;)<br />And I am a vegetarian which means NO, I DO NOT eat fish!!!<br /><br />20th Feb 2005 UPDATE: I am now in the process of becoming vegan. Any edifying messages/support/recipes will be gratefully received!<br />5th April UPDATE: I am now a fully-fledged vegan! Hooray.<br />25th September, 2008: Still vegan :D<br /><br />Bad, evil things...<br />paperwork, automation, people who make my veganism a topic for conversation at the dinner table, Kilroy, Jim Davidson, Richard and Judyism, he conservativ party, DEPRESSION, The Sun newspaper (UK), crosswords and day time TV quiz programmes... no wonder the unemployed get depressed! Sticky labels that leave marks on things, changing the duvet cover and phoning the council all suck too.
  • Mood
    Red of musk


  • Astrological Info
    What a load of old tripe
  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected
  • Western Zodiac Sign
    Nothing Selected

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  1. I've just seen your response to my top 10 - how could I forget?! I'm a moron! I'm trying to get more bottles of the stuff. Why are so many great ones LEs?
