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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by alayni

  1. I agree with everyone who said cherry-almond was the first note out of the bottle. It almost smells like almond extract! As it settled, it's turned into golden amber and the lotus is just peeking out. Funnily enough, it takes me back to my trip to Egypt two years ago. Looking at the recreated paintings of the Egyptian queens, I could see thm wearing this scent, as they lay on barges floating down the Nile getting fanned. hm, where's my barge and slave boy?

  2. hmm, I don't know...i smell mint? seriously..as I opened this imp, mint jumped out and grabbed me by the ankles. Undertow, indeed. As I got this as an imp, I will have to come back to it to see if I want to wear it or use it as a room spray.

  3. Definitely a grassy scent. It took a while before the 'salty' and 'soapy' came creeping out. When it did, it reminded me of the bath gel my husband uses, which funnily enough is called 'aquatic'. I am also reminded of the 'soapyness' of Dragon's Tears. It's definitely a 'fresh' scent, neutral and not overpowering. I could see myself wearing this if I don't want my scent to precede me....

  4. lavender, lavender, lavender! it reminds me of those milled soaps we used to have in our guest bathroom..you know, the pink ones shaped like seashells? I could see this turning into an air freshener type scent.....not my favorite association! I'll have to see what it does for my dreaming......

  5. I just got my Chaos! I have DCCCXVI or 816. First sniff, spicy, but settles to being a bit powdery too (if that makes sense). It actually smells less like a typical 'feminine' scent, but I like it! makes me think warmth, fire, velvet. I bet y'all with yur super sensitive noses could pick out the notes better......does anyone know if there is a master list of what went into each of these? Would love to see how 'right' my guess is.

  6. wasn't sure I liked the scent at first but as it settled, the sandalwood became prominent with a little touch of the neroli hovering about. I lke it-it's warm and dry-without being too cloying.

  7. on first application, the cocoa note shines through. But not a cloying sweet cocoa- more of a dark, rich and earthy cocoa- like a Mexican cocoa. It actually smells similar to mole which is used in Mexican cuisine. Later, after the cocoa has faded, the fig note rises. I've never really smelled figs on their own, but what a light, sweet scent! Definitely a scent for evenings in-- and out! I almost feel like I should be wearing something velvety and luxe when I wear this scent.

  8. Kabuki started out very strong and sweet. It almost reminded me of cherry Robitussin or cough syrup. Now a few hours later, I stll catch glints of the bright cherry, but it has warmed into the star anise and licorice scent that I just love.

  9. I thought I was the only one who used a bobby pin to apply the oil! I like the swizzle stick idea though--especially if I'm out and no pin is handy:)


    Fultiltredhead: I love your statement about applying the "precious", . even though you're referring to the name of the oil itself- well, speaking as a Lord of the Rings fan, I definitely conside the oil as an object of desire!! :P
