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Everything posted by glass_cat

  1. glass_cat

    Lucy's Kiss

    When I originally finally broke down and decided to invest in a sampler of Black Phoenix scents to see what the craze was all about, I did so because a friend told me there was a scent they had out that was inspired by Lucy Westenra. Since Lucy has always been a character I identify with very strongly, I couldn't resist. Of course, there were two Lucy scents: the limited edition "Lucy Westenra" and then this one from the general catalog. They both sounded heavenly, but I eventually decided on this one. I'm so glad I did, because seriously... I could wear this scent every day and never tire of it. I think it could quite possibly be my favorite perfume of any I have ever worn, and I have already ordered a full-sized bottle of it. I knew that I would the very first time that I sampled this. I don't know that it is for everyone though. It would depend on what type of scents you tend to favor yourself. I personally prefer more old-fashioned, flower-based scents, and this is very much that. This one, however, is best described as "a rose with a bite", much like Lucy herself. It smells very much like something I could actually imagine Lucy wearing, and it definitely properly embodies her spirit. Very Victorian, very elegant and stately, but rather dark and tragic as well. In addition to the roses (and I imagine them as white roses for some reason) I distinctly smell something very crisp and clean as a dominant note... a bit like freshly laundered sheets, but not quite... that is very pleasing and also keeps this from being too flowery. I also detect a breath of something I can't quite put my finger on. It almost smells like the type of incense they burn in churches. It's a somewhat funereal smell, but not at all unpleasant.... just a bit dark. It's just barely there for me though, so it isn't overpowering, and I do think that is what makes this feel "mournful" to me. If a white rose could produce tears, they would smell like Lucy's Kiss to me.
  2. glass_cat


    The imp I have of this scent was a freebie from the lab with my order. (I was such a BPAL newbie, I didn't even know about frimps yet, so yes... very pleasant surprise.) I'm indeed quite glad they sent it to me, because although the description didn't sound like something I would normally have chosen by myself, as I usually favor more old-fashioned, flower-based scents, I like this scent a lot. The best way I can think to describe the smell of Tezcatlipoca to you is to tell you it smells like "chocolate dirt", but I mean it in the most positive and complimentary way, and when I say chocolate, I mean something more along the lines of Hershey's "extra dark" as opposed to something sweeter. The smell of it even made me crave dark chocolate a bit, so it's a good thing I had some handy. After the oil is on a while, you start to smell the other notes coming through, especially the leather and the patchouli for me, but the chocolate remains regardless. It just starts to fade into the background to allow the other notes to come through. On the whole, it's a very deep, dark, rich-smelling scent that would honestly work very well on either sex. Although I love it on me, this would be an extremely sexy scent to smell on a man. As a matter of fact, I would love to smell this on my boyfriend because it reminds me a lot of his personality... mysterious and somewhat dark, but with a certain mild sweetness to it... and if I didn't like it so damn much on myself, I'd give him my imp of this for his little collection. Seriously though. I would definitely consider getting a bottle of this for both of us to share in a heartbeat.