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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by clephan

  1. This is one of my favourite scents, which appeared as a surprise sample. I'd never been a huge fan of rose scents before, finding them a little 'old-ladyish' but boy, is this different.


    The signature rose scent is the most obvious note, but having the resiny winey scent means that this is robust and strong. It hardly fades at all: after Christmas, I went to a live roleplaying session which was held outside around a bonfire. I'm sure you know how pungent they are! We started at about 6pm and 2 the next morning when we finishes, few drops that I'd put on were still fresh and distinctive even over the chargrill smell from the bonfire. Truly amazing. It also went very well with the game we were playing, a 1920s Cthulhu one :P


    Wish I'd ordered a bottle of this now. Oh well, next time!

  2. This perfume converted Jef from being kind of amused at my fervour for BPAL to understanding it completely! On him it smells sophisticated, elegant and regal, and goes perfectly with a gothed-up outfit. I've ordered him a bottle for V'day :P


    ADDED June 10:


    I know I've already reviewed this one for when Jef wore it!


    But on me, this is pure seaside. None of the actual elements listed get a look in - it's sunny blue sea water with a breeze blowing over it. I can almost hear seagulls.


    It's rather lovely though. Makes me want to go to the beach...

  3. Description (from Diabolus)


    Our olfactory tribute to the film genre: a dark, moody, brooding scent that embodies moral ambiguity, alienation, and soul-wrenching cynicism. A complex, seamy blend of Lily of the Valley, opoponax, myrrh, black rose and plum with a slithering twist of clove, deep plum and star jasmine.


    Initial Scent


    This smells dark and thick in the vial: the lily of the valley is a most unexpected note. I was sure that there was patchouli in there, but I'm not that familiar with myrrh so that could be what I was smelling.


    On wearing


    This is the longest-lasting of all the perfumes I've tried. Just a small amount is still very distinctly smellable by the end of a day at work. It's a captivating and mysterious scent, and extremely elegant. It want to be associated with a long flowing black evening gown and a glass of something strong.

  4. I'm wearing this today, and I think I like it more than ever.


    I'm not familiar with any other holly-berry scents: Christmas for me is definitely a mulled-wine and snowy-cedars kind of scent time. So, for me this just smells sweet and rich and warming. Just what I need today, it's freezing!

  5. Nine-tailed fox demon of Korean lore who transforms into the visage of an irresistible beauty in order to seduce men and lead them to their doom. A sharp, biting blend of crisp white tea and ginger.

    On opening the vial, this smells extremely light and gentle: gingery and floral but lightly spicy rather than the darker spices that a lot of scents have.

    On first wearing, it wraps the wearer in a sweet cloud of exotic florals. It's the sort of perfume you could wear to a formal work function or an elegant lunch. It's sophisticated and anything but overpowering.

    Over time, this one doesn't last as long as a lot of the others, and fades to a pleasantly soft powder scent.

  6. A curious word, meaning both a phantom or apparition and the image of an ideal. A complex, unearthly scent: Himalayan cedarwood, Italian bergamot, verbena and sage.

    On opening the bottle, this smells stronly of verbena: this grows prolifically in my back garden, so the scent immediately made me think of over-hot summer days outside gardening, verbena being crushed underfoot.

    On first wearing the scent, the strong fresh lemon scent is there, and this is an immensely uplifting and energising scent. It's certainly a good morning perfume.

    As it dries, it starts to smell like herbs growing next to fast flowing water. It makes me think of space, solitude and quiet. The sage is noticeable as time goes on, but this one doesn't so much deepen as gently sustain the same scent over a long period of time.

    I haven't tried it is a room scent, but I think it would make an excellent one for dispelling sleepiness and encouraging alertness.

    There are also special reasons why this scent is so special to me. :P

  7. Following on from the 'where do you store 'em' thread, can I ask those of you who have been at this for a bit longer how long their BPAL perfumes have lasted?


    I try not to keep store-bought perfume for over 12 months as I've found they tend to change scent. As these are oil-based rather than alcohol-based, I'm guessing that their shelf life is less.


    I know that this will vary according to how often I open the bottles, and where they are stored (currently in the USPS box, but closed so they're in the dark!) but any personal thoughts would be good to hear :P





  8. Truly the scent of autumn itself -- damp woods, fir needle, and black patchouli with the gentlest touches of warm pumpkin, clove, nutmeg, allspice, sweet red apple and mullein.


    I'm not sure if this is a particularly helpful review as this was a limited edition scent and no longer available, but I guess it might be useful if any turns up on Ebay or as a swap somewhere...

    The first scent of this is heavily fruity: it smells like black cherries. When I put it on, this note lingers, but is deepened with a scent like tobacco flowers and cloves. It mellows into a rich musky scent with a little crushed greenery.

    Conventially speaking, I'd say it's definitely an evening perfume: I guess most people would find it too heavy for during the day. Not that I pay any attention to such things :P

    Overall, it's one of my favourites so far, totally different to anything I've smelt anywhere else, and for me now inexorably tied to memories of autumn.

  9. I bought a 5ml of this as part of my first order, as sweet scents work well on me, and the idea of chocolate perfume was too good to miss.


    It did strike me as too sweet to start with, but after half an hour os so it had mellowed into a lovely rich and dark scent.


    I have noticed that when I wear it to the office, my colleagues hit the chocolates a lot more than normal. Perhaps it's having a subliminal effect! Me, I tend to want chocolate less when I'm wearing it :P
