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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by clephan

  1. Say clephan,


    Would you mind telling where you got that lovely glass perfume bottle? It is simple yet beautiful!

    Beth included that one with my order so I'm not sure where it came from. I've tried to find similar ones online but whew, who would have thought there would be so many perfume bottle sites?! It also seems to be a key word that shoots off to some very dubious sites which surprised me. What have porn and perfume bottles got to do with each other?!

  2. You and me both! And don't think I missed that oh-sooo-cleverly placed imp of The Lion in there, dearie! *whines*

    *giggle* They weren't really arranged, just jumbled there!


    I was SOOO happy the day that they all arrived, it was one of those orders that had gone astray in the Great USPS Fiasco, so I was on tenterhooks for weeks before it turned up :P

  3. I have a request:


    Can someone send me pictures of what each size bottle looks like? I'm really bad with measuring and metrics, and wanted to see some examples.




    It's not a brilliant photo but here's what the 5ml bottles I received recently looked like (they're all 5mls stacked behind the imps :P )



  4. Out of curiousity, has anyone had to pay customs on a package from BPAL who lives in the UK or is International.

    I've had two packages sent to the UK, and neither had a customs charge on them.


    However, I think I must be lucky as pretty much everything else I ordered in the last year from the US has been caught :P

  5. I've been at home both times my parcels arrived (sheer luck, I'd normally be at work!) and they were just handed over to me, no need to sign.


    However, if I wasn't there, they would have left me a card saying they'd tried to deliver, and I would need to pick it up from the local post office depot.

  6. Oh dear, what a shame you feel the need to re-state this.


    I'd like to think that most of the regulars here have got the message now, and are trying to be patient! I'm sorry if my question on the thread about the price change seemed like nagging, not at all intentional.


    Updates (as in, site and new scent updates) are wonderful, but no-one is going to mind if you take your time and sort out the backlog first. I'm sure.


    Take care of yourself!

  7. I love this. Like your average Little Goth Girl, I've been dabbing on patchouli since I was old enough to nip into town and buy it from the local hippy shop. So this blend brings back all sorts of memories for me, as its that note I pick up most.


    It's also one of the most long lasting notes. Whether that's because I'm used to smelling it, or if my skin just exudes it more than other oils, I'm not sure but it lasts for ages.


    However, I don't get the - ahem - amorous reaction the rest of you're experiencing! It's just a very lovely scent.


    Perhaps I need to experiment with some of the Voodoo blends? :P

  8. I read the reviews here this morning, after already putting on a dab of Old New Orleans and thought, hmm.. I wonder.


    It layers over O.N.E beautifully. The two jasmines seem to hold hands and dance together well, with the rose floating over the top. The background of honeysuckle in O.N.E seems mellowed by the rose notes and all together it's made for a very beautifully scented spring day :D


    ADDED June 3:


    I was expecting the rose to be lot more prominent in this: I love Pride and Old London so was looking forward to another rose-attack.


    The rose definitely takes a back seat. The jasmine is a lot more noticeable on me than the rose is, and after a couple of hours this mellows to something that I'm sure is just odd on me: it smells of freshly baked bread!


    It's a curious scent, but not a favourite. I have enjoyed wearing it though. Not just a perfume, an experience :P

  9. There's a possibility that I might be able to work with some stores in Scotland as potential retailers for BPAL. My question is... will it be easier on you all if you order from us, or from a UK distributor? I know Glasgow and Edinburgh aren't around the corner for all of you, but it may make shipping cheaper in the long run.


    Just a thought. =)

    Hi :D


    This is a very exciting development!


    I'm keen to know more, as the utility of this new source will depend on things like will they be able to supply all the oils, will they do online orders, what prices they will be selling the oils for, what postage method they'll use, and how focussed they can be on mail order. If they have a store-front operation too, and we're all deluging them with orders, I'd be concerned that the mail-orders may slip. That said, I'm sure these are all things that you're considering too, so on the whole I'll give a tentative 'yay' !!


    Scotland is a very long way for me, yes, but I'm planning to have my honeymoon up there :P A long way off yet, but the idea of being able to go for a BPAL shopping trip at the same time is a very nice one!


    ONe downside of the new arrangement would be that I will miss emailing you though!

  10. In the bottle The eucalyptus is very prominent. This is a very clearing scent, and instantly made me feel a lot more awake on a bleary-eyed morning.


    First Wearing This is immediately very faint on me. It's not one of the jump-out-and-bite you scents, it's understated and lurks in the background. The floral notes are more noticeable as it warms up, particularly the violet.


    Over time Fades quickly on me: needs topping up every couple of hours or so.


    Overall This will make an excellent scent for a day at work. It's coolly professional but the violet keeps it from being too haughty.

  11. This is just... amazing on me. Something about it in the bottle grabbed the happy part of my brain and tweaked. It had a similar can't-stop-sniffing quality as Gluttony, quite addictive.


    It's enveloping and rich and just very wonderful. The apricot is mellow and sweet, and the patchouli smells less overpowering and sharper than any I've encountered before: I normally get a 'generic Goth bedroom' impression from patchouli but this is a much more mellow version.



  12. In the bottle To me, the first thing I smell is the 'dark' note from scents like Czernobog and Typhon: I'm not sure if it's a musk or a civet. However, on breathing in further (sounds funny, but I hope you know what I mean!) it softens dramatically. It has a delicate sweet scent, a little like daffodil and bluebells. It's a very soft spring-like scent.


    First Wearing It's the first really beautiful day of spring today: I'm sitting here with the French windows wide open, a gentle breeze blowing through the room as I watch the fresh new grass waving outside. This scent suits the day perfectly. It isn't a green scent, which is what I associate with spring.


    Over time This survived a 2-hour bout of heavy gardening, and still smelt comforting and lovely afterwards. That's quite an achievement! I think I'll probably top it up a little as I wear it during the day though.


    Overall Very lovely. Like Midwinter's Eve and Snow White, this will be one of my 'comforting' perfumes, to be worn when I want to be wrapped up in a bigsoft blanket of scent.

  13. Woo-Hoo!!!


    My friends are going to all be converted & then they'll covert ther friends etc...


    *plotplotplot* Already got one obsessed with Haunted & Snake Oil & another who ordered with me lives for Jezebel, Red wants "BIIIIIG bottles of Villain & Czernobog.. & so it begins..slowly slowly catchee monkey

    "Ve vill take over ze vorld!!!"


    Ahem. I've converted my mother the Unseelie and goth friend to Old London... Jef to Villain... I'm getting there...

  14. In November:


    5 5ml bottles was $12. I don't know what extras were put in, that was sent to a friend and we split the postage.


    3 5ml bottles and 18 imps was $24 and included another 21 imps and a bottle of Spooky


    In February:


    7 Deadly sins (7 x 5ml - not 6! Honest!) plus another 6 5mls and 12 imps was $8 (Er, ok, now looking back that seems very cheap!) and goodness knows what else is in there. *excited*


    I'm in the UK, in Milton Keynes, England.


    Good lord, I really have ordered a lot haven't I?! LOL!

  15. I gotta admit i'm just about to ask for my money back.My order was back in january and despite being told it was re-sent 3 weeks ago i still don't have it but the other Dutch people got theres ages ago! :P

    It would be a shame if you decide to do that, but I can understand the frustration.


    Hopefully Beth will see this and be able to let you know what's happening....
