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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by bombus

  1. bombus


    It is all warmth. There is lots of amber and musk in here. It has the comforting smell of warm fur. There is something bright and clean in it too, must be the grasses. I like this one, but I don’t love it.
  2. bombus


    Rose and carnation, my two favorite smells! I love this one so much. I keep smelling it and thinking oooh carnation, then I smell it again and think oooh rose. I do smell the tea a little bit but it is really the other two that are the stars. I need a bottle of this and soon.
  3. bombus

    White Rabbit

    This one sounded so good, but for some reason it goes sour on me. Like the milk was left out too long, so sad.
  4. bombus

    Cheshire Cat

    I love just about anything with grapefruit in it. I think I mostly smell the grapefruit and the musk, and it is a good combination. I am getting slight whiffs of the red currant and chamomile, but none of the lavender. It feels very bright and clean, a good spring scent. I think I might need a bottle of this one.
  5. bombus

    Sri Lanka

    I don’t tend to like the blends with cedar in them, but this one is an exception. The sandalwood and the incense smoke seem to calm the cedar and the patchouli is there, but not over powering. It smells smoky and mysterious to me. I think it smells good on me but it would smell really good on my boyfriend.
  6. bombus


    I so wanted to love this one! But I don’t. I am wearing a favorite green shirt today and decided that it would be the perfect day to try my imp of Absinthe. But as the day goes on I keep getting whiffs of it and wondering why I smell men’s shaving cream and then realize it is me. Nope don’t like this one at all. Oh well, can’t win them all.
  7. bombus


    I don’t think this one is for me, for some reason all I can smell is the patchouli, I get no ginger or orange blossom. This one is going in the sale pile, it is making my nose itch.
  8. bombus


    It smells like the inside of a leather jacket a man has just taken off. It smells warm and comforting, I like it but I don’t think I need a bottle of it.
  9. bombus


    When I first put it on I could smell each of the notes individually now that it has dried down I am left with some gardenia and lots of vanilla. The rose and jasmine are still there they are just sitting quietly in the background. The more I smell it the more I like it, it is a shame that I only have an imp and it has a broken top.
  10. bombus


    The white rose and the gardenia are the notes that come out the strongest to me. It is a very white floral scent. I usually love rose and gardenia, but somehow this one isn’t really working for me. I think it is a little too sweet and innocent for me.
  11. bombus

    Water of Notre Dame

    When I smelled this in the imp I got a fresh green floral scent, with a hint of the aquatic. It completely changed when I put it on, I did not expect the violet to come out so strong. Lucky for me I love violets! There is still a bit of the greenness and the Aquatic but only hints of it. It is very strong and a little bit goes a long way. I can’t decide if I need a whole bottle of this or not.
  12. bombus


    This one is going on my must have list. I love the warm incense smell of it. It feels so warm and sun baked, it is a warm sweet desert in a bottle. Have I mentioned I love this one!
  13. bombus

    Red Lantern

    I was smelling this in the bottle and thinking yum, and then suddenly it struck me that it smells like buttered popcorn. Maybe it is the butteryness of the caramel. Thankfully it changes quite a bit when I put it on, I no longer feel like a concession stand. The amber, coconut, opium and Asian spice comes out and once again I have a balanced scent. There is a definitely a dark sensuality to this one, I am quite in love with this one too.
  14. bombus


    I am in Love! I love the smell of violets but so many of the perfumes I have tried tend to smell like an old lady, this is not your grandmothers perfume. It is so beautiful, it is a perfect sugared violet scent.
  15. bombus


    Their scent of their slick, rubbery hides is bittersweet, ticklish, and skin-creeping: something akin to yuzu, white grapefruit, and kumquat mixed with the snow-dusted flowers of Mount Ngranek. Bittersweet sums this scent up for me. The bitter of the grapefruit and the sweet of the kumquat make a very balanced smell. I only get hints of the flowers in the background. I got this as a frimp and I think I might need a full bottle. It is yummy.
  16. bombus


    2006 version I ordered my imp as soon as I could, had to see what the hype was about. I have had to try this one twice, the first time I wasn’t sold. It has a definitely cola smell to it at first. I keep thinking lemon cola when I put it on. Like so many other bpal scents it does change after the first few minutes and I am left with the ginger and the spices and maybe some of the resins. It isn’t as sweet as when first applied which for me is a big plus. I like the darkness of it that I am thinkg come from the resins. I like it, I just don’t know that I need a whole bottle of it.
  17. bombus

    Blood Moon 2005

    I smell the dragon blood and the cinnamon the strongest with the other notes making guest appearances. It did get a bit powdery on me but that didn’t last. I think it took a good hour for it to mellow and balance out, then I kept sniffing my wrist and appreciating the spicy dark night smell of it. Over all it isn’t my favorite lunacy but I am happy to have it in my collection.
  18. bombus

    Purple Phoenix

    It just smells purple to me. A sophisticated purple but purple none the less. At first I get the lilac and the wisteria the strongest, but like so many bpal I have tried it morphs into a much more balanced scent within a half hour. I am able to smell the fig and grapes and a bit of the cognac. I am quite pleased with the depth of this scent, the only downfall for me is that it doesn’t seem to last very long on me.
  19. bombus

    Fruit Moon

    My first thought was Lychee Nut! Yes I know it isn't a note that is listed, but it reminds me of the sensation of biting into a cold crisp and juicy lycee nut. It is very fruity as it should be, but I can on the dry down smell the lunar bit of it. I am wearing it today on a cold and dark day and fell like I am surrounded by a bit of sunshine (how cheesy is that?)
  20. bombus

    Thirteen (13): October 2006

    This is my first real favorite bpal! The go to sent for me. This is the one I wear when I need a pick me up. There is chocolate and orange but oh so much more. It is complex and sweet with out being too sweet. When I let people smell my wrist they don’t want to give my arm back. Strangers in line at the grocery store stand a bit close and tell me I smell Goooood. I smile more than usual. My only heartbreak is that I would have to fall in love with such a limited edition. I guess I have never been the practical sort.
  21. bombus


    When I put this on my first thought was this is way too much patchouli for this girl. But I have come to realize that one must be patient with bpal, and within a few minutes the patchouli had calmed down and I could smell the rest of the notes. For me the strongest notes are the musk, ginger and of course the patchouli, it is a warm yet dark smell that I am liking more and more as the day goes on. It also must have good throw because I have received two compliments on it so far today.
  22. bombus

    Wolf Moon 2007

    In the bottle I smell the juniper and the pine strongly. It smells like a clean forest in the winter and makes me want to go hiking. Wearing it, the cedar comes to the front and is a bit overpowering for the first half hour or so, I feel a bit like I am wearing and air freshener. As it mellows the sandalwood and the amber come out and it balances everything. The more time goes by the more I think I really like it.