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Everything posted by bombus

  1. bombus

    Singing Moon

    Like fresh herbs pulled from the ground with the dirt still attached, and maybe grown near the ocean. I like it a lot because it is a dirt smelling one that doesn't turn to moldy bread on me.
  2. bombus

    Death and Life Completed

    another great carnation one! The amber and carnation combo is too wonderful for words.
  3. bombus

    Macbeth and the Witches

    herby leather, it could be very masculine but it's not it is just masculine enough. I can see my self wearing it or my boyfriend. There is a darkness to it that is quite intriguing, not a day time scent. just tried it on my boyfriend, ya we need to get a bottle of this one!
  4. bombus

    Schlafende Baigneuse

    It is a very faint scent, with the rose coming out the most. It is a soft rose, everything in this blend is soft and bare. I like it and I will definitely use the imp up but I don't think I will need a bottle.
  5. bombus

    Philosopher in Meditation

    what a wonderful representation of the artwork. I smell the incense and the fire in the air, as well as the sun coming in through the window. It is a really beautiful deep scent. I have an imp now but would love to get a big bottle.
  6. bombus

    #20 Love Oil

    ummm... no. It smells way to medicinal on me, like I pulled a muscle or something, even the dry down and waiting isn't making it any better.
  7. bombus

    Buck Moon

    I have one (thankfully full) l decant of this, how I wish it were more. There is an animalistic feel to this like warm clean fur on a cool evening. I really smell the evening air, I wasn’t expecting that. I wish I didn’t love this as much as I do, or that I was buying bpal when this came out. also I should note that I spent way too much for this (don't ebay while drunk ) but I don't care anymore because I love it soooo much.
  8. bombus


    Oh that's what everyone was talking about. I don't even have words for how good this smells on me. The chocolate is sweet without being too sweet and the snake oil is just beautiful in this. I need a bottle or two right now!
  9. bombus


    It is too masculine for me, though I think it will smell really good on the boy. I am getting much more than a whiff of the greek incense, and just a bit of rose. I think my skin must eat up sandalwood because I can hardly smell it at all once it dries. So the boyfriend gets this imp.
  10. bombus


    the sandalwood is very faint, I am smelling the grasses and the flowers the most. I really liked it when I first put it on because the sandalwood was stronger, it has faded and gone mostly soapy on me. oh well they can't all work on me.
  11. bombus


    nope, not for me. It smells so manly! it reminds me of a man's bathroom right after he took a shower and brushed his teeth. I feel like I can even smell the steam.
  12. bombus


    It is too flowery soapy to me, too innocent and sweet. I love rose but I can pass on this one.
  13. bombus


    There is a sultry aspect to this that I was not expecting, but I am quite happy to have found. The pink pepper is spicy with the sweet of the honeysuckle and passion flower it is so balanced, this is going to the top of my wish list.
  14. bombus


    I am getting the tonka most strongly, which reminds me of smoky vanilla. I like tonka but was hoping that the violet and blackberry leaf would make more of an appearance. I think I will keep the imp but I don’t need a full bottle.
  15. bombus

    Dian's Bud

    It is very green in scent, like the stems of flowers. Okay here it is- its like violet stems in water, or may be like green violets. I think that an imp of this is enough for me.
  16. bombus


    Love it! Its it really fresh clean floral. A bit like a sweet pea, sweet and summery. This is going on my wishlist.
  17. bombus

    Robin Goodfellow

    The first note to hit my nose was the moss and as soon as I put it on I thought of men’s cologne, but then it dried down and everything changed. It’s woodsy but not foresty, if that makes any sense. I am liking it more and more with every smell, which I can’t stop doing. Do I want a full bottle, maybe, I will have to see how fast it takes me to use the imp.
  18. bombus


    It is a very fiery one that sadly is not for me, don't care much for Dragon's blood or the cinnamon and patchouli isn't my favorite. this imp is going in the sale pile.
  19. bombus


    It is a very bright and sunny smell, very clean. I get a bit of dryer sheet smell, but a really nice dryer sheet. I guess I really like the clean ones because this one is going on my wishlist.
  20. bombus

    Annabel Lee

    Love it, I love the smell of sweet peas and I can smell them strongly in this. I am so happy to have found a bottle. I can't stop smelling myself.
  21. bombus


    I feel like I smell black coconut, but I don’t see that listed, maybe it’s the black palm. Unfortunately I am getting a bit of pencil shaving smell from the wooded notes. It smells divine in the imp. I like this one more than it likes me.
  22. bombus


    ... Thick black currant with the darkest, deepest myrrh, a drop of bitter mimosa and the slightest touch of mandrake dust. I am only getting dusty myrrh, it isn’t working for me at all. It makes me sneeze, I feel like I am in a very dusty attic, not good at all. I really wanted to like it!
  23. bombus

    Coral Snake (2006)

    The apple is very strong on me, maybe too strong. I can’t actually smell anything else. It is a nice orchard apple smell, but I wanted a little more from it. ADDED 6/7/08: OMG, this love. When I first got the imp many months ago I wasn’t that impressed but that has all changed. I mostly get the snake oil and apple with touches of orange and lemon, I can tell that the plumeria and gardenia are there but they are in the background. I will need to get a bottle of this before it goes away.
  24. bombus


    I don’t know, it seems like the flowers are fighting the snake oil. I am not loving this one. I will keep my decant for now and try again, but it isn’t going on my wish list.
  25. bombus

    King Cobra (2006)

    I so wanted to love this one, it just didn’t happen. Something in it is turning all chemically on me, its not good at all. Oh well. ADDED 6/7/08: I can smell the frankincense, and maybe the copal and orris, but I don’t know what they smell like so it is hard for me to pick them out. It seems like the snake oil is farther in the background of this snake pit. It feels a bit heavy for me, maybe a night time only scent.