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BPAL Madness!


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About FriedaLove

  • Rank
    a little too imp-ulsive
  • Birthday April 2


  • Location
  • Country
    United States


  • BPAL of the Day
    The Unicorn
  • Favorite Scents
    Love Me, Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, Antique Lace, Morrocco, Embalming Fluid, Black Opal

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Knitting, sewing, crafting, reading, tea, attachment parenting/natural baby topics, Disney World, Harry Potter, Doctor Who


  • Chinese Zodiac Sign
  • Western Zodiac Sign
  1. FriedaLove

    Eat Me

    This started out smelling like vanilla and butter in the imp, yum! Wet on skin: Buttery popcorn? During dry down: The currants come out and make this a little spicy and less foody. I want the cake everyone's talking about! Dry on skin: Vanilla and currant. I suppose this smells a little like cake, but not sweet cake and buttercream icing like I was hoping for. It eventually smooths out to mostly vanilla, which I like, it's just not what I was wanting from this. I put this on after my shower at about 6 p.m. and now at 8:30 a.m. I can still smell it and it reminds me of chocolate milk. This one was a little odd on me but that long lasting vanilla scent helps me like it.
  2. FriedaLove

    Hony Mone

    I recently got a bottle of Hony Mone 2007 from the Lab's Etsy shop. At first I thought I got a bad bottle because it smelled like rubbing alcohol. When I put it on I got some florals but still some rubbing alcohol. It really reminded me of hand sanitizer or one of those old alcohol based pre-packaged wet wipes. As it dried down the alcohol smell dissipated and it turned into light florals, morphed into fruity florals, and then settled on sweet so I'm guessing the honey and tonka. I really like this after the wet wipe smell goes away.
  3. FriedaLove

    Lunar Eclipse: April 2013

    I was a little unsure about this one but I'm so glad I took the chance! It's so pretty! Out of the bottle, it seemed a little sharp but it immediately softened when I put it on my skin. This is very floral and amber during dry down and I had a difficult time picking out the notes, but once dry the tea, blackcurrant, and musk came out. I like this one a lot after that initial super floral phase, which didn't last too long on me. ETA: Now that it's been another hour, this is getting really heady on me and I'm starting to get a headache I'll have to try it again another day to make sure that it really is the perfume giving me the headache.
  4. FriedaLove

    My Happy Day

    This is pretty, I'm just not sure it's "me". Wet on skin: Suped up florals! I must be laying in a field of flowers right about now. During dry down: The fruit notes come out to play but the florals are still there in the background. This is now sweeter than I expected. Dry on skin: Powdery sugared fruit. I'm not so sure how I feel about that. It's not bad, but it doesn't make me squeal with delight either.
  5. FriedaLove


    This one is just a no-go for me, which is sad because I had such high hopes for it. I was thinking it would be a grounded vanilla but it's just too woodsy for me. In the vial: Vanilla! Wet on skin: The wood notes come out to play but the vanilla is keeping them soft. During dry down: I feel like I'm walking through a forest full of trees. Dry on skin: The benzoin came out a tiny bit, but this is pretty much just woodsy on me. It's been two hours and I think I'm just going to scrub it off before I leave the house This would be absolutely beautiful on someone who likes woodsy scents. Edited to add: I went ahead and left it on and I'm glad I did. Now that it's been a few more hours, it has turned into a very nice vanilla/benzoin blend with a hint of woods to keep it from being too sweet and still has a good throw. This is how I wanted it to be to begin with and what I was hoping for when I bought the decant. This is very nice now but I don't think I'll buy a bottle because the full on woodsy part lasts a few hours on me and I just don't like it at that point.
  6. FriedaLove

    Comforting, milky, farmhouse kind of smells?

    I have no suggestions but I'm watching this thread as I'm curious too now
  7. FriedaLove


    This one is definitely a morpher on me! The first hour it was on the smell was different every time I sniffed my wrist. In the vial: marshmallows galore! Wet on skin: Kind of like roasted marshmallows, maybe almost popcorn, which is strange since that wasn't listed. During dry down: This almost immediately starts turning into a sweet rose and strawberry scent with both competing to take the lead. At times this absolutely screamed strawberry and at other times all I could detect was a sweet rose. Dry on skin: This is still very much a sweet, rosy, strawberry after the first hour. It has mellowed down from the bright, neon, hot pink that it was into more of a deep rosy pink. After 6 hours this still has a very good throw and is easy to smell. It's now mostly a sweet powder but I can get a bit of strawberry from it if I really search for it. This is a very pretty scent. It's girlish and sweet yet somehow a little sophisticated. I really like it, but that screaming strawberry in the middle and the powdery part at the end make me second-guess a bottle. I'll have to try it again another day and see how I feel then.
  8. FriedaLove


    A Tremulous Song: Daddy I picked up a decant of this from a decant circle because I loved the description and thought the notes sounded interesting. In the vial: Smoky candy. Weird. I don't have high hopes for this. Wet on skin: Smoky candy still, just stronger. The smoky note must be the black tea. During dry down: The black tea starts to trail off and the violets come forward. This is kind of like candied violets. It smells nice but it's a little too "candy-ish" for me, and that's coming from a foodie! Dry on skin: Mainly licorice heavily coating the violets with the black tea whispering from behind every now and then. All in all, I like it, but I might have to try it again to see if it's something I'd really want to wear. I'm just not a fan of walking around smelling like licorice. I think this would be very lovely on the right person and it's still a good blend.
  9. FriedaLove

    Happy Baby in a Long Dress

    When I first put this on it was like Must.Buy.All.The.Bottles. but now I'm undecided if I really need a bottle. This does seem like the perfect summer scent and my DH likes it so maybe I do need a bottle I got a decant of this from TrailerTrashPrincess in a decant circle. What I wanted from this before testing was for it to be mostly lavender with a bit of heavily sugared lemons. What I got when testing was lightly sugared lemons with a hint of lavender. In the vial: Sugared lemon candies! In your face! Wet on skin: Still sugared lemons but less sharp. I'm getting a bit of a chemical smell, but I've noticed that I tend to get that from BPAL's lemon notes. Hopefully it'll burn off. During dry down: The lavender steps in to make an appearance. This is rounding out to be very lovely. Dry on skin: I can detect both the lavender and the lemon, but the lightly sugared lemon is absolutely taking center stage whereas the lavender is kind of peeking from behind the curtain. The chemical smell is gone now, thank goodness. I think I'd love this more if the lavender was a little more prevalent. I absolutely loved this during dry down so I'm a little disappointed how the lemon just basically took over. It's not a sharp lemon though so I'm guessing the sugar and lavender mellow it out. I'll need to try this one again to make sure I love it before committing to a bottle (although I'll likely end up getting one). Hopefully if I give it a week or two the lavender will step up and beat the lemon into submission. I like it a lot, I just don't quite love it. ETA: After a few hours this reminds me of Embalming Fluid.
  10. FriedaLove

    Mouse Circus

    I'm undecided on this one as I'm very sad that I didn't immediately love it. I read that this was similar to Midway and I wanted Midway because a few people in the review said it reminded them of Disney World In the vial: For some reason, this smells just like caramel apples, even though that isn't listed as a note Wet on skin: Buttery popcorn, almost burnt Dry down: This turns into vanilla and then morphs into plastic I asked DH to smell it and he said it reminds him of a doctor's office. Not what I was going for I was hoping for the cotton candy to come out at this point. Dry on skin: This bounces between vanilla and plastic (staying mostly at plastic) but eventually settles into a smooth vanilla. Unfortunately, this only occurs when it's to the point that I have to press my nose against my wrist to smell anything. This didn't last very long on me. After 3 hours I couldn't smell a thing. I reapplied the same day to reevaluate and got the same scent notes but it lasted a little longer, I guess because I didn't wash it off before reapplying. All in all, I'm a little disappointed. I really want to love this because I want something to ease my "homesickness" for Disney World, but I'm just not loving it because of that very long plastic note. I'll try it again another day and hopefully it'll be better.
  11. FriedaLove


    Wet on skin: Whoa, Nelly-Mint! The Pennyroyal is all that I smell because this is very much like spearmint when first applied. It soon starts to calm down, back away, and submit to the lavender though it still makes its presence well known. I didn't hardly get any lavender at all from this, it's more of a clean scent than anything on me. After two hours I smelled absolutely nothing. I reapplied to reassess and got the same results. A little disappointing, I really wanted to love this one as I love lavender.
  12. FriedaLove

    Follow Me Boy

    This was just "meh" on me. Pretty much smelled like your typical perfume. Not bad but not a winner. I gave it 2 out of 5 stars.
  13. FriedaLove


    No. Just no. This started off smelling like dirt on me. It began to morph to something like dirty baby powder and then settled into straight powder. This was just not good on me at all. ETA: Trying to place the notes but I just can't. Maybe vetiver and amber being the highlights on me to account for the woodsy dirt and baby powder? I don't know...
  14. FriedaLove

    Schrodinger's Cat

    Wet on skin this is very earthy. I asked my husband to smell it and he said, "Oh, the cat is dead." During dry down this turns to a sharp fruit and then mellows down to a bright floral once dry. Eventually it starts to fade into the chocolate but it isn't really food-y, just sweet. I liked this after the initial earthy smell went away but the husband only liked the fruity phase and dislikes the floral so I guess I won't be getting any more of this. Edited to correct spelling.
  15. FriedaLove


    This is all amber on me. It starts off as a dark, smoky kind of powder (if that makes any sense). Once dry, this is soft amber. Pretty, but I probably won't reach for it often.