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Everything posted by for_the_nonce

  1. for_the_nonce

    Herr Drosselmeyer

    I sooooo wanted to love this. However, it smelled way too sweet on me, almost like cake frosting. Occasionally I would get a whiff of lovely pipe smoke, but it was fleeting. The leather and woods never appeared. I don't know *what* on earth I'm amping that made this so sweet, but I guess Herr will have to go to the swap pile.
  2. for_the_nonce

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    DCCCXLVIII Oh, who am I kidding? I can't even describe scents when the list of notes is sitting in front of me. This smells like some sort of spice cookie; foody, but not super-sweet. There's a slightly fruity scent to it, as well. It almost smells like... orange rinds? So, there you go, spice-orange-cookie. It's very nice and comforting; I wish I had more than a half-imp (which was a lovely, lovely frimp from a swap!).
  3. for_the_nonce

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    Wow, that was fast- thanks for all the replies!!! And if Mock Turtle's Lesson is apple, mint, and lime, mmmmmmm, I'm totally there. That sounds like this wonderful Grassroots hair conditioner I have.
  4. for_the_nonce

    Buck Moon

    Sweet and a little bit spicy; reminds me alot of Sudha Segara, but more earthy. I don't really get any musk with this. I don't know how to desribe this; it isn't what I expected at all, but its absolutely beautiful. Holy grail beautiful, even. Why, oh why, must Buck Moon be so hard to find? ETA: I put this on 8 hours ago and I can still smell it... without my wrist plastered to my nose! This is absolutely my favorite bpal.
  5. for_the_nonce

    Apples?? Finding the right apple scent

    *bump* I didn't realize how much I loved the scent of apples till I bought this amazing apple-scented candle Anyway, I need appley-bpal-goodness!
  6. for_the_nonce

    Blood Countess

    Simply put: dark, smokey plum. Fruity, but not in an overly sweet, cloying way. I don't get any of the florals with this, and only a hint of berries. It also stays very close to the skin. I can't smell this unless I have my wrist to me nose, but this seems like it should be a very intimate scent, so that's okay! Most bpal fruits don't work for me, but this one is lovely, so fear not, all ye fellow fruit-haters!
  7. for_the_nonce

    Loup Garou

    When wet, this is entirely eucalyptes on me, but not in an unpleasant, medicinal way. I actually rather like it. Dry, the eucalyptes calms down *alot.* Eucalyptes is still the top note, but underneath there's are piney and woody notes, as well as something slightly sweet. It's a really *subtle* blend and warm, if that makes sense. This reminds me of sun-warmed pine needles on the forest floor. This one is fading fast, but its really, really nice. This has grown on me so quickly that, in the course of writing this review, I've decided its a new favorite! Also, very gender neutral; def. not too masculine. ETA: I strongly get the impression of the sun filtering down through the trees with this one, even though its a werewolf blend. Go figure...
  8. for_the_nonce

    Sudha Segara

    Creamy, milky ginger. This is absolutely beautiful! It smells edible, but not in a super-sweet kind of way. It actually reminds me a bit of the rice pudding type desserts you get at Thai restaurants.. mmmm! This stays close to the skin and lasts for a moderate amount of time. It's one of those 'nose against the wrist' kinda scents that needs to be slathered on... heavily. But its soooooo lovely that I have no problem with that.
  9. for_the_nonce


    This was pure nutmeg on me. It might as well have been a single-note nutmeg, because I got *nothing* else. Apparently, I amp nutmeg. Good to know, and now I can send Baghdad to a happier hope.
  10. for_the_nonce

    Honeysuckle blends

    Wolf's Heart is mostly honeysuckle on me.
  11. for_the_nonce

    Fresh, wet, and/or green florals

    Isles of Demons & Danube. Both very wet, floral, and green. And Danube has *incredible* staying power.
  12. for_the_nonce


    I don't have much to add to the other reviews; all I can say is Danube is certainly a floral aquatic. This is what I imagined Bayou would smell like- flowers that have been soaking in a river on a hot, humid day. I really like this one and it has *great* staying power. I put a little of it on almost 12 hours ago and I can still smell it, even though I have a cold!
  13. for_the_nonce

    White Moon

    This is, basically, a warm version of Stardust to me. Very floral and perfume-y, but not too heady. Its a beautiful scent, but it doesn't have much throw or staying power. I'm undecided on this, but I think it may be worth slathering on.
  14. for_the_nonce


    wow, after reading the reviews for this, i must say i have some odd skin chemistry. i expected something much akin to olokun, but i'm not getting *any* salty-ness from this one. instead, its some weirdly sweet, cloying, something that i can't identify. this one's just too weird for me. i don't like it at all.
  15. for_the_nonce

    Baba Yaga

    I *really* wanted to love this; in fact, I did love this as soon as I found out it existed. However, Baba Yaga does not love me. On my skin, this smells like a woman wearing really heady, expensive perfume collecting eggs from a chicken-coop. I swear it. That said, its not entirely unpleasant, but I really don't think I want to walk around smelling, even vaguely, of a chicken-coop. I think I'm going to have to give this one another chance, because I love the concept so much, but I don't really have high hopes for the second round.
  16. for_the_nonce

    Snow Bunny

    This may be a strange comparison, but I will make it anyway: Snow Bunny smells just like a lighter version of the holiday Febreeze air freshner called 'Evergreen and Snow.' This is ironic because, ever since I bought the Febreeze, I've been wishing I had a perfume that smelled like it. And lo and behold, Snow Bunny arrived on my doorstep via swap. My only gripe is that I wish the pine were a *bit* stronger and that it had a better throw. However, its still going to be a favorite for winter. And probably year-round! ETA: second time wearing this, and I'm getting way more berries than before and way less pine. Still lovely, but very different. Hmm..
  17. for_the_nonce

    Black Moon

    Wet: this is all cucumber and pepper, with something a tiny bit sweet- but not pear or florals, just sweetness. So far, its really *bad* on me. Drying: It's growing on me. Still predominantly cucumber, but the pepper has backed off. And I think I can smell the lotus now. Dry: The cucumber becomes more subtle and the florals start to come out; now its a spicy floral with just enough cucumber to make it smell *clean* Overall: this is very subtle and clean in a really unique way. It doesn't have much throw and I don't think it's going to last very long on my skin, but we'll see. It's growing on me, but I'm going to have to test it out a few more times before I can decide if I really like it or not.
  18. for_the_nonce


    in the bottle: mostly orange creamsicle, but with something spicy underneath; not what i expected but not entirely bad. wearing: this almost dissapears once it hits my skin. what little scent is left is all creamy orange. it dries down to a very powdery orange scent- it actually kinda reminds me of what happens if you let that double bubble gum sit out for a really long time (it it were orange gum, anyway..) overall: i didn't get any of the pepper, wearing this. unfortunately, too sweet/powdery and not for me. ETA: i just tested Akuma and it went horribly wrong on me, in much the same way as Kunstkammer. I have come to the conclusion that blood oranges hate me, which makes me a very sad girl..
  19. for_the_nonce


    wet: i got bubblegum and apples. dry: still bubblegum and apples. after a pretty long time, it just smells powdery and sweet. i didn't get any lemon, like everyone else. however, i love the way this smells, especially while wet. very juicy, sweet, and carefree. i can't really attest to the actual speaking bit, but i feel like i expressed myself pretty well on the essay test i took while wearing this heck, even if it did nothing for my chakra, i'm still going to wear it for the scent.
  20. for_the_nonce

    Leanan Sidhe

    this was much.. sharper than i thought it would be, and very perfume-y. it gets softer after a long, long time. however, i mixed a bit of it into some uncented lotion and now it smells wonderful. much softer, still floral but with a hint of hay, almost.